Virtual reality has a way of breathing new life into established genres by dropping you into the protagonist’s shoes or by transporting you into the game’s world. This has been the case for a variety of games that have found extensive success on the PlayStation VR platform, and Disruptive Games is trying to replicate that success with its debut project, a VR MOBA called Megalith. While it's made a valiant effort at bringing the once-burgeoning genre to VR, what it's created lacks the depth and appeal it needs to survive in a volatile multiplayer marketplace.
Megalith is a run of the mill MOBA that’s stripped down to its bare essentials. Before beginning a match, you choose one of the five (or six if you purchase the day one DLC, which you’ll probably want to do since he’s arguably the best of the bunch) Titans to take onto the battlefield and participate in the game’s only mode, a two-on-two affair that has you doing a lot of what you’d do in any other generic MOBA: killing grunts, eliminating towers, and picking off the other enemy players as you pursue your ultimate goal of destroying the other team’s base while they try to do the same. As one of the two Titans on your team, you’ll be making use of a primary attack, three character-specific abilities, and an ultimate that you’ll utilise to pursue your goal of breaching the enemy defences and destroying their base while defending your own. It’s all by the book and will feel instantly familiar to anyone who’s played any one of these before, and its lack of more complex systems makes it surprisingly easy to grasp for newcomers despite its lack of a tutorial.

What makes Megalith actually stand out is that, well, it’s in VR. If there’s one thing it really nails, it’s a sense of scale: you’re placed directly in the shoes of your chosen Titan as you roam the battlefield, meaning you can get in the faces of your adversaries and plow through the comparatively tiny grunts that feel insignificant given your larger presence. It’s easy to feel like a hulking beast when you launch high into the air after activating an ability or swipe away the clusters of petty grunts. It eventually wears out its novelty, but it stays cool for a good long while.
While the novel new perspective is neat, it doesn’t come without a bevy of caveats. The options menu allows you to toggle snap turning and a limited field of view to try and combat motion sickness, but the fast pace and high-speed abilities can often be stomach churning even after spending a handful of hours acclimating yourself to its jerky movements. There’s also the fact that this is primarily a multiplayer game; you have access to a training mode that pits you against bots, but you won’t earn any of the game’s currency for skins which is the only form of progression here. Your best bet is to cross your fingers and hope someone else not only has the required hardware, shelled out the premium VR price for the game, has the stomach to handle a free movement VR experience, currently has a stable Internet connection for matchmaking, and is playing Megalith at the same time you are. This is a tall ask that even the single game mode and four-player lobbies can’t mitigate – we had difficulties finding human players to match with on release day which is to say nothing of the player base in a month or two.

What makes it even less likely that Megalith will find a dedicated fanbase is its complete lack of depth or complexity. There is no progression other than a meagre helping of cosmetic skins, the game’s two-versus-two nature and six character roster stifles the creativity that can be had by synergizing character abilities in clever ways, and the game’s only map is too limited to allow for diverse tactics. You can’t level up your Titan’s abilities and you don’t procure items mid-match which simplifies things, but it also makes each match feel significantly less interesting. It’s hard to maintain motivation throughout a match that lasts a couple dozen minutes when all you’re being rewarded with over the course of a match is the satisfaction you gain from defeating human opponents. It does feel good to outsmart another player by effectively using your abilities, but each match begins to feel empty as you realise they’re just going to respawn before you’re able to gain any significant ground. Megalith has nothing to offer players that are used to the genre greats.
While playing a MOBA in VR is undeniably neat, Megalith suffers from a number of interface issues that make it far more abrasive than it should be as a project that just went through an open beta. You can’t look at any menus or challenge progress while waiting to match into a game, the icons that display your ability cool-downs can rarely be seen since they’re often covered up by your character’s weapons, and you can’t look at the scoreboard or the pause menu to study up on your Titan’s abilities while waiting to respawn after death. These are all small oversights that could be addressed with a patch at some point, but they’re only another way in which a potential player base will be turned off and deterred from this multiplayer-focused game that requires players to survive.
Megalith is a run-of-the-mill MOBA that, despite its VR novelty, does nothing to distinguish itself. It’s cool to be placed in the shoes of larger-than-life titans, but the game’s single mode is middling at best. There’s still enjoyment to be had with its varied albeit limited cast of characters, but better MOBA’s have had difficulties maintaining a consistent player base mere months after release. If you add the VR requirement to that unfortunate fact, you’ll be hard-pressed to have the opportunity to play Megalith with someone in a month or two, but that’s assuming you’d even want to.
Comments 26
So...I'm guessing Drawn to Death is the superior game then? :/
@LuisCruz13 Well personally at least Megalith looks more clean than Drawn to Death and it's a bit more balanced than Drawn to Death's unbalanced weaponry but as much as I hate Drawn to Death (the fact that it got an 8 bewilders me), to give that game some credit, it at least had a passable amount of modes and maps. It even had a tutorial.
I do hope the devs do listen to criticism if they want to improve this game because the PS4 really needs its own good exclusive MOBA (there's Dark Eclipse but I digress). I do agree with Sammy that I'm getting tired of online only PSVR multiplayer games with minimal content that expects you to pay $20+. This is almost as annoying as glorified VR tech demos (Unearthing Mars) that costs more than $10. Would have been much better if Megalith was priced at $20 or if not, $15.
I'm still thinking of getting the game but definitely at a sale (and when it recieved enough patches). At least when it's priced at a price lower than $20.
@LuisCruz13 Why did you have to remind me of that game?
That sucks. After looking at some gameplay videos, it looked pretty fun. Disappointed that the beta given to us was literally the entire game.
@get2sammyb I don't mind online only PSVR multiplayer games just as long they have a reasonable amount of content that justifies it price. This game however sadly doesn't fill up that quota. I still want to see if the developers are still going to support the game but this just shows that maybe a F2P model would have been perfect for the game.
Just look at Dark Eclipse for VR. It's pretty complex for a VR moba, it's free to play, and its microtransactions aren't that forced, and yet it still managed to get a dedicated community.
@JamesBrown16 The problem is that the install base isn't large enough to support them. And this isn't just a problem with PSVR by the way: I think indie developers who try to make non free-to-play multiplayer games are absolutely bonkers too. The game may be the greatest thing ever, but getting people to actually play it is so, so tough.
@get2sammyb I agree with you. I think Megalith has potential but just like what happened with Drawn to Death, instead of making it free to play, they instead wants us to pay more than 20 bucks on a game that doesn't have a lot of content (let alone less than Overwatch's).
Also, another example, is Omen of Sorrow, an indie fighter that's kinda alright, if a bit rough around the edges (though they it did get patched), but what's kill the game is the price, being a whopping $50. Skullgirls at launch had the same amount of content as Omen of Sorrow and it was priced at $15-$20. I like indies but some of these indie devs really are going overboard if they think their game(s) is amazing enough to warrant a high price tag.
Hmm. Not sure I agree with this. Megalith is a little light on content, but their controls and champion mechanics are great. Don't think I've played a better competitive game in VR. Firewall feels clunky in comparison. This reminds me of that terrible BorderlandsVR review that got pulled down..
I bought Sparc and could never get a match.
@lacerz Megalith has drop in/out bots. Games start in a minute every time. Real players can replace bots mid match.
@Primordial Which is a smart way of handling things, but how long before there's barely anyone on the servers anyway?
@get2sammyb Not sure but it has had literally zero marketing. I hadn't even heard about megalith at all until about 2 days before the beta ended. Hoping this one grows by word of mouth. At least there are bots so there will always be something to play. I too have purchased games I was never able to match for
I'm in the discord channel and everyone is super positive about the game so seeing this review was a bit shocking. There isn't a tutorial which imo is its biggest flaw, because it wasn't until I played with a good player who showed me the ropes that I really got it. Maybe that was the issue here. But since then it has been a TON of fun mastering all the heroes. Lots of room for experimenting with their abilities.
From staff profile link above for perspective: Reviewer has written 4 reviews and the average score is 5.0. This is the reviewers first VR review.
@JamesBrown16 Dark Eclipse was very underrated. Not for everyone (the gameplay can be pretty slow but hey, this site gave Natural Doctrine a 7 so whatever), but it definitely shows potential. I especially love how not forced the microtransactions are.
@get2sammyb Hey Sammy. You don't think this review is a bit reckless? Eurogamer is a far better and more revered site and they feel the biggest shortcoming of this game is not enough people know about it. You think rushing out your negative review from an inexperienced reviewer to be first out is a smart call? Doesn't it hurt the chances of the game gaining ground? It's unfortunate sites like this survive by trashing games to get clicks.
I'm a frequent site visitor and felt the need to create an account and comment on a review for the first time. I'm a day 1 PSVR user and I've played nearly every game available on PSN. Although Megalith has its short comings, this review and score are beyond ridiculous. After reading this review and and playing Megalith since the open beta I doubt Christian has ever reviewed a VR game let alone familiar with the current PSVR library. It's obvious Megalith was built from the ground up for VR. I've seen other comments about the controls and completely agree - it's one of the best most intuitive control schemes I've encounteres using the Move Controllers.
Unfortunately, this review has soured my trust in PushSquare's review process and I will take everything with a grain of salt from here out. Do yourselves a favor and have a VR - Centric reviewer for VR titles. Just the fact that the reviewer mentioned getting over motion sickness proves my point. The critic doesn't even have their "VR legs" yet. I bet he would prefer teleporting. Lol. This is ridiculous. Honestly.....Megalith is NOWHERE NEAR A 4/10. Somewhere between a 6-8 I could understand, but a 4 is ludicrous. I'm taking a break from this site for a bit.
@Primordial Eurogamer and Push Square are different sites and thus it's perfectly reasonable for different writers to come to different conclusions. You don't know Christian's background with PSVR — he may have reviewed for other sites, for example. Even if he hasn't, his perspective is still valid.
You're welcome to disagree, of course, but claiming this review was rushed out for so-called "clicks" is nonsense considering there are so many better ways we could have spent our time if we wanted views.
@ThatOneUser Glad you're enjoying the game. Remember that different people can come to different conclusions. Just because Christian didn't enjoy it, doesn't make his point of view any less valid than yours.
@get2sammyb You're right and I respect that. It's just that our conclusions were so dramatically different that I won't be taking this reviewer's reviews into account when choosing to purchase a PSVR game in the future. That's all.
@get2sammyb Thanks for the reply. My implication about clicks was that as a site you seem to score low as a practice/rule, not just relating to Megalith. Firewall (6) Moss (7) Etc. It's a trend I've seen used typically by smaller sites to gain attention. Your avg score as a site is MUCH lower than others.
Also a little surprised an editor would come in and make the first comment on a "unbiased" review to impose their opinion about what VR should be doing. Is that reporting? Does that happen often? It seems to imply Megalith is being used as a platform for you to express your personal aversion towards MP focused VR games. (That was the only comment that has been down-voted in the thread)
@Primordial Do we score low or do other sites score high? I think there's consistency with our reviews — I really don't have much interest in what other sites are doing.
I had no input on the review so my comment is unrelated. Christian submitted the review with his opinions in it. I merely commented on it.
@get2sammyb to say you don't have much interest in what other sites are doing cant be true. If you didn't, you likely would be out of a job. It's called knowing your competition and being aware of the industry you are working in.
Anyway, doesn't seem like you want to discuss this sincerely as its obvious you are entrenched. I'm done with you and your site. GG
I'm finding some of these comments a bit suspicious, there criticizing both the reviewer and Push Square's review process. To be this defensive of any game, it makes me think their some of the actual developers worried about a low score.
Totally. Anyone who is off put by a review because they are hoping the community grows for a game they enjoy MUST be a developer.. Given that train of thought you must be a Push Square alt account.
@AdamNovice yeah...probably
@Primordial Nice try but I've been here over 5 years.
@AdamNovice You didn’t get my point.. just because you are defending Push Square doesn’t mean you secretly work for them. You are defending something you care about just as I am. No need to belittle my motives.
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