
Also Known As
Number of Players
1 (Single Player)
Release Date

PlayStation 3

  • US 4th Jun 2013
  • EU 7th Jun 2013
Also Available On
Official Site


  • Review Remember Me (PlayStation 3)

    Who are you again?

    A game that has ironically slipped under the radar for many, Remember Me is something of a risk for Capcom, a brand new IP that borrows gameplay elements from numerous popular titles, and weaves them together within a futuristic world that’s perhaps not too far from our own reality. It’s a linear title that does things mostly...

Screenshots 56

Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot
Remember Me Screenshot

Remember Me News

  • Store Update 4th June 2013 (North America)

    Don't forget

    Capcom’s likeable action adventure Remember Me may be the biggest new addition to this week’s North American PlayStation Store update – but it’s by no means the only noteworthy arrival. Other debuts include Limbo on the PlayStation Vita, alongside a couple of free applications for the portable platform. Shall we get down to...

  • News New Remember Me Trailer Aims to Jog Your Memory

    Erasing the past

    It may not be sitting at the front of your conscious like Grand Theft Auto V and The Last of Us, but DONTNOD’s upcoming Remember Me genuinely deserves more attention. The impending third-person adventure – which is due out early next month – sees you manipulating memories for your own personal gain, as is demonstrated in the...

  • News Remember Me Gift Wraps a Late Christmas Present

    The one that you've been waiting for

    As promised, Parisian developer DONTNOD Entertainment has released a brand new trailer for its upcoming PlayStation 3 action game, Remember Me. The footage focuses on Lara Croft sound-alike Nilin, as she attempts to conquer a goliath bald headed competitor known as Kid Xmas. Not a very menacing nickname, is it?...

  • Preview Committing the Combat of Remember Me to Memory

    Pressen matters

    Earlier this year, we were lucky enough to receive a behind the scenes presentation from DONTNOD Entertainment, where co-lead designer Philippe Moreau helped demonstrate the brawling and melee mechanics in Remember Me, its Capcom published third-person action-adventure. It was clear that Nilin, the acrobatic female protagonist, was...

  • News Submit Your Most Cherished Memories to Remember Me

    Past and present

    If you want the world to know about that time you won your city’s local hot dog eating contest, Capcom is giving you the unique opportunity to share your achievement. It’s launched a competition for upcoming PlayStation 3 adventure Remember Me that will see your most cherished memories incorporated into the game. All you need to...

  • News New Remember Me Trailer Jogs Your Memory

    Sensory overload

    Capcom and DONTNOD’s cyber-punk action adventure Remember Me sure is shaping up. This brand new developer walkthrough focuses on the game’s Combo Lab feature, which allows players to build and practice new fighting techniques against enemy AI opponents. Combos can be constructed using Pressens, which each have different...

  • News DONTNOD Details Sony's History with Remember Me

    Drifting away

    French upstart DONTNOD Entertainment and Capcom have only recently joined forces on Remember Me. The two met up last year following a fall out with Sony. As we’d rumoured at the time, the cyberpunk title was going to be a PlayStation 3 exclusive. But that, of course, fell through. "The Sony deal was signed February 2010 and ended a...

  • News Capcom Reveals Remember Me for PS3

    Never forget

    This time last year there was rampant speculation that Sony was about to announce a brand new exclusive title from DONTNOD Entertainment. That game turned out to be a multiplatform project without a publisher called Adrift. Despite the silence of the French upstart over the past 12 months, Adrift has re-emerged this morning under the...


  • Preview Committing the Combat of Remember Me to Memory

    Pressen matters

    Earlier this year, we were lucky enough to receive a behind the scenes presentation from DONTNOD Entertainment, where co-lead designer Philippe Moreau helped demonstrate the brawling and melee mechanics in Remember Me, its Capcom published third-person action-adventure. It was clear that Nilin, the acrobatic female protagonist, was...

About The Game

Neo-Paris, 2084.

Take on the role of Nilin, a former elite memory hunter with the ability to break into people’s minds and steal or even alter their memories. Arrested, and with her memory wiped clean Nilin must now set out on a mission to rediscover her identity.