We'll Play As Many Eye Watering PSN Shooters As You Care To Throw At Us.

Not only is Steve super smart, he's also a little bit nuts — crafting upcoming PSN twin-stick shooter, Beat Hazard Ultra, by himself.

The glossy shooter transforms your music collection into an exciting shooter with eye-watering visuals.

"Everything you see in the game is dictated by the music in some way, from the firepower of your ship to the number and patterns of enemies coming at you. Each track produces a unique (but, most importantly, repeatable) level," explained Steve on the PlayStation Blog.

In addition to its standard music mode, Beat Hazard Ultra features a variety of game-types, including Boss Rush and Survival mode, as well as a variety of in-game challenges to complete and 14 PSN trophies. There's even online multiplayer (co-op or versus) for you to get your teeth into.

The game's due out in September. If you're curious about how Steve Hunt managed to build the game by himself, hit through to the PlayStation Blog for his personal story. If you're less interested in Steve and more about the game, hit the jump for the crazy trailer.

Warning: it might hurt your eyes.