If you didn't know, the wonderfully weird rogue-like from French developer Motion Twin, Dead Cells, is getting a 10-episode animated series. We've got a look at it in action, and it's pretty out-there stuff from Paris-based animation studio Bobbypills, whose work you may recall from the Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon spinoff, Captain Laserhawk.

The series is styled as Dead Cells: Immortalis in France and is slated to launch there on June 19th. An English version and worldwide release will follow later in the year. The episodes are only 7 minutes long each, so it's not like it's a huge ask, and from what we've seen so far, it looks like the team has managed to capture the tone and action of the game series. In place of news of another game, Immortalis should do in a pinch.

Motion Twin has officially moved on from Dead Cells after supporting the game for a full five years with official updates and DLC offerings, and we'll be interested to see what the quirky studio gets up to next; according to the rumour mill, it could even be a Prince of Persia rogue-like.

Are you a fan of Dead Cells? What do you think of Immortalis? Will you be checking it out? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source youtube.com, via eurogamer.net]