Every now and then, a licensed anime title comes along that goes above and beyond your expectations. Not just an ode to the source material, but a finely crafted video game as well. That's SD Gundam Battle Alliance in a nutshell — an almost dangerously addictive action RPG that franchise fans will likely adore. Despite its cutesy, chibi-style appearance, this is one of the best and most faithful Gundam adaptations that PlayStation has seen in a long, long time.
Battle Alliance is a mashup of nearly every Gundam series going. It all takes place within a kind of virtual reality, where Gundam histories are recorded and stored. Playing as a faceless VR pilot, you end up trapped within the database, and together with Juno, your operations officer, and an especially chipper AI nicknamed Sakura, you're tasked with repairing clusters of corrupt data to ensure your freedom. Naturally, this means taking to battlefields across loads of different timelines, and putting thousands of cute mobile suits to the sword.

The story itself is largely forgettable and full of shaky sci-fi terms that don't really mean anything, but it acts as a serviceable vehicle for ferrying you between missions. More than anything, it's the gameplay loop that'll keep you coming back — an excellent mix of bite-sized battles, tense boss fights, and the joys of collecting and upgrading an extensive catalogue of playable mobile suits.
If you're a Gundam enthusiast, there's a genuine thrill in seeing which suits and pilots pop up next. The aforementioned database corruption means that characters from far away realities can collide, leading to some especially cool crossover encounters. Once they've been sent back to their own world, you unlock 'True' missions where you get to re-enact the canon scenario, accurate character dialogue and all. The game even recreates key scenes from the various anime, further solidifying the feeling that this is a real labour of love from developer Artdink.

Moving on, combat is straightforward on a surface level. Each suit has a one-button melee combo, a heavy attack, and three special moves, usually reliant of ranged weaponry that operates on a cooldown. A super attack is also an option once your gauge is maxed, and your defensive techniques consist of blocking and dodging. Again, straightforward stuff, but there's a decent degree of depth to be found in perfectly timed blocks, dodges, and aerial combos. It's all snappy, easy to understand, and fun to utilise.
Taking on standard enemy suits is fairly simple, and perhaps a tad repetitive after you've invested tens of hours into the game, but cleaving an opponent in half with your trusty beam saber is always satisfying. Boss battles, on the other hand, can be much more demanding. The vast majority of missions end with a big fight against a deadly opponent, decked out with a beefy health bar and uninterruptable attacks. These encounters are all about patience; waiting for the right moment to launch a counterattack. Think of it like Monster Hunter, but with funny little robots.

These duels are particularly difficult if you're alone, so you'll be thankful for your AI companions. You can take two allies with you on missions, and although your buddies can be a bit stupid, bosses can only focus on one target at a time. As such, it feels like boss encounters are designed around team-based play, with mechanics like increased back damage being crucial in chipping away at the huge health pools. What's more, you and your AI pals can revive each other, should things go pear-shaped.
Some boss battles, specifically against giant mobile armour enemies, are especially well designed in that they encourage you to properly explore your suit's capabilities. Perfect blocks and dodges can become a necessity when the going gets tough, and mastering a tricky fight feels like a reward in itself.
So combat's generally great fun and unlocking all kinds of mobile suits is a blast, but it should be stressed that there is a grind here. Individual missions only tend to last between five and ten minutes, but you'll find yourself replaying them in order to both unlock and level up your shiny new suits. The excitement of finally getting your hands on a cool Gundam is often tempered by the realisation that yet more grinding will be required, if only to bring it up to speed with your current suit of choice.

Co-op can certainly help alleviate any tedium, though. You can create your own online lobby or jump into an open one through the main menu, and any progress that you make carries back into your single-player campaign — including the unlocking of later missions. As you can imagine, co-op play reveals new strategies, and if you're teaming up with a couple of pilots who know what they're doing, it's easily the most efficient way to get things done.
But if you're running into trouble and you don't want to hop online, you can always make use of the game's easy mode, which makes missions much less demanding. The only downside is that you won't find as many parts — equippable stat-boosting items — during your excursions. In any case, a great place to start if you want to ease yourself into the experience.
We're making this same point again, but SD Gundam Battle Alliance really is a feast for franchise aficionados. Graphically, the game isn't at all impressive, but the suits, in all of their chibi glory, have been perfectly modelled. Likewise, the property's many trademark sound effects are here, and the soundtrack is stuffed with music from the shows alongside banging electronic remixes. For wannabe Newtypes, it's nothing short of a joy.
SD Gundam Battle Alliance is one of the best Gundam games in what feels like an age. A highly addictive gameplay loop carries the experience, consisting of bite-sized missions, snappy combat, and the thrill of discovering and unlocking new mobile suits. The grind can feel a bit aggressive at times, and the story's vapid, but there's a clear love for all things Gundam here.
Comments 18
Fantastic! Nice review, thank you.
Ive been waiting for this and was hoping it would hit the mark.
Ive always had a soft spot for gundam, so im always happy when a game does the license justice.
If anyone's got any questions about the game or the review, feel free to @ me and I'll try to answer them.
Obviously I'm a big Gundam fan but this game genuinely surprised me. I went in expecting a fairly by-the-book, somewhat janky anime game, but I ended up having a blast.
@ShogunRok cool review! I’ve never had any experience with the Gundam series (though obviously seen images of it here and there over the years) but your review has piqued my interest. What other well-known game would be a close approximation of the SD Gundam Battle Alliance combat?
@ShogunRok Co-op is online only I suppose?
Chibi always makes me think "lower price" so $60 and $85 has me thinking this may be on sale soon.
There is a demo in the US on both PS4 and PS5 if anyone wants to give it a go.
@colonelkilgore Hmmmm, I'd say it's a little bit like a Dynasty Warriors-style game, but it's more about one-on-one combat than dealing with massive crowds. But it's a similar kind of rhythm with the combos and special attacks.
Honestly, like the review says, I get Monster Hunter vibes from the boss battles sometimes. This is obviously much more simplistic in its controls and execution, but it's that same sort of back and forth, having to be defensive and only attacking when the time's right.
It's actually hard to think of a direct comparison, but hopefully these examples help!
@rjejr Yeah, online only, sadly. Would have suited split-screen co-op, now that I think about it.
@ShogunRok cheers dude… the fact that there aren’t any real direct comparisons actually makes me even more interested tbh.
@colonelkilgore Definitely worth checking out some gameplay on YouTube if you get the chance, should help give you a better idea of what it's going for.
@ShogunRok yeah, I’ll be checking out some YouTube reviews once I log off for sure 👍
@ShogunRok From what I've played of the demo it actually reminds me of gundam breaker 3 on the vita. But still good review just waiting on my physical arriving now.😁
@HollowSpectre That's true, it basically is Gundam Breaker now that you mention it. I still can't really think of anything outside of Gundam, though, which is rare for action games!
@ShogunRok Yeah that and dynasty warriors gundam like you said! Gundam games are rare enough but they definitely have a uniqueness to them when they do!
I've never watched Gundam, but man I love the games. I feel I might have to pass on this one though, looks more catered towards fans of the franchise.
None of the Gundam games I've ever tried ever hit the right note for me. I want a bit more freedom and to actually feel like I'm piloting a Gundam when in the suit. A Gundam action RPG that has compelling game play and story both inside and out of the mobile suit. I need something epic. Maybe one day but i'm not holding out hope.
@ShogunRok Great review thanks, I will be getting this but where do I get it in the UK? It is not listed on Amazon or Game, is it digital only?
@Mostik I believe it's digital only here in the West.
@ShogunRok That's a shame, thanks for the response 👍
@ShogunRok Figured. Thanks anyway, saves me $60.
And this really doesn't look like a $60 game to me. Splatoon 3 may be just more of Splatoon 2 but at least it doesn't have a $85 version like this game does. Well not yet anyway.
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