Rockstar's going all out with Max Payne 3's multiplayer component.

Now IGN's got the scoop, and it sounds great.

The competitive arm of the game will revolve around the "Gang War" mode, an objective driven team game that sees goals change dynamically based on the events of the previous round. So far, so Killzone. Where the component gets really interesting is the way it all ties together. For example — a player with the highest kills in a deathmatch round will carry the bounty in a wanted round. Pretty cool.

As with most other multiplayer games, players will be able to customise their loadout using "Bursts" — perks which evolve the more you use them. While not a particularly original inclusion on its own, the actual perks themselves are. Paranoia for example, forces opponents to see team-mates as their enemies, dangerously enabling friendly fire. Rockstar's also found a way to implement Max Payne's famous bullet-time feature, which only slows down those in the initiating player's sights. We're still not sure exactly how such a mechanic is going to work, but if anyone can make it happen it's Rockstar.
