It’s been 17 years since the last Fear Effect game came out, and thinking back, the one thing that always tends to come to mind about the series is the questionable marketing that surrounded the second game. Fear Effect was always touted as a more adult take on the Resident Evil formula, but the way in which Eidos – the publisher at the time – played up the romantic relationship between the two female protagonists, Hana and Rain, always felt sleazy, especially since the game – and any adverts for it – made sure there was plenty of digital cleavage on display.
With the arrival of Fear Effect Sedna – via a Kickstarter by French developer Sushee – it’s the perfect opportunity to overwrite these memories, as well as introduce Fear Effect’s signature mix of the supernatural and the cyberpunk to a new audience. The problem is that the game they want to do it with is not very good at all – but probably not in the ways you’d expect.

Set four years after the first Fear Effect, the story sees mercenaries Hana and Rain hired to steal an artefact in Paris. As tends to happen in these situations, things go awry when a third party beats them to the punch, so they head to Greenland along with associates Deke and Glas in order to chase down those responsible.
Spiced up with plenty of Inuit mythology, the overarching story is interesting enough and checks many of the boxes you expect for a Fear Effect game in terms of blending the futuristic with old-world legends. It even manages to dial back the titillating excesses of the previous entries, by not fetishising the relationship between Hana and Rain anywhere near as much, which is definitely an improvement.
Even though the overarching story and script are both fine, the voice acting ends up letting it down, and it’s ironic that a series closely associated with the original PlayStation should have voiceover reminiscent of that era in its most modern iteration. Pretty much every performance feels stilted or forced to some degree, but special mention needs to be made of the actor voicing Deke – the Aussie member of the gang. His line delivery’s so bad it’s in a league of its own, and you’ll lose track of what’s being said whenever he’s speaking as you sit in shock at just how awful it is.

While the story, characters, and presentation are very reminiscent of the PlayStation originals – with cel-shaded visuals, a fixed camera perspective, and naff voice acting – the gameplay itself is completely different, dumping the survival horror of the previous titles in favour of isometric real-time strategy.
Mixing together combat, stealth, and puzzles, you’ll be controlling up to four characters at a time, and switching between them on the fly as you guide them through each of the games areas. Pressing the touch pad at any time will also pause the action, allowing you to queue up three actions for each character, whether it’s moving, shooting, or using one of their unique abilities.
It all sounds fine on paper, but in reality it’s an absolute chore. Right from the start you’ll find the system quite limited in the options it gives you, and as you end up with more characters in your party it feels even more ineffective – especially during any of the harder later game boss fights. You’d be more inclined to engage with the strategic side of things if you felt like you were really gaining anything from in, but frequently you’re worse off from having tried to do things tactically. Stealthily thinning out the opposition does help as it lets you dish out one hit kills undetected, but once alerted, enemies will consistently make a bee line for you while shooting with pinpoint accuracy, making your manoeuvres feel a little pointless. Eventually, you’ll get sick of trying to use the limited tools at your disposal and just let things play out in real-time.

To this end, running your group around en masse, and only pausing the action so you can spam character abilities whenever they’re off cooldown, consistently turns out to be the best tactic. You’ll even start to have the sneaking suspicion that the developer knew this would happen since it placed an overabundance of med-kits in each area to help you weather the inevitable battles of attrition. Even the obligatory Fear Effect mechanic – that increases the damage you deal and receive based on how scared a character is – doesn’t feel like it has much impact on the action, and after the first hour you’ll forget it even exists.
As if this wasn’t enough, there are so many other annoyances that you could spend all day listing them, whether it's the annoying boss battles, the puny sound effects and reaction animations that make it feel like everyone’s engaged in a finger gun fight, or those moments when your character targets an enemy behind a wall – rather than the one shooting you – just because they happen to be closer. At every turn there’s something robbing you of even the remote possibility of having a good time.
Even with the terrible combat accounting for the largest proportion of what you’ll be doing, the puzzle sections also make up a fair chunk of the experience, and these at least fare a bit better. In fact, they’re probably the single most enjoyable part of Fear Effect Sedna, serving up a nice variety of challenges for you work through. Whether it’s defusing a bomb, evading security cameras, or getting Glas out of some seriously nasty handcuffs, there’s very little recycling of elements between them, with each offering a new challenge to overcome.

Even when it gets something right, though, Fear Effect Sedna can’t help but try and make it an ordeal. Why on Earth the design team had to make most puzzles have a fail state – that triggers a game over screen if you make one wrong move – is anyone’s guess. It even forces you to watch a (thankfully skippable) cut-scene each time you reload, which is infuriating.
Fear Effect Sedna represented an opportunity to bring a well-remembered series – albeit not always for the right reasons – back to life. As is the case with many games arriving via Kickstarter, though, the ambition of the project fails to translate into the final product. While in theory it ticks all the boxes you’d expect for a story-driven real-time strategy game, the woeful voice acting, rubbish combat encounters, and a cavalcade of other frustrations make this more of a real-time tragedy.
Comments 28
Oh dear
Ouch i was thinking about getting this but hard pass
It's a bit of a shame that this has turned out as it has. I wonder if there are still plans to remake the original one. I seem to remember something along those lines being mooted?
Such a shame, I loved the first two originals on the PS1 way back in 2000.
@get2sammyb They are releasing a remake of the original one sometime this year, called Fear Effect Reinvented.
@get2sammyb I believe it's still being worked on by the same developer that made Fear Effect Sedna.
Not the same feedback on the other websites, though...
I'll take it to get my own opinion.
@Zerat0r Hey, if you think you'd enjoy Fear Effect Sedna then more power to you. I hope you enjoy it more than I did.
I wish it was better, especially since I had to play it all the way through.
Aw that's a shame, might still pick this up at some point but will definitely wait for a sale!
it does seem that a lot of places are scoring this better, its like there(site not reviewer) metal gear survive review in reverse, that was rated high on he while most places had it rated a lot lower
it alwyas better to get a few view points from different sites
@suikoden @Zerat0r To be fair it's currently sitting at a 54 on OpenCritic — it's not like the game's getting praise everywhere else, seems to be the opposite if anything.
I've just completed it and got all the endings and I think a 3 is a bit unfair haha! Think my review will be around the 6.5-7ish mark.
Bad parts: The combat, quite hard bosses which require numerous retries, the tactical mode which doesn't work well, the AI companions who are useless and the lack of any progression or gaining new weapons etc...
Good parts - loved the puzzles as some were really well done, the voice acting is good (but the levels are all over the place), The story was okay, the graphics are nice and it ran okay on my Pro.
If the companion AI was a bit smarter and moved about to dodge the enemies, and the tactical combat section worked as intended, then it would have been more enjoyable - they also need to either beef up your weapons or weaken some of the bosses - almost rage quit quite a few times!
@ShogunRok you're right, man but reviews just started popping out, it's a bit too soon to get a proper idea on metacritic / opencritic.
I'll wait a bit more
@Zerat0r Fair enough, nothing wrong with reading up on a game as much as possible before buying. Smart thing to do.
This gives me a problem because I was a big Fear Effect fan back in the day and I had long gave up hope of it returning. So I want to put my money where my mouth is but if the game's that bad, I don't know.
I've been meaning to get round to playing Fear Effect for seventeen years.
Not a fan of the art style, I like the old ones better in this regard. Also not a fan of this style of isometric combat. There was a time when I was really into it and played a tonne of these games on PC, but I don't really like it anymore.
The ratings are somewhat diverse though:
PlaystationUniverse 5.5/10
NintendoLife 6/10
Destructiod 5/10
Hardcoregamer 3/5
TrustedGamesReviews 3/10
Godisageek 3/10
If there's a demo I'll probably still try it, you never really know.
Wow brutal honest review thanks. Avoid!
@Bonbonetti Even Nintendo Life gave a low score?? xD
@Bonbonetti - look on youtube - our embargo lifted at 12pm today so there are a lot of videos - we put up a 'first 15 mins' vid of it on a PS4 Pro and a few other places did short intros to the game - within the first 15 mins you can see what the game is gonna be like. You game a few more people and abilities but the core is the same.
I always think 'reviewing games for a living must be awesome'. But then a game like this comes along and I'm glad I don't have to play it through to the end, or even play it at all.
@PS_Nation yes, “bad” but by their standards, which is still twice what it got here 😂
Joking aside, they do tend to be way too positive with their scoring, but I’ve seen them give out a couple of 3’s, a some 5’s and even a 1 lately 😧
"As is the case with many games arriving via Kickstarter, though, the ambition of the project fails to translate into the final product."
Next, Shenmue III. 8)
I'm joking, I still have faith.
Sometimes you just have to walk away. I was looking forward to this too but reviews have not been very kind. Even NintendoLife, which gave it a 6/10, wasn't overly positive.
@GravyThief ikr, kudos to the staff for having to spend countless hours playing rubbish games. Most of us can just quit after a couple hours and bail on a bad game.
True heroes, they are. Falling on the sword for us time and again, sacrificing themselves for the sake of the Push Square community. 🎖
'Whether it’s diffusing a bomb' - Pretty sure you can't diffuse bombs, you can defuse them though
@Shigurui Well done, you passed my test. Your prize is on it’s way. Ignore the ticking, it’s nothing to worry about.
@AlexStinton Haha, I'm not usually that dude but that one was too good to pass up. Good honest review btw!
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