Tag: Mega Man

  • News Capcom Wants to Make Mega Man Games on an 'Ongoing Basis'

    The Blue Bomber is so back

    Publisher Capcom says the legendary Mega Man represents one of the company's most "highly valued IPs" and is looking into how to make more games in the series in the future. The news came from the company's recent general shareholders meeting, and IGN listened along. In surprisingly optimistic news for Mega Man fans, a...

  • News Generous GBA Compilation Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Launches 14th April

    Chipping away at your free time

    You’re going to need to free up some time if you’re planning to play through all six games – and their variants – in the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection, which now has a confirmed PS4 release date: 14th April, 2023! Pre-orders are available now on the PS Store, with the price set at £49.99/$59.99...

  • News Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Bundles Every Main Release on PS4

    Battle Network 1-6 included

    Well, here's an announcement that we didn't expect: Capcom is releasing a remastered collection of every mainline Mega Man Battle Network title for PS4 in 2023. The suitably named Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection will include all six instalments, from the first Battle Network to Battle Network 6. Technically,...

  • Hands On Mega Man 11 Brings the Blue Bomber Bang Up to Date on PS4

    You rock, man

    Capcom should probably send a thank you letter to Keiji Inafune before the year’s out. While it could be argued that the Japanese publisher has been laying the foundations for a new Mega Man with various re-releases and compilation packs, it doesn’t take a cynic to suggest that Mighty No. 9’s enormous Kickstarter success may have...

  • News Capcom Reveals Mega Man 11 PS4 Collector's Edition

    It rocks, man

    For the die-hard Mega Man fans among us, the Collector's Edition for Mega Man 11 is definitely worth a look. Announced today by Capcom, the snazzy set includes the game, an 80-page art book, and some fancy lithographs, and it all comes packaged in a retro style box. It looks pretty swish, doesn't it? The Collector's Edition is...

  • News Mega Man 11 Gets a Demo on PS4, Available Now

    Defeat Block Man

    Demos are few and far between these days, but the resurgent Capcom has seen fit to release one for its upcoming addition to the classic action franchise, Mega Man 11. What's more, the demo is available to download right now on PS4. In this snippet of Mega Man's latest adventure, you'll be able to tackle Block Man's stage, fighting...

  • News Mega Man 11 Blasts onto PS4 in October

    The rumours were true

    Over the bank holiday weekend, rumours began to circulate that the Blue Bomber's latest outing, Mega Man 11, would hit PS4 on 3rd October 2018. Well, the North American PlayStation Blog has just updated, and it turns out the game releases on 2nd October 2018. Whether it'll hit Europe at

  • Rumour Mega Man 11 Rocks Up on 3rd October

    According to Singapore store

    Mega Man 11 may release on 3rd October, if a listing on the Singapore version of the PlayStation Store is accurate. The game – which was surprise announced earlier in the year – aims to realise what Mighty No. 9 couldn’t, by bringing back classic side-scrolling gameplay with a fresh lick of paint. The blurb...

  • News Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 & 2 Launch on PS4 This Summer


    Capcom's classic Mega Man series celebrates its 30th Anniversary this year, and the publisher has today announced the release date for Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 and 2. Both of the bundles will be available on PS4 on 24th July 2018. Check out the trailer above to see the various games in action. In a similar fashion to the Mega Man Legacy...

  • PSX 2017 Mega Man Joins the Hunt in Monster Hunter: World

    Palic-okay, then

    Remember when Capcom treated Mega Man with such disdain that Keiji Inafune went and raised a fortune for spiritual successor Mighty No. 9, only to let everyone down with the final product? Well, the Japanese publisher’s finally bloody remembered its mascot, announcing an all-new entry in the series – and a Monster Hunter:...

  • News Mega Man 11 Announced Out of Nowhere, Mega Man X Series Confirmed for PS4

    Mega, man

    Wait, what?! Capcom hosted a Mega Man anniversary stream earlier today, and it happened to drop a teensy little news nugget: Mega Man 11 is in production. Don’t believe us? There’s a trailer embedded above and it looks pretty freakin’ good. We daresay this is what Mighty No. 9 should have been. Capcom’s keeping a tight lid on...

  • Review Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 (PS4)

    A bit of new, a bit of bold

    When we reviewed the original Mega Man Legacy Collection, we gave the game a favourable score, mentioning that it was an affordable compilation of classic ports that would fill your time ahead of the then-anticipated Mighty No. 9. A lot has changed since then. It’s no secret that Keiji Inafune’s spiritual successor...

  • News Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 Bombs PS4

    Four Mega Man games included

    After the disappointment of last year's Mighty No. 9, Mega Man fans may be pining for a return to the franchise's roots. Luckily for them, Capcom has announced Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, which will bring four more Mega Man games to PlayStation 4 on 8th August in North America – no European release date has been...

  • News There's Much More Mega Man Coming to PS4

    Mega, man

    Following on from the success of the Mega Man Legacy Collection on the PlayStation 4, the Korean Ratings Board has outed Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 for Sony's new-gen system. According to the description of the title, the compilation will pick up where its predecessor left off, featuring Mega Man 7, Mega Man 8, Mega Man 9, and Mega Man...

  • Review Mega Man Legacy Collection (PS4)

    Six of the best

    Despite Capcom's best efforts to forget that he even exists, Mega Man's popularity with players endures regardless of the lack of fresh outings. Such is the gaming public's adoration of this pint-sized hero that they will gleefully crowdfund spiritual successors (Mighty No. 9, we're looking at you) in lieu of a genuine Blue Bomber...

  • Gamescom 2015 Mega Man Legacy Collection Aims for PS4 from 25th August

    Get ready to dodge pixels

    Mega Man fans, rejoice: not only will you be getting a great collection of the blue bomber's first six games, but it's coming out later this month. The Mega Man Legacy Collection will go digital for $15.00 on 25th August, and a boxed retail release - exclusive to North America for now - will follow soon after in early 2016,...

  • News Become the Blue Bomber with One of These Badass Mega Man Helmets

    "Extremely limited quantities"

    As what we assume is a part of its recent Mega Man push, Capcom is selling a limited amount of replica Blue Bomber helmets – and they're pretty cool. From the item's description on Capcom's online store: "There's been attempts at creating a wearable Mega Man helmet over the years, but it's never been made officially...

  • News The Mega Man Legacy Collection Brings the Blue Bomber to PS4 This Summer

    Pew pew pew

    Hankering for some hardcore retro action on your new-gen console? If so, look no further than the freshly announced Mega Man Legacy Collection, which includes the original six Mega Man titles. The digital-only package doesn't have a set release date yet, but it's expected to blast onto the PlayStation 4 this summer. The collection will...

  • News Mega Man 8 Will Be Coming to the PlayStation Store Next Week

    Only in North America, though

    You know your game has awful voice acting when even your PR guys make mention of it. Yes, the infamous dialogue of Mega Man 8 is making its way to the PlayStation Store on 27th May, along with the rest of the game. There's no word on a price just yet, but if past trends are anything to go by, it'll probably be under...

  • News Mega Man X4 and X5 Coming to PS3 and PS Vita Next Month

    That's mega, man

    Sound the good news klaxon: Mega Man X4 and Mega Man X5, both of which originally released on the PSone, are coming to modern consoles this September. The PlayStation 3 and PS Vita will both be getting the much-loved pair in a move that's sure to delight Capcom fans and masochists the world over. Surprisingly, the release dates,...