
  • Review Little Deviants (PlayStation Vita)

    Control freak

    Whenever a new game system is released, you can pretty much guarantee that there will be a game built exclusively to show off the various capabilities of said system. In the case of PlayStation Vita, that title would be Little Deviants. Taking a collection of minigames and building them around the unique control interfaces of Vita,...


  • Review MotorStorm: Arctic Edge (PlayStation Portable)

    Motorstorm is one of Sony's "new-breed" franchises, emerging as a Playstation 3 launch title

    Evolution Studios' "not-quite-sim-not-quite-arcade-racer" makes its first foray onto other platforms with Motorstorm: Arctic Edge; an off-shoot of the lavish environments from PS3 sequel Pacific Rift. Arctic Edge, as the title suggests, is set atop...