Quizball Goal Mixes Arcade Football Action With Trivia.

The upcoming PlayStation Network quiz game combines traditional arcade footy action with good old fashioned quizzing. The premise is simple, each time you try to complete an action on the pitch — such as pass, shoot or dribble — you'll need to use your sporting brain in order to answer a quick fire question. Succeed and your players will complete the actions as intended, but fail and you'll be on the back-foot quicker that you can say, "damn, Messi's got the ball."

The game's promising two single-player modes alongside local and online multiplayer. There'll also be unlockable items and online leaderboards. Developer PAN Vision is being a little less upfront about question numbers, which we imagine will ultimately define a game like this. If the questions quickly start to repeat themselves, the magic is going to be lost. And for a game that prompts you to use your noggin for every action you try to complete, we're going to imagine that you'll burn through the queries included pretty quickly.

Hopefully there's plenty of trivia included though. We'll find out when the game releases over the summer.