Of the numerous reboots, remakes, and remasters this generation has brought us, this one may just be the most drastic. Originally released in 1989 on the Commodore Amiga, Shadow of the Beast was well received and lauded for its mind-blowing visual fidelity. Heavy Spectrum's modern take on the hard-as-nails classic has been a long time coming. However, we've finally got our claws on it, and it's intriguing to see not only the differences between the old and the new, but also the similarities.
You can plainly see these for yourself once you unlock the emulated version of the original game. Both tell the story of Aarbron, a man kidnapped as a child and transformed into a deadly warrior by Maletoth, an evil and powerful sorcerer. Enslaved, Aarbron mindlessly slaughters all who stand before him, but when he inadvertently kills his father, his memory returns and he breaks free from his confines to seek revenge on his captor. The story is told in-game without a word of English, but you can find and collect Prophecy Orbs in the levels which help flesh out what is happening. You can also unlock the ability to translate the alien subtitles in the game to English, but this requires a lot of Mana.

Mana is your in-game currency, doled out at the end of each level, depending on how you've performed. It's what you'll spend on health and combat upgrades, new abilities, and even features like the Amiga original and art galleries. This is where some of the remake's more contemporary elements become apparent. Though still presented in 2D and featuring similar environments to the classic game, this is a title far more concerned with combat and high scores. Luckily, the hack-'n'-slash style fighting is what will keep you hooked.
It takes a bit of getting used to, with almost too many abilities and moves to wrap your head around, but once it clicks, you'll feel unstoppable, with no encounter ending in anything less than a veritable bloodbath. Your basic attack is on just one button, but simply spamming square will net you a poor score. Even the timing of your basic attack is important; if you strike just as a golden glint shines from an enemy's weapon, you're guaranteed a kill, and you earn more points for doing so. You can also block, counter, stun, throw, and get behind your opponents, and mastering all of these will mark the difference between a bronze and a platinum award.

You'll want to shoot for platinums if you can, because achieving these medals net you an Elixir, which you can use to re-spawn if you die. There're still plenty more options at your disposal, and once you've unlocked Aarbron's other abilities, you'll find a robust and deep combat system that rewards skill and dexterity, rather than button mashing.
Outside of combat is where the game fares slightly worse. Each level is fairly lengthy and can contain many pathways for you to explore. The platforming itself is a little stiff, and we often found ourselves taking fall damage and mistiming jumps. It's a shame, as the hidden routes are great, often leading to collectibles or rare health pick-ups. Fortunately, it's not a complete deal breaker, and, like the combat, simply takes some time to acclimatise to – just for different reasons.
Sadly, it may take you the length of the game to truly appreciate the intricate combat and fiddly movement. Shadow of the Beast is not a long game, with just seven levels to plough through. Repeat plays are highly encouraged, though, with hidden battle encounters, Prophecy Orbs, multiple endings, and branching paths throughout each location. The small number of environments handily means that each is unique, with its own look and feel. And throughout the game maintains a wonderfully eerie atmosphere, with lots of detail in its backdrops depicting a fascinating alien world. This is helped by a fittingly haunting, almost old-fashioned soundtrack and handsome visuals – though they won't wow modern audiences like the original did back in its day.
With many nods to the original games and a compendium of retro unlockables, this re-imagining of Shadow of the Beast is a game not just concerned with moving forward, but with looking back in detail at its forebears. Stilted platforming and a short story don't prevent the deep, satisfying combat and multifaceted levels from being worth experiencing more than once. And when you're done, the very first game awaits in all its glory for you to discover – maybe for the first time.
Comments 20
Preorderwd this for the theme alone. So glad its not awful!
Cool I'm in if only for nostalgia's sake!
As above, will be getting this purely for the nostalgia value alone... hope it's not as hard as the original!
Amiga.......what's that? Isn't it suppose to be Mac's and IBM compatibles.
@Dodoo @stylon If you're getting this for nostalgia value, you'll be more than happy. There's lots of unlockable extras that will please fans of the original
@Quintumply Cool thanks, nice review btw!
@stylon lol, is it even possible it could be harder than the original?
Edit - Polygon gave it 3/10!
@Neolit No. It's like comparing Street Fighter V to Street Fighter I.
@Quintumply Glad to hear it - I'm looking forward to unlocking all the stuff from the original game
@Dodoo Not read the Polygon review, but 3/10 sounds very harsh. I guess that reviewer just doesn't like it which can happen if the review is written by a single person. I miss the reviews you used to get in Zzap! where they had opinions from several reviewers... but I'm showing my age now lol
@stylon @Neolit @JoeBlogs Yeah it does seem harsh. I'm sure Polygon just add some controversial reviews occasionally just for site clicks...
Thing is they just make themselves look like untrustworthy fools as their review is miles out from everyone else's.
Having said that, I hope I don't agree with them once I've played it, lol!
[stylon, wasn't zzap a sinclair spectrum mag? Now that is old!]
@Dodoo Think Zzap was a C64 magazine if i remember correctly.
On Topic:
Ooh nice! didnt know this was coming. had an Atari ST, sure i played it on that too... Lost count how many games i've played over the years..
@dellyrascal @Dodoo it was, but it did Amiga reviews for a while.
SotB came out on the c64 as well. I had it on cartridge. Amazing soundtrack.
I remember this from my Amiga gaming days and it looks like they have done a good job at keeping the essence of the original and adding a few modern updates too. What did surprise me though is that they couldn't manage a full 1080p - not that it matters too much - but I didn't think it looked that technical compared to other 900 - even 1080/60 games so was surprised to learn its 900p and has occasional frame rate dips too...
@Johnnycide didn't know it was on the 64 as well... I'd moved on to an Amiga 500 by this time. It did have some really good games towards the end on Cart though that pushed it to its limits. Loved that machine to bits lol
Pre ordered this, so glad to hear it's ok.
would have been nice if it included the trillogy from cd32 with the cd music
This game looks pretty damn nice actually.
@stylon @Neolit @Dodoo Polygon gave The Last of Us 7/10. After playing the game I haven't taken the site seriously since. They are clearly bankrolled by opposing Game publishers, its embarrassing. Although they do it in a 'we are independent honest' way.
Great review Stephen, I wasn't the originals biggest fan. Too busy playing cannon fodder, swos, speedball or pang. But it sounds alot like I remember.
Not really my cup of tea per se, but I truly hope this game sells well for the devs. I really like the idea of bringing back these really old and original games. There are many old classics I would love to see get this kind of treatment. So for the sake of all the forgotten oldies, I hope this game sells like gang busters and developers see an opportunity in bringing back some of the classics that made gaming great in the first place.
Will get this after finishing uncharted 4, 2D action/platformer is one of my favorite genre.
Polygon review is usually harsh on ps exclusive, they just gave uncharted 4 high score (9.0) so maybe they must substract it from other ps exclusive game lol. Sometime they write interesting story thought, like the one about ps vr or epic games history.
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