Swapping swords and spells for mechs and missiles probably wasn't the first thing a FromSoftware accountant suggested following the absurd success of Elden Ring, but then the Japanese developer doesn't do things by the books. Having sold more than 20 million copies of the open world masterpiece, the studio has returned to a series it made primarily before Demon's Souls put its name on the map: Armored Core. A continuation rather than a reboot, an army of new fans is sure to make Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon the most popular entry in the mech franchise to date. What they'll need to accept, though, is this isn't the sort of FromSoftware experience they're used to — it's far from Elden Ring with robots.

Gone are the vast, labyrinthine environments of Anor Londo or Yharnam, replaced by short, linear missions hardly worth exploring beyond the main objective. Gone are bonfires and a persistent online world, replaced by traditional checkpoints and a pause screen. This is FromSoftware returning to its roots; an Armored Core title of old.
It's a game about getting the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible, and then getting the hell out — there's little time for secrets, additional lore, or side quests. With a campaign roughly 25 hours in length, it gives the experience a sort of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain feel: you'll select a mission from a menu, complete your tasks, and then return to home base all in the space of five to 10 minutes. The Armored Core series has always been this way, but given the developer's reputation has reached dizzying heights since the PS3's Armored Core V, an end-of-mission results screen so soon after deployment may come as a frustrating surprise to some. Still, what's in those levels will scratch some of the FromSoftware itch.
Objectives generally revolve around destroying enemy mechs, defending a point, and working your way through a mission to take down a boss. On the whole, the fight to those final encounters is much easier than a Dark Souls, but masochists can source a good degree of difficulty from the boss battles. With some unique, extravagant designs to boot, these are the sort of encounters that'll push your skills, loadout, and abilities to the limit — the perfect dopamine hit for devotees when you succeed.

If you don't, though, then it's back to the Garage for a rethink. The other side to Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon is customising and upgrading your mech, which is done by fitting new weapons and parts to it. Four firearms can be slotted onto your arms and back, and then you can pick new pieces of armour for your head, arms, core, and legs. There are also internal parts to choose from and permanent OS upgrades that give your mech the edge over the enemy. New gear is unlocked for purchase at a fairly consistent rate, and it's this feature in tandem with the brief missions that gives the title its core gameplay loop.
You'll be routinely loading in and out of levels to find the right build, experimenting with different weapon set-ups and finding the right set of armour pieces to satisfy your needs. With so many cosmetic options to make your mech your own on top, this is a really rewarding aspect of the experience. After struggling with a boss encounter for a few too many rounds, it's extremely fulfilling to return with a better build and make mincemeat of your nemesis.
This is where the short missions actually become a boon as you can quickly test whether a new weapon is right for you or not. There are lots of different types — assault rifles, shotguns, missile launchers, swords, laser rifles, and stun needles just to name a few — so having to commit to finishing a longer level would probably deter you from testing other options too much. As such, the game provides reason to try all it has to offer even if your overall stats are affected negatively. Since you can switch weapons and parts in and out on the pause screen, the only investment on your end is a couple of seconds for another chance at victory.

What makes this even more satisfying is the game's commitment to making the traditionally trepid duty of operating a mech a breeze. It's easy to learn and master the controls alongside the automatic aiming mechanics, handing you more time to enjoy the combat. No matter what's attached to your arms and back, there's a pleasing feeling to landing your shots and staggering an enemy mech, giving you the chance to close in with shotgun blasts or melee swipes. A boost mechanic and responsive dodges on top allow you to be nimble as well as devastating at close range.
You're able to work up a gratifying sweat, charging from one mech to the other and downing them in seconds while completing objectives. But then, all of a sudden, the mission's over. When you've figured out your optimal setup — which is doable roughly halfway through the game — the game's short levels become just as much of a hindrance as the aforementioned opportunity to trial other guns. Just as you get back into the swing of things, the mission concludes and you have to work that momentum up again in a different place with other tasks to complete. You're hardly ever given the chance to embed yourself in a particular location, to the point where it can all feel a little mindless. You try and finish the mission as quickly as possible because you know there's nothing else there worth your time. It has its perks, but the mission structure has some undeniably frustrating elements that only hold you back when you know what you're doing.

That said, even if each level did pack in a few extra objectives to lengthen their playtime, it's not like the environments would provide any eye candy. While the game's visuals are perfectly acceptable, the locations each chapter takes you to are exceedingly boring. From factories to grey, ruined cities, the graphical splendour that made some of the places FromSoftware has crafted over the past decade so memorable isn't on show here. This disappointment only further propels you to make for the objective and move on to the next mission.
Away from the campaign, Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon also packs in some training missions and arena battles. These provide you with more sources of cash and new parts for your mech. The title also has an online PvP multiplayer mode, but it wasn't available for testing during the review process.
One thing that won't need examining post-launch, though, is the game's frame rate and overall performance. Unlike Elden Ring, Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon runs incredibly smoothly at launch, with no signs of bugs or glitches whatsoever. We didn’t encounter a single technical issue during our playthrough, and only the slightest frame rate drops could be noticed right after a load into an action-heavy scene. Otherwise, on the PS5's Performance Mode, the title runs flawlessly at 60fps. There's also a Quality Mode that introduces ray tracing (when in the Garage), but the frame rate will take a hit to accommodate. Given the rapid speed at which the game is played, the Performance Mode works best.
Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon admirably weds satisfying combat with extensive mech customisation, with short missions letting you quickly experiment with new ideas and builds. However, once you've settled on an optimal loadout, it's those same quick-fire levels that begin to blunt the fun. The result is a game that can be just as enjoyable as it is frustrating. A littering of good boss fights and rock-solid performance on PS5 make it a worthwhile experience as a whole, but Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon won't go down as a classic in the same way other FromSoftware titles have for the past decade.
Comments 97
"it's far from Elden Ring with robot" nobody said it would be.. did the reviewer go into this game expecting it to be a soulslike?
@Hilbion No, not if you read the rest of the review and don't take quotes out of context.
Wow, PushSquare is just dishing out 7's left and right!
Of the last 13 or 14 reviews, only 4 games have gotten anything other than a 7: 3 higher scores and 1 lower.
@KaijuKaiser It’s still got an 85 average on OpenCritic currently. I don’t think people are going to be disappointed with review scores in general.
This is a game that caught my atention hard. I like that feel, so I will play someday.
@GamingFan4Lyf We're saving the higher scores for The Grinch: Christmas Adventures.
@KaijuKaiser Now up to an 88 on OpenCritic, lol. They’re going in the right direction. Can’t wait to get my hands on this!
7 here, 5/5 on EG
@ShogunRok Awesome. 10/10! Looking forward to it.
You know, you should have done a review of that god-awful Last of Us rip-off game on Switch for kicks and given it an 11/10.
As I've said before, Push Square is a very harsh review outlet. Stop crying, just add 1 or 1.5 points to that score and you'll get the real score, if that's all that matters. 😄
I want to add to all the comments here about the "low" score, that a reviewers quality is not in the score itself, but in their consistency. If you know @ShogunRok doesn't gel with a perticular type of game, you can see why they give it a lower score than someone who loves the genre. This is my primary issue with IGN, they often have people who love the genre/series review the games, leading to consistantly high scores.
Wow. Think that’s the first perfect score on Eurogamer since they changed to the new system.
Edit: Forgot that Dave the Diver also got 5/5.
@Faalangst_26 I reviewed the game.
Without having played the game (yet) and setting my own expectations, I am hoping for Ace Combat 7 but with mechs. I want the epic battles, well-done radio chatter, explosions…. You get it I’m sure. It sounds like there will be smaller bites from the Ace Combat 7 buffet which isn’t really a bad thing. Can’t wait to play it!
I think everyone was hoping for the first 10/10 mech game.
@LiamCroft I think it's pretty solid review, good job. You explained what you liked and what you didn't like about the game, if that doesn't result in a lower score than what people where expecting, so be it.
Ohhh noo . This was my only pending Must-Buy this year... A 7? Was hoping for a 9-10 coming from FromSoftware.
Too bad... well maybe Baldur's Gate really does look more tempting now
wow, it has an 88 on metacritic and open critic. like with all armored core games, you do have to put up with a little frustration and a few quirks, but for those who had those expectations in mind, this will be another banger. this looks like the most polished armored core has ever been. also, it's not like elden ring or fromsoftware's other games weren't flawed in a myriad of ways, either, including a lack of story or decent narrative, bugs and performance issues, and yet those games became some of the highest rated of all time. just goes to show how engaging gameplay can make up for other flaws if the execution is top tier.
1. "Read the whole review"
2. "Don't take things out of context"
If people would accept this, there would be no internet. To be fair, I never accepted this and I've turned out just fine. Now excuse me, I need to go back to my LOTR: Gollum.
@Loamy he was probably expecting a GOTY contender — expectations for fromsoftware games have gotten out of control. this might not be elden ring material, but it looks like a solid 8+ based on the general concensus.
@KaijuKaiser 87% so far on MC and PQ are the lowest scoring review so far.
@Porco Actually I was also expecting GOTY level contender here. But seems not. FromSoftware kept spoiling me during the last decade. Of course I knew this is not a Soulsborne, but was ready to get blindly into a different genre just for them.
@Diowine I wouldn't hold off your purchase on one review alone, this take is currently the lowest review score on Metacritic with 29 reviews so far. 7 is still a decent score though, and it is just one opinion. Having said that, if you usually agree with Liam's reviews maybe wait on a sale.
The old AC games got slaughtered by critics and were still some of the best games I’ve ever played. This game has an 88 on metacritic so I’m pretty excited right now.
Shame @LiamCroft didn’t seem to like it. Especially considering that almost every other reviewer out there really enjoyed their time with it.
Not a Mecha fan?? Was maybe expecting Dark Souls/Elden Ring/Bloodborne???
I've always trusted Push Square's reviews so I'll give my wallet a rest for this one.
@DennisReynolds It's got some 60 and 65 reviews on the Xbox page, so this isn't the lowest.
@Diowine I mean check out other reviews instead of relying on just one. Its 87% on MC so far with tons of high scores elsewhere.
@Sil_Am Going by the PS5 page.
Glad I did not buy this.
@ArmoredMore I did like the game! A 7/10 means a "Good" game on our review scale. I think Armored Core 6 is a consistently good game that I enjoyed throughout, but I don't think it reaches the heights required for an 8 or above.
@LiamCroft Nice review. Too many people write off fansites like this thinking they give 9s and 10s to everything so it's great to see some well justified criticism, especially when plenty members of the From brigade are ready to slap on a 10/10 before even playing it. A seven (and the review itself) tells me that if I am a fan of the genre I will probably enjoy it (I'm not), whereas unlike something like Elden Ring it is unlikely to have that broader appeal. That is exactly what I wanted to know.
A 7 can be a 9.its still a way better game than metal gear survive.a lot of my favorite games got a 7 and its?a really good game.word up son
@LiamCroft fair enough dude. Personally I think this game does something a bit different to every other 3rd person action game and it looks BEAUTIFUL. I think, from what I’ve seen, it deserves a higher score than Forspoken which you also gave a 7
@ShogunRok Is this a promise Pushsquare will be reviewing The Grinch then? I’m looking forward to this.
@DennisReynolds @Gooseman42 yes both of you are right. I am also looking at Metacritic and some of the reviewers that usually align with my personal taste, such as that of Gamespot, which also stands on the lower end with an 8 right now, with similar negative points as this one, like the forgettable story.
Hey maybe it is still a great game, just not the universal GOTY acclaim that somehow I was expecting. A sale in the future sounds good probably.
@somnambulance Oh no, what have I done
As always, people are surprised to learn that reviews are subjective. XD
Personally, I can't wait to jump in tomorrow night and start blasting!
Great review. I give FromSoft credit for trying their hand at something different from their usual IPs.
7 is a great score for this type of game. (One i'd probably find boring, myself) It must mean gameplay is really nice, but it's just not a game a lot of people will enjoy in the mainstream. Seems fair enough. It also means, if this is your type of game, it will be very good.
Come on now. Did anybody who's actually an old AC fan, and didn't get enticed by From's recent success with the Souls formula really expect a higher score? When has AC ever reviewed high? I mean no disrespect to recent adopters of From's games of course, it's always great to get a larger user base, but it's a niche mech game at the end of the day. One I will be playing for thousands of hours myself. I think this is a fine review and I know I'm going to love this game.
Will everyone just pipe down with the score chatter. It's nauseating.
None of you have played the game, so how do you know the reviewer is right, wrong or completely bonkers?
I want to go for the latter. But I won't know until I'm sat up at midnight kicking myself for buying a 7/10 game. Which has never happened, as its a flipping computer game. And kicking myself hurts.
@KaijuKaiser "with these scores"
It's sitting at an 88 on Metacritic based on 47 reviews though
PushSquare is the only site that gave the game a "mixed" review, every other review gave it a "positive" score
edit: Seems like I'm not the first one who told you that, should have read the other comments first
@mariomaster96 I didn't see this until just now but It's got an 88 on meta right now?! This is awesome news, AC6 is most likely going to be the first real breakthrough mecha game. Hype levels through the roof.
@mariomaster96 For the PS5 version, sure. If you look at the listings for the PC and Xbox Series X versions, there are outlets that have scored it lower than me.
@ShogunRok I’m hoping that you specifically review it. I’m eager to read your thoughts about it.
People need to realize this review is ONE persons opinion. Stop taking the numbers so serious lol. Someones 7 may be a 3 to someone else. We all loved/enjoy different things. Stop getting butt hurt over it.
That said: Glad to see FS decided to bring AC back, and it does seem like it was overall worth it.
@Diowine are you being sarcastic, please say yes.
Im happy to buy and play this - irrespective of a pushsquare score. This site is for news for me, Ive hardly ever agreed with a review posted here in years, they rarely provide enough information to make informed choices and I have learnt I share no similarities with their staff's tastes. The only place which is a worse match for my own tastes is 'Edge' but Ive read it since issue 1 🤣
However, a 7 is not a 'bad score' even if its clear from the concensus of opinion that its lower than other proffesionals saw it.
I love from software but this just isn’t my kind of game. I was hoping they’d incorporate more soulseyness (def a word) into it
Nice review but in the end, this game is not for me.
I'll stick with From Software's soulsborne style IP's.
Watching Gameplay videos the 1 thing I noticed was the environments looked dull and now it's been confirmed in the review to be the case
@Titntin and this is the lowest score out there I wouldn’t worry about it.
@StrawberryTurtle oh I see. Always somebody
Like a 40 degree day.
Don’t understand the “can’t believe they decided to follow up success of elden with mechs!” Bro they’ve been working on these games for years their pipeline wasn’t decided in the yr and change since elden ring came out
Just happy to hear the performance is solid. All I needed to know!
@Reptilio I was thinking the exact same thing. Massive AAA games like these don't just appear out of thin air.
Sounds about right really. What were people expecting? Its a new Armored core. No more no less. That's all you are getting. AAA it is not, never was. Hopefully one day we will get an expansive, deep and involved open word mech opera more like a Gundam wing type affair. The genre truly deserves more coverage.
This site pumped this game up so hard and then gives it a 7. GOTY games don't get 7.
A recent preview said, "It's difficult to envision any situation where Armored Core 6 isn't considered a resounding success."
This game isn't a resounding success.
Armored Core 5 shipped after both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 and Souls-mania had begun, and most players passed on AC5. AC5 didn't make any GOTY lists. AC6 looks like the same.
@StrawberryTurtle just checked the metacritic. Average is 87 and PS is the only mixed review below 8
Quite happy with the review. I'll have to play it if its a 7.
Not sure if fromsoftwares soulslike games swade the judging of the game a little even if subconsciously.
But armored core was never a world beater or a system seller.
I'm actually glad from soft decided to go back to this type of game for a change, its nice to actually have a developer which can switch things up.
Just think though this could be the start of bigger games and lore.
As a more side project to their souls like games.
I feel more like this game is a nice break for them and I hope it continues to weave in and out of the epic souls games they make.
I'm looking forward to playing. Sounds like a great game, bored of these huge open world games now, I need a good quick in and out game.
I'm a massive fan of FromSoftware's recent games, but whenever i saw footage of it this game it did nothing for me. Don't quite know why, maybe it's something to do with the samey looking environments. Maybe I'll try it at some point, but it is not exactly high up on my list.
@kyleforrester87 I rate this day 7/10.
It's as i expected. This review is the AC franchise in a nutshell.
I was looking at the release trailer and thinking "Why are you pretending this has a story?😅" .
AC games are for mech lovers to mess about. It's what it's always been.
Something i will likely get on the cheap.
@Nem have you played Last Raven? That game tells one of the best stories in any game I’ve ever played. It’s up there with Bioshock for me.
@ArmoredMore Not sure. It's been some time and there were lots of AC games.
Probably not i am gonna guess.
But, it's not like the stories are terrible, but they are not very developed and the focus is on the world and the mechs.
Wow a Fromsoft game that isn't immediately praised to the heavens. Finally seems more in line with my general assessment of Souls games.
@StrawberryTurtle why? On ps5 it's based on 48 reviews, on xbx based on only 8! So which one is more relevant for the ps5 version?
Sounds awesome! I’m one of those who is going to take a chance on this entirely off the back of the trust that FS has built with me over the last number of years. I appreciate the critical review as I’m really not familiar with the franchise. I’m mostly interested in the extensive customization aspects though. Engineering the right mech for the right situation sounds right up my alley.
I was really hoping the entire game wasn't just snowfields and factories. That's a shame but i'm still getting it as the gameplay and boss battles look ace.
Playable on Series X already and I’m absolutely loving it!
Fair to the critic and its opinion. But this year I'm more skeptical with reviews considering we have been getting bombarded from every angle with games. So it's understandable to feel overwhelmed. I wasn't going to pick this up on release since I'm focused on re-playing classics until Alan Wake comes out. But I will pick it up later.
I always thought mech games were a very niche thing. I’m surprised this is such a big budget game.
"Completely forgettable story" and "extremely dull environments". And I'm out. Thanks for the heads up PushSquare!
Looking like Imma wait for a sale on this one and go for Baldur's gate as my September purchase
But, the one thing I did read, is that apparently some levels DO have secret areas and boss fights that you can discover for the best secret weapons and parts... Wasn't there an article about how the Moonlight Greatsword is possibly (probably) in the game as a secret unlock? Maybe some levels have more to show than you found!
That honour actually goes to Pikman 4.
So from this review, is it fair to say from software can only make ,dodge dodge, bash bash games ,with no story😏
Sadly this game felt like a "wait for a big price drop" to me right from the start. Now it reviews as "wait for a big price drop " as well. Another good review that reflects comments by others. Thankyou .
Love FromSoftware for the Souls-like games, but this sounds like a skip for me. I hope those to whom this appeals have fun!
As much as I would have loved to take my overpowered giant mech to the Lands Between and blast the face off of Margit by doing a bombing run on Stormveil I knew that that was not going to happen. This looks cool though. Still, though, Margit deserves a missile barrage or two.
Does anyone know if there's adaptive triggers or haptics? For a Playstation centric website the lack of mentioning either of these in a review is baffling.
@Hilbion the reviewer thought this was the next Soulsborne lol! He didn't even know this was a separate series!
@ChromaticDracula Any news/rumors on a new Ace Combat?
Being a fan of FromSoftware since 1995 I can honestly say that a score of 7 brings back memories, Some of their most mediocre reviews were some of their best games. This review seems legit and honestly I'm buying the game cause I love the AC franchise and im stoked to see it return. This young gaming generation needs a dose of classic FromSoftware 👌
On the contrary my good sir, some of their older games bosted amazing story telling. I totally get why people criticize the story of the souls games but take a look at their past catalog from 2006 and under and you'll see some amazingly story driven games.🖖
I really wish review sites would remove scores because it is all anyone ever brings up instead of the points the reviewer brings up.
The reviewer had the wrong expectation for an Armor Core game!! I think a reviewer should have some knowledge of the previous games when it's a long running series!!
@awp69 And before that "Pikmin 4". That was the first one with a perfect score, after they changed the system.
"The result is a game that can be just as enjoyable as it is frustrating."
Yup, that's Armored Core.
That's not snark or a dig at Liam, btw. I think there were a lot of pre-conceived notions and assumptions about what a new Armored Core would be, both from newcomers and veterans of the series.
Turns out, it is (more or less) exactly what a lot of vets guessed it would be...another Armored Core. A much improved and evolved version of what we fell in love with back on the PS1 but, fundamentally, it still Armored Core.
The frustration I've seen a lot of newcomers cite in their reviews is an integral part of the series, for better or worse, and (far as I can tell) FromSoft took all the lessons they've learned over the past decade away from the series and did all they could to minimize a lot of those frustrations of old. Some of the original AC games were so cheap and so blatantly broken that certain arena fights were effectively unwinnable unless you got incredibly lucky or had the exact right build that worked for that fight and that fight only.
It's a very old school game design philosophy we don't see much in modern games (even From's own games), and I totally get how and why that frustration would irk a lot of new players, but it's a core (no pun intended) tenet of the series and without some of those frustration, if it was more streamlined or less obtuse, it wouldn't really be Armored Core.
@YoureTooSlowBro Actually, many "PS5 specialised sites" do not mention that, they believe as their audience, that a PS5 game is a game running at 60fps in a PS5; they do not mention haptic support, adaptive triggers, 3D sound, 120Hz mode,1440 support, etc. Even the " reference YouTubers" do not mention that. in the PS Shop sometimes mention haptics support as happens with "Lord of the Fallen".
@YoureTooSlowBro I didn't mention them because there isn't any support.
@LiamCroft I’m playing the game now, have already played about 8 hours.
I have to say - I’ve got no idea where you got “extremely dull environments” from. The game is a real looker. I can’t stop using the photo mode every 2 minutes!
Are you sure we’re playing the same game Here!? 😅😉
@GamingFan4Lyf know how people refer to GameSpot as "8spot"? Well here we got Push7
@KaijuKaiser Anyone who thought there was any correlation between Souls/Elden Success and a completely different and niche genre, is an absolute moron.
I was really looking forward to this, but lost interest when I heard how insanely hard its bosses are. Just doesn't sound fun
@Powerplay94 wow that’s peak cringe. Journalists are ridiculous and embarrassing a great deal of the time..
@Terra_Custodes What did you hate about GoW Ragnarok? I can imagine the genre might not be your thing, but within the genre it's an exceptional game imo.
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