You'd be forgiven for thinking it was a fool's errand to follow up a game as widely acclaimed as the original Psychonauts. The odds were stacked against it: Psychonauts is a cult hit through and through and essentially the opposite of the kind of game that's most likely to get made these days. Yes, it sold close to two million units, but it's worth bearing in mind that this was across many, many formats since its release in 2005 and accounts for multiple re-releases, too. Its developer Double Fine has also attracted controversy with the crowdfunded Broken Age, so returning to this method to partially pay for Psychonauts 2 was easy to raise an eyebrow towards.
Still, though, Psychonauts 2 is here — three years after its mooted 2018 release date — and how has the developer pushed through its potential issues? Why, it's quite simply made one of the very finest platform games of all time. Pretty obvious when you think about it.

Picking up where 2017's VR-only Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin left off, Psychonauts 2 wastes no time whatsoever throwing you back into the shoes of troubled orphan (and newly-qualified Psychonaut) Razputin, pushing you into a tracking mission that sees you following villainous dentist Dr. Loboto through his own mind as Sasha Nein and the other agents try to interrogate him. It's immediately impressive as both perception and gravity are flipped and twisted, and it introduces you to your psychic abilities in an enjoyable and organic way. Yes, you effectively start this game with every ability you had at the end of its predecessor, which is both refreshing and conducive to more complex, interesting level design. Naturally you'll gain new powers as well, but you can also upgrade your abilities to make them stronger and more useful. Which brings us to collectibles.
And there are lots of them, just like in the first game. There are Figments, colourful floating images that you'll find 100 of in each level. And Memory Vaults, which contain repressed memories you can view by smashing them open. And Emotional Baggage, which must be paired with its appropriate Tag in order to gain additional XP. There's also Half-a-Minds (extra health), PSI Challenge Cards and Markers (for levelling up), Nuggets of Wisdom — honestly, the list goes on. It's extremely adherent to the tropes of the mid-2000s platformer, which makes sense as it's an incredibly faithful sequel.
It's remarkable, in fact, how little things have changed. Where it counts, of course, things are updated: it looks remarkable and the controls are responsive as you could ever want, a far cry from the occasional jank of the first game. But it has the soul of its ancestor, so to speak, and there's very little in the way of gameplay changes from Psychonauts.
That's good, though, because Psychonauts is excellent, one of the most creative and enjoyable platform games ever made even with its few faults; what we've got here is essentially Psychonauts perfected. The game finally has the polish and fidelity it deserves, with tremendous visuals running at a smooth 60fps when played on a PlayStation 5 — owners of last-gen consoles are limited to 30fps, unfortunately, but if this is your only option we'd still urge you not to pass it up. Neither version, sadly, is as impressive as the Xbox Series X release, which runs at 4K, 60fps or 2K 120fps. Then again, it's unusual enough to boot this game up and see the Xbox Games Studio logo on the splash screens when running it on Sony hardware.

The humour of the series is all present and correct; performed with aplomb by the returning cast, fans will be in heaven — it's so in step with the original that it feels as though no time has passed at all, let alone 15 years. Thankfully, for newcomers, there's an entertaining recap at the top of the game, though we personally feel that there's a little bit of disconnection between Rhombus of Ruin and this brand new title — we'd recommend either buying and playing the VR game or watching a walkthrough if you really want to know exactly what went down. Even without that context the game is hilarious and compelling, taking every opportunity to lace the game with fun and character without feeling like it's nudging you in the side, begging you to laugh.
But you will laugh, not just at the comedy therein but the sheer scope and skilful design of each level. It's quite refreshing to play a game in 2021 that uses such a relatively old-school level-by-level approach for its structure, and Psychonauts 2 makes the most of it with a succession of memorable and at times joyous scenarios, every one of them easily the equal of the first game's classic encounters. An appearance from Double Fine super-friend Jack Black is a real highlight, but highlighting such a larger-than-life presence in the game is doing a minor disservice to all the clever, subtle detail in the environments that could easily be missed by the careless but absolutely enhances the themes and characters within each mind you enter.

Every single aspect of Psychonauts 2 oozes confidence in a way that the original sometimes didn't, faltering under its own ambition and straining at technical limitations. This sequel has been a long time coming, but every second of that wait has been used to create the best possible experience. It's been a long time since we've played a game with so much character, so much care plainly pushed into every single space. There are no weaker sections, there's no wasted time — nothing that feels like filler. It's expansive yet tightly-paced throughout, with the only real flaw we can even begin to conceive of finding worth criticising being the surplus of collectibles, which could invoke bitter memories of Bafmodads and Golden Bananas from particularly uncharitable gamers. It's also, arguably, marginally irritating having to remap psychic powers when situations come up that requires abilities you don't currently have equipped, but in practice this takes mere seconds.
The 20 or so hours we spent completing Psychonauts 2 saw us indulging in plentiful side quests and content, simply to spend more and more time in a world we still don't feel entirely done with. There are very few games that offer an experience as good as this, with ingenious level design and heavier themes that never feel sludgy or, more importantly, preachy. Brilliant aesthetics go hand in hand with tremendous gameplay here and it's a genuine delight to say that it's all been worth the wait. It's so good, in fact, that we now want the original Psychonauts to be remade in this engine, with this fidelity, in order to finally do it justice. Psychonauts 2 is consistently creative, enormously fun to play, visually inventive and spectacular and spins a cracking yarn to boot.
Comments 78
No physical release no full price for me.
@Flaming_Kaiser Same here.
Put it on a disc or you can f**k right off !
And at no more than 35 quid too !
I would really like to play this game, but as someone who only owns a PS5 (and not a PS4), I just can't pull the trigger on downgraded graphics at full price.
Hopping over to the PS Store to purchase as I comment. This is the kind of game I live for! Wish more attempts were made along these lines and I certainly won't miss out on one that appears to have knocked it out of the park.
Also: Sub-header a Will Oldham ref?
@Flaming_Kaiser Same here. Really want the game, but it can wait for a sale. Would have been a day 1 buy if there was a physical (i know that those backers that crowd funded get one - but I've never been one for crowd funding)
Discs?! Xbox doesn't do discs!
That's what Game Pass is for.
I'm sure it's great and all but you're having to pay for an inferior version of a game that GP subscribers get for 'free'. Don't do it.
I’ll be honest. I bought it. On PlayStation. For my wife. She is very pregnant and it’s everything in a game she could want.
I’ve liked what I’ve played/seen so far.
God I’m excited to start this. Pretty much universal acclaim, Xbox finally have the first-party masterpiece they’ve been lacking for years now!
If we're not worthy of a PS5 equivalent then why would we pay the same as an Xbox1 x version ?
This is really one of the best games that's arrived in years. It just does everything absolutely right, and hits video games in the direction it really should have been going all along, without trying too hard to clone a medium it isn't, it still hits narrative depth wonderfully while remaining firmly a video game. It's just absolutely masterful. It's so good it makes one disappointed to hear Double Fine is moving onto other projects.
This is exactly the kind of game I want more of from the industry. And one we get very seldom.
If I'm gonna buy this game at the same price as Xbox1 X for my PS5 then I expect an exact port.
Not a PS4 port.
@hypnotoad You know what put it on a disc or i wont buy it. 😅
Possibly the ugliest character designs I've ever seen in a game.
Anyway, I didn't enjoy what I played of the original, so I doubt I'll get anything out of this. I'll be passing on this release.
@nofriendo Sub-header’s an Elvis/Pet Shop Boys/Willie Nelson reference.
I need a physical PlayStation version...
I may get and play it after I finish Judgment. Some of my friends really enjoyed it.
Never played the first game though.
It's, alright I guess. Has some neat ideas and has made me laugh out loud a couple times but not blown away as I expected to be from all the reviews. Certainly is unique which is a positive, not on my short list of GOTY titles but happy others are having a great time with it.
@nessisonett It's an Xbox 1st party game in name only. The game was crowdfunded and well into development before MS bought them.
When I started it, I wasn’t completely sold, but it really takes off when you get to explore the minds. The hub world is kind of meh, but the mind levels are ingenious. Definitely on my GotY short list. It’s up there with Death’s Door and Ghost of Tsushima for me (finally played it this year .
@AdamNovice It has a Microsoft logo, it counts. Same as how Death Stranding counts for Playstation.
Really interested in this game and hoping for a ps4/5 physical release!
There really should be a disc version (even if a limited run)
Like many people I'm hoping for a physical PS4 version down the line before I buy, but nonetheless I'm happy to hear that it's really good, I loved the first one.
Graphics are basically the same and it runs at 60fps on PS5.
Yeeeah I’m very interested but also not getting it digital at full price (not with my current backlog).
Also I wanna play the first one first.
Great game, having tons of fun with it.
Playing it maxed out at 4K on PC, and we are not talking about NextGen Ratchet & Clank here (nowhere near it) Graphics are pretty basic stuff
As long as it is 60fps you are good on PS5. With this + R&C, PS5 is the platformer king of 2021.
I refuse to play this objectively good game until it has parity with the version developed for the company who now owns it, or they pay for discs, cases, artwork, and shipping so I can have a physical copy, or it’s on sale… Seriously, what’s up with everyone nowadays?
Best game I’ve played this year hands down. Really enjoying it on the X. It’s a platforming masterpiece.
They screwed over PlayStation owners on this game, there is no PS4 Pro or PS5 upgraded version whatsoever. Will not buy.
lol all the people on here preventing themselves from playing a great game due to it not being on a piece of plastic. Just play the game.
@Dreman99 😆 You can always own all the consoles.
@Dreman99 That’s actually not true. PS4 Pro runs it at a higher resolution than the regular PS4 and PS5 runs that version at 60 fps. Not as good as it could’ve been but also not what you said.
I have my issues with Double Fine but I’m really excited to play this. It’s been a long time coming.
Loved the first one so I'm definitely buying it soon, need to delete a game from my pro first and come Thursday I'll hopefully be able to start it.
@kingv84 true, but I just have a PS5 and I like having one console.
@Voltan everything I've read is that there is one based ps4 version, I have seen nothing about any enhanced version. Link?
@Dreman99 It’s literally in the article. 60FPS on PS5, 30FPS on PS4.
@nessisonett that's my bad, apologies.
Never played the first game is it worth buying before this one ?
The best game I've played this year without question, and unless a miracle occurs, I don't see that changing. Man it's just so creative, fun, and charming.
Don't deny yourself this masterpiece over some nitpicky reason, you're only hurting yourself!!
Sucks that Psychonauts 2 is stuck in digital hell and won’t be getting a retail release. I’ll just wait for a sale or wish for a limited run games release.
Can’t believe people still won’t buy a game if it’s not on a disc. (Although this one is also too expensive for me! Sale please.)
Absolute GOTY. Though I loved the original so I am biased. Already got 1000/1000 on it on Series X, what an absolute treat of a game. They don’t make many platformers like this anymore sadly.
The 1st game was great and I thought a sequel would never happen. Unfortunately I’ll have to wait for just a bit on the sequel. Next paycheck for sure.
@get2sammyb It’s the same old crowd just creating more reasons for them to not buy the game out of thin air. They don’t want to buy it because it’s an Xbox game and they’re fanboys. They’ll come up with something else even if it does get a physical release.
@hypnotoad @Hypnotoad107 What is going on here? Are you guys multiplying?!
I'm playing it through Xbox Game pass and I'm really enjoying my time with it even though it doesn't run the greatest on the XBOX One S (It's playable but it should be muuuuuch better).
I hope Microsoft allows Double Fine to make PS4 physical copies with Limited Run. I really doubt it considering it's Microsofts fault that Limited Run doesn't produce Xbox discs.
Wow, some of these comments….just wow.
Double Fine could have not even bothered doing 60fps on PS5. Heck Microsoft could have screwed PlayStation all together and cancelled the PS4 version and refunded anyone who wanted one.
Might as well call this place The Dead Sea, because the salt content is out of this world!
Also “ troubled orphan”??? Uhm, okay….that’s confusing.
Fantastic game, by the way. I am really enjoying it! The high praise is very well-deserved. Haters are missing out.
Death’s Door is still my GoTY at this point but this one will be close behind!
@kingv84 My thoughts exactly.
It's just sad there's this weird virtual boycott of this game. I get it that physical is important or even necessary for some, I've been there. But I don't remember everyone ranting about destruction all stars handout being digital. Then the complaints about no PS5 version... Really?
Psychonauts is a patched fps PS4 game.
PSFans: rabble rabble no ps5 version no buy!
Tsushima is a patched fps PS4 game.
PSFans: You're not owed a PS5 game, we have BC, it's fine.
Sony: wanna pay another $10 for controller vibration and Japanese lip sync?
PSFans: wooooo money fountain!
If Nintendo ports Mario Odyssey to playstation for download is everyone going to complain there's no touch screen support and no physical copy?
Yes, there's Xbox games on PlayStation. This is bad..... Why? I don't recall Xbox fans griping about The Show on Xbox tainting their system.
@GamingFan4Lyf lol "troubled orphan", then includes a pic of him with the fam....
@get2sammyb This game has more content and is equally as fun as R&C Rift Apart and that game was $70. I really hope no one in the comments bought that digitally.
Don't let pathetic brand loyalty stop you from playing this game.
GotY contender.
@NEStalgia I think PlayStation fans were the only ones complaining about The Show being on Xbox. The Show going on Game Pass was like icing in the cake (that was a pretty tough blow, though, not going to lie - and the game is STILL there).
I guess the only defense of Sony is that there is a Series X|S version AND a PS5 version of The Show. It's also the ONLY PlayStation Studios game that exists on Xbox and it will always be the only PlayStation Studios game that will exist on Xbox because Sony doesn't have any say in the matter.
Sony has several Microsoft Studios games release on PlayStation after Microsoft acquisitions: Deathloop, Psychonauts 2, Minecraft Dungeons, Quake Remastered, Ghostwire: Tokyo, Wasteland 3 (MS isn't the publisher here, but still), The Outer Worlds (again, MS isn't the publisher, but still), and a native PS5 version of Doom Eternal.
I also just realized that Psychonauts 2 scored 1 point higher than Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart - a great game, too!
@NEStalgia Exactly. Even if The Show wasn’t on GamePass, Xbox gamers would have been happy to buy it. Fanboyism is stupid. I play good games period.
@Col_McCafferty I see your back to telling people what to do with their own money 🙄
I personally wouldn’t pay full price for it, it should of been no more than £35 imo but I get to play it for ‘free’ with Game Pass anyway. The differences between all console versions are barely noticeable, it’s just an “inferior version” on paper.
Review copy provided by Microsoft for a Playstation centric website. Such a bizarre statement to read at the end of a great review.
As for the game I'm probably about 8-10 hours in and I absolutely love it. Keeps the charm of the original while improving the gameplay. Having a blast playing it on my phone through X Cloud.
the many ppl moaning about how it's inferior on ps than Xbox , it's a Xbox company of course they gonna do what's best for them do you moan like this when playstation releases a ps exclusive ? Do you hell.
At least they released it on playstation ,and honestly it's one of the best games I've played this year and I hadn't played the first game but it starts with a catch up so nothing lost ,I finished it earlier and its worth playing whatever system you play it on
This is such a great game. I hope many of you try it. Please don’t let bias or lack of physical steer you away. It’s truly a fun experience.
This game is such a little gem. So sad to see Double Fine gets caged behind Microsoft's ecosystems
Glad you like it however these games never did click with me and tbh I find the character designs absolutely horrendous. I'll likely give this a shot at a later date when it's on Sale but until then I have a large backlog to get through and ofc Tales of Arise is coming out next week.
@Salt_AU lol Fanboy much? Go get it on Xbox or PC if you want “best” version. Or just stop with the whining and play the great PS4 game.
Played on the S and really enjoyed it. I would have bought it on my PS4 if I didn't have the S. It's great to see Double Fine have access to larger budgets, I am very excited about their future projects.
@Salt_AU you mean like Avengers? (Which is worse because it’s to do with actual content).
Or in fact ANY multi-platform game in history that doesn’t have pixel parity between systems.
I never played the first but playing this on Series X and i’m around 9 hours in and I am loving it. The cast of characters is so good. Probably my GOTY so far also (maybe alongside It Takes Two).
@NEStalgia I hope the ‘virtual boycott’ is just the minority crying as usual while regular people are buying and enjoying it on whichever systems they own or enjoy. It’s available everywhere so hopefully it’s selling well.
People complaining about the price is bizarre to me. Psyconauts 2 doesn’t have the sparkling graphics of Ratchet, although it looks great in its own right, but its the better game of the 2. It’s worth full price imo and cheaper than Sony’s exclusives.
Physical version complaints: I totally get wanting a physical version, I wish having playable, worth while physical editions was still a thing, but ever since the xbone and the PS4, physical versions have been worth squat. The fact that physical is still subject to full game installation, playing off of the HDD and having to update, means there's very little reason to want a physical version except to put it on your shelf.
Worst version complaint: Yeah. That's always been a thing. If this was really a concern for you, you'd have a pc and buy all games there. PS3 recieved plenty of worst versions. Only they were near unplayable.
You can be put off by this being an xbox game on a PS console, just be honest about it.
Interested but not paying the same price for a poorer version of the game. (PS5) Daft. Lazy etc.
@Salt_AU Avengers - "if you pay the same money you get the same product and support for that product". How often have you complained on here about exclusive playstation content in 3rd party games?
Also, how often do you 'boycott' games that are also on PC...looking better and without multiplayer locked behind a paywall? You gonna refuse to buy battlefield I assume? Or any other big third party game with mp content?
I think you should definitely vote with your wallet.
Wow did not expect that score! Sounds like its pretty good but I just can't bring myself to buy it. I just find the art style for this so...ugly. I had the same reaction to the original back in the day. It's funny because usually graphics have never been a big factor for me but when I look at this game in action I literally feel sick to my stomach.
Plus Double Fine games have just never clicked with me but maybe I'll give it a shot when I get a Series X. I'll just make sure to have a trash can close.
@Salt_AU You are saying you are against Microsoft’s stance. I am saying Sony has the exact same stance.
You are saying you won’t support Microsoft so why support Sony? (I think I know the answer).
@Salt_AU lol Good for you, Champ! Keep on whining.
I played the first many many years ago, Even after playing the second I can still not really remember much of the first, and it did not effect my enjoyment.
This is a great game and at £35 seems to be a bit of a bargain in a world of £70 games. I don't think the art style requires high resolution, but I would say play at 60fps if you can. Lots of fun!
Happy to hear the game reviewed so well! I'll def pick it up in a few years when it's $20 or cheaper, want to play the first game before tackling 2.
Psychonauts 2 is GOTY contender for me. I didn't like the art style of the game when I watched the trailer but it grew on me, especially after seeing how creative each stage level is on the game. I don't agree about the collectibles as a con. But the swapping of powers is mildly annoying in the first few hours of the game. The best part is that it's available on GamePass PC.
Wy does this game cost more than 90 USD in Japan for PS only?
It's mind boggling.
Even Shuhei Yoshida himself acknowledged that its price was way more than in other platforms.
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