Tag: Motorstorm Apocalypse
News American PlayStation Store Updates: 27th December 2011
Games All Zombies Must Die ($9
99) Oddworld: Strangers Wrath HD ($14.99) Tom Clancys Splinter Cell HD ($14.99) Tom Clancys Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory HD ($14.99) Tom Clancys Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow HD ($14.99) Carnival Island ($39.99) MotorStorm Apocalypse ($59.99)</ul>Game Demos Carnival Island Demo Add-on Game Content...
News MotorStorm Boss Feared Apocalypse's Bad Fortune Would Spell The End Of Evolution
MotorStorm: Apocalypse's bad fortune is well documented
Not only did the brilliant post-apocalyptic racer have to contend with a real-world disaster, but it also launched during the worst of the PlayStation Network outage earlier in the year. Such a run of bad luck would have finished off most other developers, and for a while Evolution Studios'...
News European PlayStation Store Updates: 23rd November 2011
Games Call Of Duty4: Modern Warfare (£19
99/29.99) Daytona USA (£6.29/7.99) Medieval Moves (£19.99/29.99) Motorstorm Apocalypse (£19.99/29.99) Move Fitness (£19.99/29.99) Rayman Origins (£47.99/59.99) Tour de France (£23.99/29.99) Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (£7.99/9.99)</ul>Trial & Unlock Learning with the...
News Sony Extends PlayStation Platinum Range In Europe
Sony's announced that four more blockbuster PS3 titles are joining the platform holder's "Platinum" range in Europe
New titles include LittleBigPlanet 2, MotorStorm: Apocalypse, Gran Turismo 5 and Killzone 3. Each of the titles will be available at around £20. If you've yet to pick up any of the listed titles, there's never been a better...
News Resistance 3 Free With PlayStation 3D Display Preorder
Adding to one of numerous ways to get your Resistance 3 fix, Walmart, Amazon, and Gamestop have chosen to toss in a complimentary copy of Insomniac's first-person shooter for all those who preorder Sony's new PlayStation branded 3D display
Alongside a bundled HDMI cable, 3D glasses, and copy of Motorstorm: Apocalypse, the 24" TV comes branded...
News Evolution Studios Reinvents MotorStorm: Apocalypse With Latest Patch
MotorStorm: Apocalypse had one of the most troubled launches we've ever had the misfortune to witness, but you can't fault developer Evolution Studio's commitment to ensuring the game stays populated and fresh
In its latest update, Evolution's touting Sony's favourite buzz-phrase: play, create, share. From Friday, MotorStorm: Apocalypse will allow...
News Resistance 3 To Include Three PS3 Demos On Disc
If you're planning on picking up Resistance 3 in September -- and haven't got around to trying out Killzone 3, MotorStorm Apocalypse and inFamous 2 -- then you're in luck
Demos for all three titles will be included on Resistance 3's Blu-ray, according to information published by the BBFC. Resistance 3 itself received an 18 rating by the...
News MotorStorm: Apocalypse After Party Update Released
Evolution Studios has revealed the first major update for MotorStorm: Apocalypse
Entitled the After Party update, the downloadable patch includes a brand new track called The Rock and a bunch of new single-player special events. Each event "sees you play as a distinguished character from the Festival, offering the grand sum of 120,000 chips if...
News MotorStorm Apocalypse Cancelled In Japan
Talk about bad luck: MotorStorm Apocalypse is a fantastic game that's been kicked while its down time after time again
First the release was delayed worldwide after the Japanese earthquake. Then it released with no marketing right in the middle of the PlayStation Network outage in North America. Now it's been outright cancelled in Japan. The team...
News MotorStorm: Apocalypse Smashes Up North America on May 3rd
We've been playing MotorStorm: Apocalypse for what feels like an eternity now
We got the game days before the disaster in Japan, which caused both the European and North American versions to be delayed. The game is now available in Europe, but Americans still have a few weeks to wait. At least the game now has an official date though, as Sony's...
News European PlayStation Store Updates: 6th April 2011
Special Offers (available until April 13) Faery: Legends of Avalon (was £11
99/14.99 now £7.19/8.99)</ul>Playable Content MAG (£24.99/29.99) Dungeon Hunter: Alliance (£9.99/12.99) Red Faction: Battlegrounds (£6.29/7.99) Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 1 And 2 Bundle (£11.99/14.99) SOCOM: Special Forces...
UK Charts Crysis 2 Sticks To The Top-Spot As EA Conquers The Full Line-Up
We imagine there are plenty of chuffed faces around EA UK this morning -- no less than four of the publisher's games occupy the top ten this week
Crysis 2 is still at the number one spot, with new release Shift 2: Unleashed a few spots behind in fourth. Elsewhere for EA, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 took the sixth spot, while FIFA 11 continues to do...
News Evolution Studios Confirms MotorStorm: Apocalypse Steering Wheel Support
MotorStorm: Apocalypse's top-bod, Matt Southern, has confirmed in a Tweet that Evolution's bonkers off-road racer will be netting steering wheel support in an upcoming patch
Am I allowed to say MotorStorm: Apocalypse is going to have a free update to support Logitech wheels, and is truly amazing? No? Oops, he said. Hint: he was totally allowed...
News MotorStorm: Apocalypse Releases Next Week In Britain
After a brief delay due to the disaster in Japan, Sony's slapped a March 31st release date on MotorStorm: Apocalypse in the UK
That's next Thursday to be specific. The game was originally due out last Friday. We had our review locked and ready to go, but decided to pull it in order to better inform you around the game's release date. Guess you'll be...
News Sony Delays MotorStorm: Apocalypse In North America Too
Despite the US launch not expected until April 12th, Sony has decided to delay the release of MotorStorm: Apocalypse in the region
The game has now been delayed worldwide. Presumably Sony will wait until the situation in Japan calms before giving the title a new date. It'll probably get a worldwide launch later in the Summer.
News Sony Delays MotorStorm: Apocalypse In The UK
Sony's announced that it has temporarily delayed the UK release of MotorStorm: Apocalypse following the events in Japan
The game — which sees players race through a series of natural disasters — was due out this Friday. "Although we have shipped the game into the channel last week, given that we are able to do so, we have chosen to...
News Sony Pulls MotorStorm 3's Japanese Release
As anticipated, Sony has pulled the Japanese release of MotorStorm 3, known as MotorStorm: Apocalypse in the West
The racer, which throws the traditional MotorStorm formula into a hazardous urban environment, was originally due out on March 17th in Japan. It's now been marked with a "TBA" release window. Like SEGA, the publisher cited...
News ... And You Thought Mortal Kombat Was The Only Attraction On The PlayStation Store Today
Mortal Kombat's getting an exclusive demo for PlayStation Plus subscribers on the PlayStation Store today
But that's not the only attraction. Evolution's Matt Southern has taken to the PlayStation Blog to confirm that a MotorStorm: Apocalypse demo will also be going live this afternoon. You'll get to play on the Mainline track against fifteen other...
News MotorStorm Apocalypse Gets Super Stealth Beta Test
Looks like the Apocalypse has already kicked off for some lucky PlayStation beta testers
According to a report on Joystiq, invites are being sent out for a top secret test-run of MotorStorm Apocalypse's multiplayer servers. The beta's set to run for two weeks over four scheduled event nights, and is intended to stress-test the online servers as much...
News Everything But The Kitchen Sink In MotorStorm Apocalypse
Just inject it into our veins, already. It's telling that it takes Evolution Studios six-minutes to explain everything that's part of MotorStorm Apocalypse's Wreckreation mode. Long term MotorStorm fans will know what to expect from Wreckreation — quick race, online and local multiplayer, etc — but will be surprised by the amount of depth...
News Evolution Studios "Squeezing Everything Out Of The PS3" With MotorStorm: Apocalypse
When we first saw alpha-code of MotorStorm: Apocalypse, our jaw was close to the floor
It's amazing how "alpha" for some PlayStation developers is better than "finished" for others. Perhaps it's just indicative of the talent within Sony's first-party. Speaking at a London event this week, Evolution's Matt Southern revealed that...
We've said it once and we'll say it again: MotorStorm: Apocalypse is the best looking example of 3D in video games we've seen to date
It's incredible. To celebrate the game's stupidly good technology, SCEE's released a 3D trailer for the game. Unfortunately, as very few of us actually have access to 3D tech, the 2D trailer embedded is the one we'll...
News MotorStorm: Apocalypse Gets 16th March European Launch Date, US Made To Wait A Little While
We're jumping for joy here in the PushSquare office
MotorStorm: Apocalypse is undeniably one of our most anticipated games of 2011, literally causing our jaws to drop when we experienced it for the first time in 3D. Seeing the game get a March 16th release date in Europe has caused much jubilation and celebration. So much so, we might even crack...
Around this time last year everyone was hyped for the somewhat disappointing Split/Second
The game's cinematic take on arcade racing pulled everyone in and delivered a unique but flawed experience when it launched earlier this year. MotorStorm Apocalypse blows everything about Split/Second away. Last year we were comparing Split/Second to Michael...
We're picturing ourselves at Evolution Studio's offices
Behind us is a big whiteboard with the words, "Race Track Brainstorming Session" emblazoned on it. We know the words are important because they've been underlined not once, not twice, but three times. We're wearing a suit, as are the rabble of ladies and gentleman in our vicinity...
News In This Set Of MotorStorm: Apocalypse Screenshots...
.. a bunch of racers are dropped out of a helicopter onto a collapsing building
Just a normal game of MotorStorm: Apocalypse then? Seriously people, this game needs more hype. We've played it twice now and it's insane. There's more information about MotorStorm's "race where you get dropped from a helicopter onto a skyscraper that is already...
News Evolution Studios: 3D Is No Processor Hog
If there's one game that's certain to convince you 3D technology is the future, MotorStorm: Apocalypse is that game
It looks absolutely breath-taking in the third dimension; almost like developers Evolution Studios have worked some kind of magic on the PlayStation 3. Speaking with Eurogamer, the team's rubbished claims that the added dimension eats...
News MotorStorm Apocalypse Puts On Its Play Create Share Hat
One of the most bizarre things about this generation has been other publishers reluctance to jump on Sony's Play Create Share mantra
Ever since LittleBigPlanet, numerous Sony published titles have played on the game's customisable experience mechanic — the latest of which will be MotorStorm Apocalypse. But the component is still very much...
News MotorStorm: Apocalypse Hitting PlayStation 3 In February
We thought it looked pretty polished when we saw it earlier in the year, but we had no idea that MotorStorm: Apocalypse was hitting the PlayStation 3 as soon as February
Still, that's the date GamerZines are touting via GamesCom information supplement. According to the brief summary, "thousands of new customisable vehicles, parts and...
News MotorStorm: Apocalypse Will Prove 3D's Worth, Claim Sony
We've seen MotorStorm: Apocalypse in 3D and we have to say that it is pretty incredible
The depth adds to your ability to judge corners, but the effect brings so much more to the image. There was one moment during our hands-on where we intuitively ducked to the side as a large piece of debris flew out of the screen. Along with Killzone 3, Apocalypse...
First Impressions MotorStorm: Apocalypse on PlayStation 3
Man, do we feel sorry for Black Rock Studio
With Split/Second they created a cinematic racing title with an interesting hook. Watching the environments crash around you was the game's selling point, in an overall package that didn't feel particularly well tuned. MotorStorm: Apocalypse is based on a similar concept, but is every inch more impressive;...
News Sony Announce PlayStation Beta Rooms Event In Birmingham
Sony's announced a special event called PlayStation Beta Rooms which will take place in Birmingham, England later this month
The event, which is scheduled to take place on the weekend of July 31st across August 1st, will be held at the Custard Factory in central Brum. Classy. Games playable at the event will include Killzone 3, Gran Turismo 5,...
E3 2010 MotorStorm: Apocalypse Trailer Is All About Falling Buildings
MotorStorm games have always been fun
But we honestly couldn't imagine how they could get more fun than Pacific Rift. That game, for us, is the pinnacle of arcade racing. But that's why we're not game designers, and developers Evolution Studios are. The answer, of course, was to include falling buildings. And plenty of falling buildings there are in...
News "The Racing Genre Is Stuck In A Rut," Says MotorStorm: Apocalypse Developer
According to Evolution Studios' Simon Barlow, the racing genre is "stuck in a rut", something he hopes the unique setting of the team's upcoming MotorStorm: Apocalypse will go a way towards correcting
"The racing genre has had a disappointing few years," Barlow told Computer and Video Games. "You can look up any sales figures and...
News MotorStorm: Apocalypse Brings The House Down... Quite Literally!
Sony's just officially announced the next installment in the MotorStorm franchise, this time tagged "Apocalypse"
The USP? This time the world crumbles around you (quite literally). Friends, it's the end of the world as we know it - so what better thing to do than race? The setting this time around, with the not-so generic name of "The...