Mega Man X, the gold standard for rock solid, fast paced dashing and crashing action, is back again in what seems like the property's hundredth re-release. This time, however, it's available across two collections with all eight entries in the mainline Mega Man X series.
Most of us should know what Mega Man is by now, but for the uninitiated, let's go into the details a bit first. Since the late 80s, Mega Man has been a constant mascot for Capcom that really challenged the sidescrolling genre. This series has always been characterised by the simple formula of beating a boss to gain its power-up, use trial and error to figure out which boss is weak to that particular power, and then repeat until you topple the final boss and beat the game. The Mega Man X series began in 1993, and with this release on the Super Nintendo came a breadth of new features. X brought to the table wall climbing and dashing amongst many other changes, providing a much more smooth and frenetic experience that felt entirely new and fresh. However, do these once revolutionary features stack up a whole 25 years later?

With some graphical tweaks and smoothing, as well as new modes and features, the X series feels revitalised here. Visually, each and every title has stood the test of time with Capcom’s tender love and care, regularly updating the graphics to look more clean and crisp without sacrificing the fidelity of the original art style. This has remained a constant, which is necessary for any big name re-release, and Capcom's nailed it. All of the effects, beams, and charge blasts look as slick as ever. Additionally, new options were added as filters for the game. The first filter smooths out the graphics and animations, while the second filter is an overlay that emulates an original CRT monitor for that old school feel. The final filter is just the original graphics scaled up to fit modern high definition televisions.
Gameplay is still a fast and fun jaunt through the year 21XX. The series remains as tough as ever, and this is a wonderful return to form on a new medium. As if the main games were not hard enough, Capcom has added a new challenge mode for the series veterans dubbed 'X Challenge', which is essentially just double boss battles. However, if the challenge mode and the base game turn out to be too hard, there's also a 'Rookie Hunter Mode'. This mode halves all damage in all games, and prevents instant death from spike pits and bottomless falls. These games, all eight of them, hold up tremendously well, and serve as amazing ways to fondly revisit the series.

One surprising change, aside from all of the other tweaks, filters, modes, and the rest, is the decision to change the boss names in Mega Man X5. Originally in 2001, Mega Man X5 ditched the traditional naming conventions of the series by naming its maverick bosses after the popular Guns N’ Roses members (sounds a little like Magus’ henchmen Slash, Flea, and Ozzy in Chrono Trigger, eh?). The boss Spike Rosered became Axle the Red, Crescent Grizzly became Grizzly Slash, etc. However, Capcom decided to use this opportunity to unify the narrative of the series by returning the original Japanese names to the bosses.
Another addition for the fans of the originals is the museum mode. This includes a plethora of menus, images, videos, and more for the diehard fans. Most prominently, a gallery full of hundreds and hundreds of images and concept art from the entire series is included -- and you can get lost in it all for hours. There's also a product gallery featuring a very complete list, with images, of all sorts of products released for the series like action figures, capsule toys cards, apparel, soundtracks, and a ton more. A music player's included too, so you can enjoy the many thumping beats on demand. The coolest feature of the museum, however, is 'The Day of Σ', a 25-minute fully animated episode serving as a prequel to the events of the original Mega Man X title. This episode was originally only released with Mega Man Maverick Hunter X.
If this review hasn't convinced you to dash back in and get reacquainted with Mega Man X, allow us to state it plainly: Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 and 2 are must- plays for fans. With its new features, galleries, and tweaks, even total newcomers who have never experienced this groundbreaking series will feel welcome. A lot of love and care has been poured into this collection, allowing players of all skill levels to jump right in and enjoy. So get out there, dash and blast, and track down those mavericks, hunter.
Comments 17
I loved X4. Despite all the NES and SNES games I played back in the day, I actually started playing Mega Man games on PlayStation. Yeah, I’ll definitely pick up this collection.
Never really played Mega Man. Might give this a go at the right price.
Is it better than Mighty No 9??
I like the x series, especially megaman x1-4, definitely going to buy this one
I remember playing X4 (My Favorite) to X6 on the PS1 and wondering what happened to X1 to X3 because I didn't even know the existence of the SNES until way later but at that time I thought it was something like a Star Wars thing that they started at 4 😂
This was the kind of game that I always wished I could get into but after having a go at one of them at an old game shop I found them too hard and frustrating.So reading that they have added an easy type mode has definitely caught my interest.
you know i'm going to say it, i always preferred the X series to the main series so i'll be downloading this later today
on a side note the Rookie mode is a great addition because now i can use it to introduce the kids to the series as it's the kind of game they would like to pay but the difficulty is far too high for them and i also think it should be added to the Mega Men Legacy Collections too for the same reason
"These games, all eight of them, hold up tremendously well, and serve as amazing ways to fondly revisit the series."
What did they do to make X7 not intolerable? XD
Getting it, but for Switch. Can't wait to really give these a proper playthrough. The only one I played a little bit of is the first on the SNES classic.
Might eventually pick this up, but I've still got MM8, MM9 and MM10 to play on the MM Legacy Collection 2 first.
I loved the x series, but I just recently lost my job so I’m gonna wait until I have a bit more money for this...I have enough store credit to buy one full priced game but that’s saved for Spider-Man just in case.
Additional notes.
X6 sucks with random and never consistent changes to stages and potential dead games.
X7 sucks as a slow 3d title
X5 has some really weird game design about how you progress potentially being random and on a timer
X8 is fine.
X1-4 is gooood stuff.
And as someone who only ever uses the X Buster....X Challenge can burn in hell.
X4 is one of my favourite platformers of all time, so glad this is finally out!
I will pass. I already have the Mega Man X Collection on PS2 and they didn't change the names of the bosses in X5 in that version.
Thanks for the great review, will pick this up when the bundle is on sale for $20 New during Black Friday 2018.
@shonenjump86 Same here, I played Mega Man X1-6 on PS1 and again on PS2 along with X7 and X8...shame Command Mission is being left out but oh well.
I wish they either 1. Fixed the slow down or 2. allowed us to turn on/off the slow down. No reason my megamans should be tanking framerates on a PS4 Pro.
Getting it on the Switch, love me some Mega Man.
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