We were ready to like The Hong Kong Massacre from Swedish indie studio Vreski, but unfortunately it disappoints at almost every turn. This top-down, twin-stick shooter is clearly inspired by the excellent Hotline Miami, a game with brutally fast action, instant restarts, and an addictive rhythm to its gameplay. This title has attempted to ape the intense, violent nature of Devolver's cult hit, but it's not a favourable comparison at all.
Of course, it isn't a direct clone. You start each level with one of four weapons - it doesn't take long to unlock them all - and go to town on the lowlifes inhabiting each stage. The twist here is the introduction of a dodge, which takes the form of elaborate flips or dives, and slow motion, giving you a little extra time to gather yourself before you leap back into action. It brings to mind John Woo's movies or the Max Payne games as you hop about the environment while gunning down thugs.

It's a good idea, but sadly, it doesn't gel as well as you'd think. The main problem is with the dodge, which locks you into a lengthy animation, usually resulting in a swift death. You're invincible during the dodge, but enemies will still be firing at you as you come out of the animation. Unless you've had the forethought in the heat of a gunfight to leap behind cover, that's you dead -- and what counts as cover isn't always clear. Enemies can see and shoot you through windows, but they aren't marked very well, again resulting in unexpected deaths.
You can also use that dodge to leap across gaps or, sometimes, even over walls, but it feels too imprecise to use effectively for this purpose. The baddies are tough -- they're quick to realise your presence and have pinpoint accuracy, making it hard to get the jump on them. These guys aren't kidding around, and the difficulty of the game stays consistently high throughout. You're more likely to feel relieved than satisfied about completing a level after dozens of attempts.
Elsewhere, the game simply feels underdone. The shooting is responsive and brutal, but the sound design leaves a lot to be desired. If you run out of ammo in your current weapon, you've no other means of attack; your only option is to collect another gun from the floor, which is easier said than done when all enemies have eagle eyes. Visually it's okay but it's often drab, with uninteresting environments that all blend together. To top it off, the story is dull and predictable, and other minor issues such as inaccuracies in the UI just give the impression of a game that could've done with a bit more time.
The Hong Kong Massacre's inspiration is clear, but unfortunately, it doesn't have the gameplay, the personality, or the energy to stand alongside it. The slow-mo shooting can be fun, but with tough enemies and a janky dodge manoeuvre, you'll more often than not be frustrated by death after death. With a little more polish, it could've been an entertaining romp, but as it stands, redeeming qualities are few and far between.
Comments 20
Great review but damn,a four?That really is dissapointing as I really liked the look of this and just recently reinstalled Hotline Miami.So glad I waited for your review though,you just saved me about fifteen quid so cheers!
As if you didn't use "Hong Kong phooey" as the tag line.
@johncalmc Hong Kong phoney.
Damn, that sucks. Really liked the look of this. Reminds me I still need to finish Hotline Miami 2 though.
Surely Loaded is overdue for the 'HD' remaster treatment?
Brutally shallow, satisfying shooting and a killer soundtrack... Who wouldn't buy that?!
We need hotline miami 3, man I remember playing the first one until my psvita battery died.
All the other reviews I've seen of this say it's pretty decent, so I'm surprised at the low score. Besides, it's Hotline Miami with good graphics, so it can't be THAT bad can it?
Was looking forward to this but glad I've read the review. Even rewatched some John Woo movies, hard boiled, a better tomorrow and the killer in anticipation. Slight gutted at the out come to be honest.
@tomassi It's vastly inferior to Hotline Miami. If other critics enjoyed it more than I did, more power to them
Dang it!! I adore the HTM frachise and am still bummed that Dennaton and Devolver Digital said no plans for a 3rd entry. This was gonna be my jam!!. Been a fan of the top down slaughter fest since loaded and reloaded on ps1!!
The story-line I have no issue with: John Woo is no Dostoevsky, ... and I prefer John Woo .
The mechanical stuff can be patched, which it probably will, considering the PC version is facing the same complaints.
For that reason I will still keep this on my wish-list, but will wait for a patch before I buy.
Good thing I don't let reviews decide which games I buy.
So I played like the first 8 levels. If anyone is interested, here is my opinion: I respectfully disagree with your score. I agree that it is no Hotline Miami. The music is just nowhere near that masterpiece soundtrack of Hotline Miami. Also it is a bit less fast paced. However the other issues I don't have that much of a problem with. Yes you can get shot instantly if enemies are shooting at you after you finish the dodge animation. But if they didn't it would be way to easy! You would basically be invincible. I even find it too easy right now. Maybe because I only played 8 levels and they aren't too difficult yet. Anyway I find this mechanic makes sense as it makes the player think ahead where to dodge and not just be an invincible godlike guy. I agree that you don't clearly see where the enemies will be (although indicated with an red arrow at the edge of the screens). However the enemy's position stays the same in a re-run, so you get that more fast paced quick play-trough like in hotline miami after dying. I am enjoying it so far although I hoped the soundtrack would be better. The rest of it feels pretty responsive. You could always just wait for a sale but I was just too intrigued by the trailer.
Edit: can't really say anything about the story yet, as there doesn't seem to be much story. Up until now it was rather boring. Hotline Miami in comparison was interesting from the beginning for me with the crazy animal mask people. So if you are looking for a good story, this one probably won't do it. The shooting mechanics are fun so far though.
I respect you're opinion, but it's not even close to being as bad as 4 out of 10 for me and almost everyone else that reviewed it, I enjoyed it as did a lot of people
Yeah, no. Not a 4/10 game at all but reviews are subjective so there's that but it deserves a better score. Anyway, how are you running out of ammo? One of the first pistol upgrades is infinite ammo, get that and you never need to pick up a gun. No weapon is better than another so pistols will get you through the entire game.
Not sure what you mean by tough enemies, sure they can be aimbots that one shot you but everything in the game dies in one shot with the only exceptions being late game armoured enemies that take two shots. Bosses obviously take more but they aren't exactly bullet sponges.
For anyone interested in buying this I suggest you watch this video by Skill Up for a much fairer critique of the game.
@gingerfrog other reviews I've read have been pretty positive, so I'd read a few before deciding whether to purchase. I think I'll wait until it's in a sale in the future.
Looks like something I would enjoy but I don't mind waiting for a sale.
I think a 4 is a bit harsh but I wish I had waited on the sale of this rather than pay full price, especially due to the screen tearing/anomalies. The cut scenes are far to compressed in video quality.
Talking of sound design, there is no "click" when you run out of bullets, so when you dive in and forget to pick up a replacement gun or never unlocked infinite ammo for your pistol you are sure to be killed.
As mentioned the enemies spot you instantly even through the rice paper windows. Cover is also hard to distinguish, it is enjoyable in short bursts but didn't get me hooked in the same way as Hotline Miami.
I am glad I bought this before reading this review.
I really like the game it feels a bit like Stranglehold or rise to honour, both games I love, so I am happy with it. Its on sale at the moment as well
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