PS4 PlayStation 4 Sony Japan 1

While media attention has been rightly focused on the Nintendo Switch in Japan since its release, the PlayStation 4 has been quietly trucking away in its home nation. DualShockers did some neat number crunching using the latest Media Create report, and has concluded that the system sold 2,083,974 units during its fourth year in the Land of the Rising Sun – a record for the system.

You may recall that the PlayStation 4 launched late (22nd February, 2014) in Japan, and DualShockers is counting from that date to determine the device’s annual sales. According to the site, it did 1,143,542 units in its first year, then 1,364,681 units in its second year. In its third year it tallied 1,893,219 units, so the figures have been growing steadily per annum.

It’ll be interesting to see whether continued momentum of Monster Hunter: World and titles like Kingdom Hearts III can push the platform even higher, but we have to imagine that it’s probably peaked at this point. However, it’s interesting that, in the face of intense competition from Nintendo, the PS4 actually grew in the Land of the Rising Sun over the past 12 months.

The console’s now sold 6.5 million units in the region, which is a respectable number, though it’s clear that the nation’s true love lies with handhelds these days. Sony won’t be too worried, however: the PS4 is on track to surpass 100 million units globally, which would make it only the fourth home console to do so. 
