Pixel art horror has been all the rage ever since platforms such as the PlayStation Store ushered the industry into something of an indie boom. Red Bow is effectively a Japanese horror movie in Super Nintendo-style 16-bit form, putting you in the place of the immaculately dressed Roh as she explores a nightmare world filled with weird and wonderful creatures.

Expect an acid trip with little in the way of obstruction: this is more visual novel than action game, as you gather key items and interact with the curious characters in your consciousness hoping to push forward. The writing is fine but is largely riddled with clichés, while progression can generally feel trial-and-error, even with so few items to interact with.

Overall, the title is ridiculously restricted, and while there are different endings encouraging multiple playthroughs, you’ll have seen all that it has to offer in hours. The sprites are chunky and the environments pleasant, and there’s some earworm audio to add to the overall presentation, but you’re unlikely to find yourself dreaming of this once you’ve seen the credits roll a couple of times.