Tag: Quantum Theory

  • First Impressions Quantum Theory on PlayStation 3 Demo

    There's a sadness to Quantum Theory

    It's the result of Japanese developers growing need to appeal worldwide. As development costs soar, Japan is no longer a strong enough market for big budget titles. And so, games like Quantum Theory are the result. It's an example of a Japanese developer trying to deliver something that will appeal to Western...

  • News Tecmo: Gamers Will Be Surprised By Quantum Theory

    Tecmo's gaffer Yoshiki Sugiyama has warned against players going into Quantum Theory thinking it's "just another shooter"

    He reckons those adopting such a mentality will be very surprised by the shooter. He told CVG that while the game may share its post-apocalyptic aesthetic with Gears Of War, that's precisely where comparisons end. “While the...

  • News Quantum Theory Due To Hit Consoles This Summer

    Tecmo's Quantum Theory has been marred by some unusual circumstances in honesty

    Initially it was a Playstation 3 exclusive. Now it's multiplatform. Then it was due at the start of 2010. Now it's due in Summer. Yup, that's right, Tecmo have committed to a Summer release date for their Gears Of War-esque third-person shooter. That's all according to...

  • News Quantum Theory Pushed Back Until "Later In 2010"

    Thought that announced March release date for Quantum Theory was suspect? Yup, us too

    We guess it's little surprise then, that the game's been pushed back until later in the year. A rep for Tecmo Koei told VG247 that the game has been delayed for "quality" reasons and that the team were committed to delivering the "very best...

  • News Quantum Theory Hits The UK On March 26th

    Throwing itself into one of the busiest March periods ever in video games, Tecmo Koei's just announced that their Gears-esque third-person shooter, Quantum Theory, will hit the Playstation 3 on March 26th here in the UK

    There's a new trailer through here.

  • News Quantum Theory Absolutely Is Gears Of War On Playstation 3

    If you've been waiting for some meat-head cover-based shooting on your Playstation 3; y'know, something to fill the Gears Of War-void, then it definitely looks like you should invest some interest in Tecmo's Quantum Theory

    The above trailer could easily pass as a debut reveal for Epic's latest Gears title. Maybe Tecmo found their niche?

  • News Quantum Theory Confirmed For Europe Next Spring

    One-time Playstation 3 exclusive Quantum Theory has been announced for European release in Spring

    The announcement is hot on the heels of Tecmo confirming the game will be multi-platform. Nothing really else of interest to say at this point, aside from the fact that the game sports a "shape-shifting battlefield." Yeah.

  • News Quantum Theory No Longer Playstation 3 Exclusive, Heading To XBOX 360

    Furthering the death of the third-part exclusive, Tecmo has confirmed in Tokyo that their Gears Of War-esque shooter, Quantum Theory, is heading to the XBOX 360 too

    The game had somehow found a niche on the Playstation 3, offering the gritty kind-of Gears Of War environments already so common on the XBOX 360. Thus it's interesting to see Tecmo yank...

  • E3 2009 New Quantum Theory Trailer Is Absolutely Phenomenal

    Here's the E3 trailer for Tecmo's upcoming Playstation 3 exclusive Quantum Theory

    We suggest if you're reading instead of watching you stop right now and watch the video. Ok, we're now happy you've stopped reading and are instead being dazzled by the trailer, thus we'll continue to talk to ourselves about how amazing this game looks.

  • E3 2009 Glorious Quantum Theory Screenshots Pop Up

    Quantum Theory may have been delayed for a little while, but when the game is already looking this good, we're almost frightened to imagine how the delay could make the final version look

    Often touted as the Playstation 3's answer to Gears Of War, dare we say this might end up being better? You can catch the full set of screens here.

  • News Quantum Theory Delayed Until 2010 In Japan

    Tecmo's stomping action Playstation 3 exclusive - Quantum Theory - will not make it to Japanese stores until 2010, making a localized Western version not look likely until late next year; or even 2011

    No reasons were stated for the delay. It's sad though, we were keeping a close eye on this game.