Republished on Wednesday 30th November 2022: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of December's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows.
Biomutant could have released a decade ago and it wouldn't have looked out of place. By stimulating the open world formula of old with new takes on the RPG genre, studio Experiment 101 appeared to be living up to its name. The final product does indeed prove that a lot of trial and error was going on behind the scenes, but Biomutant is more misstep than anything else. Its original ideas fail to leave a mark in what is otherwise a very routine open world experience.
It's the potential that kills you — this is very much a "what could have been" type deal. While many of its mechanics are rooted in mediocrity, it's clear Biomutant wanted to go big on RPG systems. You catch glimpses of that throughout the 20-hour or so adventure with speech checks that detract from your overall stats should you fail them and hard decisions which dictate who makes it to safety while others are left behind. The problem is they amount to very little, opting to be mere footnotes in a colourful but decidedly sparse landscape.

And it is scant, for the world of Biomutant is often muted despite its bright shades and tones. The vast post-apocalyptic environment crafts itself out of rolling green hills and dilapidated buildings from a bygone era, divided across multiple regions each with its own climate and resistances. Except there's little to connect one landmark to the next. Long stretches of grass and rudimentary housing provide nothing in the way of captivating reasons to veer off the main path — neither does actual optional content as basic fetch quests litter our journal. Later biomes introduce a small slice of cosmetic variety, although their drawbacks are much the same.
It all amounts to a pursuit for either chaos or tranquillity (the choice is yours) that manages to feel both basic and overwhelming. Simplistic in that modern open world design has it beat by a considerable margin, but also formidable outside of the action. The game is so overflowing with systems and mechanics that its menus are fit to burst.
Balancing three different upgrade trees, a morality system, very in-depth crafting opportunities, various tribes to keep track of, and long lists of Wung-Fu moves, Biomutant threatens to topple under its own weight. There's simply too much going on — so much so that it's very easy to get lost within menus. Without comprehensively explaining what every option and mechanic has to offer, Biomutant feels like a reach for the stars that ran out of fuel before the ozone layer. Far too much feels like it either wasn't ready for lift-off or could have been approached in a better manner.
What isn't quite as so overly ambitious is the combat itself, which can feel somewhat satisfying depending on the weapon you use. In what almost appears to be luck of the draw, some bats and big hitters will gratify when contact with an enemy is made while others lack any real oomph. Basic combos will see you subdue most combatants and customisable guns can deal damage at range — they always feel and sound like a pea shooter, however. What gives engagements some personality though is comic book-style text that pops off whenever a combo is successfully performed. Damage numbers then litter the screen to convey just how much of an impact you're having on an enemy's health bar. In tandem, they add a sense of style to proceedings. Nothing that will considerably elevate the combat system beyond mediocre, but at least they're something cool to look at.
A long list of abilities then endeavours to expand the scope and capabilities of combat, except they never really amount to much. It's a snag that affects the entire game actually; enemies are too much of a bullet-sponge (or melee-sponge in this case?) and so powers feel largely inconsequential when they're having such little impact on a health bar. You'll need to really wail on foes before they meet their demise.
Fuelling hostilities is the intricate crafting system, allowing you to customise every single piece of your get-up with add-ons. It's probably the most impressive aspect of Biomutant — developer Experiment 101 really went to town with the sheer breadth of possibilities on offer. You can arrange seemingly random household objects into a weapon of mass destruction, and then improve it with upgrades further down the line. If there's one thing the title nails, it's this. The results could be questionable when applied to combat, but what the system actually has to offer is mightily impressive. The number of weapon combinations you could come up with must be off the charts.

Attempting to bring all these mechanics together is a flimsy story about the Tree of Life and the tribes which take refuge next to it. While it's all fairly uninteresting, the real kicker is the narrator. He's essentially the only voice you'll ever hear in the game, conveying what other characters are saying and their meaning instead of letting them speak for themselves. This strips them of any personality they might have. Their expressions fall flat, possible unique quirks lost, and mannerisms impossible to convey. The narrator takes away the possibility of forming a bond with another character as their chatter is absorbed and then spitballed back at you through the lens of a third party.
What further trivialises any attempt at conversation is the dialogue options you have to choose from, the vast majority of which are presented as questions instead of statements. It's an odd design choice that robs you of many meaningful decisions, especially so when there's a morality system that likes to make itself known as often as possible. If anything, the two work against each other — why should you care whether the game considers you to be light, dark, or anywhere in between when interactions are mostly devoid of proper choice? Sure, it's abundantly obvious when one of these morality-affecting decisions appears, but the discussions in-between don’t seem to matter. Although, when there's maybe five to six NPCs populating an entire town and just one of them has anything even slightly noteworthy to say, it hardly feels like a system worth actively engaging in.

Stopping the game short of complete condemnation is the frame rate, which is in a reasonable state following patches issued during the review process. A 60 frames-per-second mode is available on both PlayStation 5 via backwards compatibility and PS4 Pro, with the former console achieving that target for the most part. Quick stutters break the flow of combat and traversal on occasion, but they're few and far between. Except for fairly regular texture pop-in and glitchy light sources, it's pretty smooth sailing on the technical front. Just be sure to download and install all updates to make that happen.
Biomutant could have been something special, but the ambitious project fails to capitalise on what it does differently. Trapped in the clutches of an open world from a generation past, its own ideas are thwarted by an overload of other mechanics and overwhelming menus. By trying to do so much, Biomutant skipped the part where it built a solid basis to work from. While there's still potential here, Experiment 101's first attempt hasn't realised it.
Comments 152
It’s worse than we thought folks
Incoming “reviews scores don’t matter when they don’t subscribe to my purchase decisions”
Oh my word. That person in the other article deserves an apology, they were totally ripped into for suggesting that it might not be very good.
THQNordic strikes again with another average at best title.
So disappointing. I haven't played anywhere near as much as Liam has, but my impressions are just as bad, unfortunately. It just feels very unfinished and stretched far too thin — even in the early hours.
It's such a shame, because it's clearly a unique concept and it has some really cool ideas. But the execution is totally off.
I've been watching actual players play it and seems you barely scratched the surface, with people claiming these open up in the 40-50 hour mark. The map is also huge and I've watched people find tons of things off the beaten path and exploring seems worth it.
I look forward to playing it.
@nessisonett no apology needed. As a matter of fact I just apologize to you guys for saying it would get a 60 Metacritic weeks ago. Seems I was being generous. 40’s & 50’s are more accurate
@ShogunRok The team isn't a AAA team, they are less than 20 people.
Think I'll still give it a shot but wait for a deep discount.
Ouch. Reviews are all over the place on this, however. 8.5 on PSU. 8 on Destructoid. 6 on IGN/GameSpot. Currently a 71 average on Open Critic with 48 reviews. This is the lowest review by far.
im about 13 hours in and loving it
Whew, a decision well made to cancel my pre order. Good to know the real reason they nerfed resolution. Shoddy frame rate at the time of review copies going out.
I'm disappointed, but with the lack of transparency and absurd review embargo it was clear this was another hype led disaster.
@jmac1686 Then as the review suggests, perhaps the team shouldn't have overextended itself.
I’m so disappointed! I was really looking forward to this. I can’t even cancel my pre-order now either.
Ouch! Still looking forward to it myself.
@awp69 74 ain’t half bad. I suppose that might still change though (going either way).
Figured with the last minute embargo on reviews that this wasn’t going to be a well polished game, shame.
This review and a few others have persuaded me to pass on it. A shame as it has the makings of something interesting; I'm just totally done with generic open-world game design at this point.
Also as for the PS5 debacle: 1080p may be fine for some, but on my OLED the image is far too soft.
@Voltan Reviews exploded over there. Still 71 with 63 reviews. Again this is one of, if not the lowest scores of them all.
I’m still buying it. These are a bunch of 8s and 8.5s on Open Critic.
Wow. That’s a bit of a shock. Been looking
Forward to this for a while
@2cents Metacritic is high 60’s so far. It mad more above 70 reviews than reviews like this. I haven’t read any, but I’m still skeptical of how much the game has been trashed here because of that. So far you’re more accurate.
@Jaz007 I use Open Critic. It’s more accurate IMO. 71 there.
@KundaliniRising333 The difference in resolution killed it for me. I don’t mind 1080p. But when the xsx version hits 4k I can see the priority level at pushing the xsx hardware. If you are going to visibly favour one system then no sale for me. I don’t want an xsx either. So it’s a loss for the company. Which is a shame because the lions share of console sales are playstation sales.
@awp69 this is my first time hearing of open critic. And I’m by no means new to this stuff. Seems you’ve found an aggregate of scores that are more positive than anywhere else on the internet, bravo!
@awp69 Is that more like gamerankings before or got absorbed by Metacritic? I hate metacritic for games compare to gamerankings. And how often I visit has shown that.
I honestly didn't understand what the hype was about. It looked very average from screenshots, but I hadn't looked far into it so assumed I was missing something. Apparently not
Im glad I didn’t buy this trash 🗑.
Good review, but I wish you guys wouldn't review PS4 Games on a PS5. I'm not against a note in a PS4 review saying something like "we found the frame rate improved when played on a PS5", but I think a PS4 game should be reviewed on a PS4 or PS4 Pro. There are a LOT more PS4s out there than there are PS5s.
@PapaGlitch It might be because of the studio behind it: a small, plucky band of developers gave it an underdog feel; I guess everyone wanted it to do well.
From what I've read the team were afforded a rare luxury of a long dev time with little to no crunch, allowing them to take their time and create something special without publisher interference or pressure.
The problem is that they chose to use this extra time to stuff it to the gills with unnecessary features to, I guess, stand up to its AAA contemporaries, and in doing so diluted the focus and ironically, made it just like many generic AAA open-world games, only far rougher.
@2cents Oh yeah, that’s definitely why I got there. Not. It is different than Metacritic in that it summarizes scores across all platforms. This is helpful for smaller games especially because sometimes there may only be 5 reviews on one console and 4 or another, etc.
It has plenty of negative scores. Anyway, you do you. I am on a lot of other sites that hate Metacritic and only use Open Critic.
Just like I don’t use only once site to get my reviews from because I like more perspective. Positive or negative.
Looks like a lot of readers here are taking this one review as gospel. Power to them.
The game looked like it had potential but I can't say it needed more time in the oven since it's been there for years.
Dang...been really looking forward to this as I have not had a new quality game to play for a long long time. Imma pass on this too. Even if it is a bit better than this review is saying, I still can't be bothered. I unfortunately only have time for amazing games...not merely good ones.
4 of 10? Sounds a tad harsh, at least a 5 even from the review. Shame about the environment, though. A world full of life, NPCs and a balanced amount of enemies is really important to me. Horizon nailed that nearly perfectly, with maybe a few enemies too many in spots. Also, I dislike sponge enemies. That bit can be patched if it's a common complaint, but the overworld is probably stuck bland. Discount it is, I suppose. That's the 4th planned day one I've been disappointed by in about a year.
That's a bummer. Always like a good underdog story when it comes to small dev teams.
I spent 4 years hoping the gut feeling I had would be proven wrong.
I gotta say, this kind of sucks to hear.
@The_New_Butler @BionicDodo Unless it's an absolutely exceptional circumstance, our reviews will always be conducted on a PS5 unless the reviewer in question doesn't have access to one. You could say our reviews cater to those who do own a PS5 now and will do so in the future. How the game runs on the console is discussed.
This is disheartening, but the results from other sources has also varied so maybe this can still appeal to me. Hopefully this also gets some long-term support in regards to patches and additional content too.
My son likes the look of this so got the standard edition on disk. I can play it at some point after a few patches under its belt 🙂
@jmac1686 I'm sorry, you have to play the game for at least 40 hours for it to get good? How is that acceptable?
This couldve easily been an elex review. Honestly expected another poor open world by thq nordic. After the horrible elex I never bought any other game from them. Are those ps3 graphics?
@KayOL77 I don't necc know if they favored one console or the other, rather than it was easier to do 4k with the hardware of one or the other, however if you aren't going to put in the time to equalize, it certainly hurts the sales potential and credibility.
If it was an issue of woman/manpower, simply hire more and invest to a worthy extent that which you spent 4 years on.
Reviews to me for the most part have always been irrelevant and this one is no different. I will decide what I think of the game myself and honestly it's about time Review Scores like this were scrapped altogether.
Well that’s one to strike off the wishlist then!
Thats a shame. Was hoping it would be a decent game but after delays and issues this felt inevitable unfortunately
Man, this looked so cool! What a shame! Anyway, I really don’t wanna buy anymore PS4 games so this sort of helps me in that regard.
@The_New_Butler I've only played the game on PS5. The review mentions that a 60 frames-per-second mode is available on PS4 Pro, but the criticism only covers PS5 as stated: "with the former console achieving that target for the most part".
Oof, been watching gameplay over the weekend and something just seemed off about it. Sounds like a healthy effort for such a small team but seems like a perfect one to hold of until is 20 bucks. Thanks for the review!
@The_New_Butler I don't understand, if its a poor game on the pro/ps5, why would you expect it better on the base ps4?
If this site gives it a low review score, to me that means this game is unbelievable good. The reviewers here are barely gamers based on every review I've read here.
Just remember folks, NEVER listen to reviews. Most game journos can't even play video games properly.
@RubyCarbuncle that suits you fine, but i personally appreciate reviews and opinion. A world without them would eventually turn into an even greater influx of cyberpunks', and using customers as beta testers. Wthout some measure of accountability and incentive to make a game decent at launch, corrupt practice would flourish further, as it does on most consumer goods.
@Bush ..man..elex..uggghh..
@The_Pixel_King So you're letting somebody else decide for you instead of deciding what you think of the game yourself? ok then.
@KundaliniRising333 We got by without them before and Reviews are never fact for the most part they're just a person's own personal opinion making them subjective but sure whatever you say.
I'm beginning to dislike coming here like I did Nintendo Life. You lot do what you like I'll make my own decisions thanks.
@KundaliniRising333 Everything you said is false. Without reviews of random people you don't know, the game industry would be completely fine. The fact companies use people as testers is because gamers have become more and more use to mediocrity. The 80's and 90's were just fine without 4000 reviews for a game.
I have read a few reviews of this game, and even the positive ones point out a lot of the flaws noted here in the Pushsquare review. The reviews that gave the game a higher score just seem more willing to overlook them because they find the game generally fun.
I am really looking forward to this game, and I am bummed about what appears to be some issues with the game. I am still going to try it some day, but maybe wait for a sale.
@JB_Whiting Ah I see, I wasn't aware of the back story. That is a shame then.
Bruh when I saw the review I was so happy but the second I saw the rating that smile was wiped out faster than you can say "turbulence".
@itsfoz that was my first concern for it. Hearing that the characters don't really have any real character seems a waste of potential also! And unresponsive combat animations arent ideal for a kung-fu themed action game
@nessisonett I mean you're right, but at the same time their evidence was a Conan review.
@HotGoomba This is very true tbh.
Wow, that is so disappointing to read. I was so psyched for this! I was expecting an average 7 at worst but never dreamed of it getting a 4!
Doesn’t sound like it’s anything that can be resolved by future patches either unfortunately, apart from perhaps the bullet sponge enemies...
I was almost going to purchase day one but I will definitely hold off now until maybe it comes down in price.
Well this is worse than I thought it would be i was expecting a 6 ,with regards to the debate about do reviews matter,reviews have always mattered to a degree ,even in the 80s and 90s I use to buy crash and zzapp 64 magazines, and even then I wouldn't touch a 4 with a ***** stick.
What a shame. Doesn't sound like a native ps5 version will change the score much either as its mostly down to the game design and mechanics.
I agree with the comments that if it's a ps4 game it should be reviewed on that console for the most part at least.
@KundaliniRising333 I agree. It maybe easier to get that result on one console. But that proves the other needs tlc. Especially as you’ll be selling more probably on that format. I know the ps5 has tremendous capabilities. It might not quite be at the level of xsx, but it’s not THAT big a difference. Not even 1800p? Not even checkerboard 4k? No thanks. Not good enough for my money.
Hope you lot are ready to eat your hats after I posted last week that the reviews coming out for this game were not good.
Thank God I was able to cancel my preorder on PSN. I was really looking forward to this game. I guess I will wait until it goes on a deep sale and they fix a bunch of things. Welp, now I can preorder Ratchet & Clank. I know that game won't disappoint.
@HotGoomba no, the evidence was opening our eyes and using common sense from years of playing and viewing games. Anybody who was paying attention could predict the pros & cons of this particular game, if the pros outweigh the cons in your opinion then power to ya.
Doesn’t change the fact that paying attention to details can be your best bet
Fact is video game reviews have been inflated these days, review codes are given out like Halloween candy, large & small publications get preferential treatment, streamers get early access to help their subscriber count - all these factors and more contribute to a higher than normal review score for countless modern games. So when a title like Biomutant does this poorly it’s extra representative of the lesser quality.
You love to see it
How can anyone be surprised by this score!? There were massive red flags all over this
@The_New_Butler Not gonna lie, I loved me some Cool Spot.
That's too bad. I still might give it a whirl at some point but I'm still too much into Mass Effect again to try this out right now.
@awp69 yep exactly this... it is NEVER a 4/10!
Wow such a harsh score. To me, it's unjustified tbh. You guys turned into the next Gamespot, lmao
Wooooow this is low!
Anyway, I have it preordered and I'm sure I'll have fun with it...but maybe it's indeed a weak game!
Crap! So few game releases lately, it would have been nice to be a well made one.
Now I guess it remains to be tried when it'll be offered as a Monthly free PS+ game.
Too bad, though, i was prepared to buy it day one if it was worth the price...
When a developer releases a game like this and the scores are low and the sales will be low.
How do they make any money and actually survive in the business, there have been a few like this recently and all that time and cost I don’t get how they are still around.
Why are so many people taking this ONE review as if it’s the only one that exists. They’re are also 8s and 8.5s for the same game out there on the other end of the spectrum. Read more reviews. Or better yet, play it and make your own decision.
@The_New_Butler gotcha, that makes sense.
@awp69 why are you campaigning so hard for a mediocre product that you had no involvement in making? It’s not like THQ needs your cheerleading. Learn to let go! Clearly this game meant something to you and that’s fine, play and enjoy it. The rest of us who don’t will steer clear until we feel the price of admission (nearly free IMO) is met - this is gamepass fodder at best
@RubyCarbuncle I think that is it, we just agree to disagree. I understand the subjectivity, but when reading multiple reviews, if you see common threads across them highlighting positive or negative aspects, then its a good way to understand what one is purchasing. As one whom works in science, i can tell you that this methodology is how the scientific process works as well. The subjectivity is set aside but the testing presenting a conclusion then leaving up for review is there to ensure a level of accuracy.
that being said everything is subject to corruption, as much of our science has along with economic practices and obviously the ridiculous political system meant to divide, but that's a whole other problem. lol
However i am curious, you say you hate reviews, and yet here you are posting in the comment section of a review. I wonder if it is more likely that you just don't like the conclusions of the reviews on this game, and thus wish to play devils advocate.
This game caught my attention right from 1st trailer, and I was really looking forward to it.
After reading this I'm not sure about it, and that disappoints me 😐
@2cents exactly
@2cents All I am saying is that this review is far on the negative side of the spectrum. And I always read more than one review. But if everyone here only reads one person’s opinion on the game, go for it. Carry on.
My copy should arrive tomorrow...
I wasn’t really sure what the game was about when I watched the trailers and after reading this review, I think I understand why.
The only thing that really bothers me is the decision to use an narrator in place of giving the characters their own dialogue/personality.
If I had known this beforehand I probably would have skipped this... but I’ll give it a chance and see how I get on.
4/10 lol holy bombs Batman
@SamMR have you played it? How do you know it’s harsh?
Hey guys it has a 98 on closedcritique.com
Pre-order opened!!
@awp69 Don't focus on the number, focus on the details of the review.
What I mean is for some people "Short" is a con, and for others "Long" is. Read the list of things that they called out as issues, if you think those are non-issues, or even things you would consider a pro rather than a con; then consider trying it for yourself. When I read that list, its just one nail in the coffin after another.
4/10 yikes! Definitely a pass from me
4/10!? Ouch!! Holy crap. That's really sad. Few things are as depressing as the feeling of "could have been."
63% on MC, such a shame as it looked really promising. I'm still interested but i will wait until its like £15 or £20, i'm a sucker for open world games so i shell most likely get some fun from this.
@fR_eeBritney I mean, it's probably not too late to return it.
@Dezzy70 Short answer, a lot of the time they don't survive. Some game companies simply bankrupt themselves making a AAA level game with C-grade quality.
All is not lost. This got a better score than Cyberpunk 2077!
Was really looking forward to this game, didn't expect that score. Just watched Skill Ups review on YouTube who I find to be a good honest gamer, and he pretty well hated it. Just looks like they tried to add to much and by stretching themselves they forgot to get the basics right, especially the sound and combat.
Damn.. an here I got it pre loaded lol
@2cents "why are you campaigning so hard for a mediocre product"
Haven't you posted more than @awp69 in this thread, and against the game, and also have admitted to giving this game a 'bad' score prediction weeks before it released?
Why have you campaigned so hard against the game?
I had a feeling that this game would maybe fail to deliver. It looked interesting from day one but the world seemed empty and the combat seemed basic and repetitive. It looked like a last generation game (PS3 era). will probably still play it it when it drops in price.
Bummed, but this gives me a reason to get Rift Apart at launch!
@RubyCarbuncle When it’s £50 and I’ve got a lot more to buy and play, yeah that’s exactly what I’m doing. To be fair, I’d gone off it quite a bit after watching a couple gameplay videos anyway.
The classic case of trying to touch what you can't reach.
@The_New_Butler Sorry but no, see the problem you are having is you are comparing those games to todays games. The games back then were ground breaking for that era. Color reskinning enemy pixels was a simple way to add variety to enemies while saving space on a already tiny file restriction. And none of those games you mention you could beat in 2 hours back then.
I was going to buy it, but after looking at videos of it, I noticed some issues with sound and hit feedback, and decided maybe I would wait for some patches and a sale.
@Kidfried Exactly. Who didn't see the hyping up this site was doing of this game just to cut it down right before it launches? Becoming very predictable.
@The_New_Butler Sure not all games are E.T., but still groundbreaking for that time none the less and most were on the same level, you are just nit picking to make a point. But gaming almost didn't survive? lmao, not sure what universe you have been living in, its been in a constant up rise.
If you played Gauntlet then, you would know how far beyond that was to other games at that time, it had drop in or out co op. You can't seem to separate gaming generations anymore.
@RubyCarbuncle reviews and opinions are important when there’s no demo to see for yourself what the gameplay is like.
Biomutant isn’t like R-Type Final 2 is to me, where I didn’t care what others thought about it b/c I knew I was buying it anyway.
I got it preordered for $3 through some price mistake on EA's launcher. It will have to work hard to disappoint me.
for anyone who likes this game , theyre just adding more fuel to the fire by giving bad games a pass. that just gives devs an incentive to not even try anymore if people are gonna be so overly optimistic over blatant trash . the more people give bad games a pass , the less and less developers will try .
@KundaliniRising333 Where did I say I hate Reviews? I didn't say I hate them so stop skewing my words please. I said I don't let others decide for me is what I'm saying and it gets on my nerves the way whenever a game receives a negative Review so many people let that one Review influence their decision on whether or not they'll purchase it.
I come here to keep up with the latest gaming news but sometimes when I'm swamped with too much negativity like in the comments here it puts me off and 9 times out of 10 I say nothing to avoid unintentionally upsetting people. I left Nintendo Life for this reason I don't want to leave here for the same reason.
Me wanted game before.
Me no longer want game.
@nomither6 Yes, how dare people like a game other people don’t! It’s horrible!
It’s almost like people have their own opinions. I don’t want to live in a place like that.
@awp69 Yes , how dare people misread my comment and look for a strawman argument to misconstrue my point !
It's almost like I never implied that people couldn't have their own opinions , and just stated my perspective of my opinion of bad games. I don't want to live in a place where people lack reasoning .
@nomither6 How could this be misinterpreted? “ for anyone who likes this game , theyre just adding more fuel to the fire by giving bad games a pass.” You are literally saying people who like this game are giving “bad games a pass”. Isn’t a bad game subjective? Based on opinion? Whatever.
Maybe OTHER people don’t feel that way. And you are ***** on their ability to have their own opinion.
@awp69 and no where within that statement did I say people couldn't have their own opinions . You're only fooling yourself , but , ''whatever'' .
@RubyCarbuncle I hear you, and I certainly don't want to contribute toward your view of negativity on this site. Wish you well.
It will be interesting to see when it releases if the rumors bubbling up that it crashes horribly on ps5 are true.
I'm starting to wonder if the PS5 was released with significant issues running software. The amount of games that have had to fix crashing, which prevail on PS5 more than all other platforms is concerning. Definitely a little bit of a letdown, considering this is the first time I have ever purchased a console at launch.
lesson learned.
I still plan to check it out. The reviews got it so wrong with Ghost of Tsushima and TLOU2
@stefan771 Ghost of Tsushima was awesome, what did reviewers get wrong about it? TLOU2 doesn't interest me.
@LiamCroft Thanks for taking the time to review it for us.
Any reason why metacritic hasn’t included your review in the critic reviews yet?
I will leave you all with two quotes laced with wisdom.
"Stop frakkin' pre-ordering games." -Me
"If you buy a game at launch, you are paying the most amount of money for the worst version of a game." -TotalBiscuit
@KundaliniRising333 Thank you and the same to you.
I guess not all games can be as good as Metal Gear Survive, right Liam. Lol! I swear you guys are terrible. Yes I have not played the game. But by all accounts it's an average game. In my world a game has to be almost completely broken to get a 4 not just be average. Considering how wrong you guys were about Oddworld and you disgustingly gave that a 4, I'm inclined to pick this up.
@DeepSpace5D We are included for the PS4 version.
@The_New_Butler I know the history but this crash was exaggerated and pretty much only affected the US console market (outside NA you barely felt it).
The same story could be said about the early 90's when it got over saturated with consoles and games which then had the weak ones die off. There was like 10 different consoles around then too. After 80% of those failed only a few remained and gaming was better off for it. Its the same cycle, the only difference was arcades were already on the way out and PC's base was already established so the drop on the chart wasn't as noticeable.
4/10? To me an four was a unplayable game, biomutant is really that bad?
@Slippship yep and imo they are more in line with my feelings about the game. I have got the game on last thursday and am in for 15hours so far... the game is awesome to me. Like the last sentence of the PSU review is stating: "If you're looking for something fresh, unique, and exciting, Biomutant is a brand new IP that you should play."
I don't care about scores. I never do.
I wouldn't mind it on PS+ at some point.
Reduced to £44 from £59 by Amazon uk already, on release day - word has spread.
Watched a live feed of this last night - 10 minutes of a creature pretending to be Elvis in baby language - as you spoke to them, was like Telly Tubbies. At one point the streamer was so bored they were on their phone and didn’t notice the dialogue had ended. Such a shame, as was massively looking forward to this.
At prices of €60+ all these kind of games need demo versions. I was looking forward to this game. But I am not risking that kind of money for a likely disappointment. I don’t have money growing on trees here 😥 give us demo versions to test before buying!
RIP Biomutant I had high hopes for this game...now I will wait for a $15 bargain bin sale or for it to come to Plus.
Still don't understand how passionately people take review scores. As others have said, a review can only ever be one persons view. If you are interested as a consumer, read a mix of reviews to get a flavour of what the game is like and whether you think it will suit you.
@Rudy_Manchego I think most of us do. The general impression is that most reviewers rate this game poor or mediocre. And of course that doesn’t mean the game experience will be like that for yourself. But, seeing the price tag I can’t buy a game just with the hope it might be good. Hope is often just delayed disappointment. 🤔
@The_New_Butler @BionicDodo I've complained about this before, including the complete disregard for the PS4 version of Sackboy.
How does it play on the console it was written for, is a simple enough question to answer but so often seems to get ignored.
There is definitely an air of 'we've got a PS5 and we're going to use it as much as possible' with some reviewers on this site, even when the game is designed for the PS4 and PS4 users want to know how it runs.
The weird raccoon monster thing surely deserves more than a 4. The game might be rubbish but so what he's a rascal look at him.
It's reviewing worse than my expectations. Such a shame. It looked like it had potential.
I had an inkling it wouldn't be great when I wasn't seeing a bunch of early gameplay impressions. If you've got a new IP and have faith in the final product if think you'd want to get it in the hands of some people a couple of weeks early so they can put out gameplay footage aNd let potential customers know it's a product worth being interested in. I didn't see anything like that. I think they knew what they had.
@ShogunRok One thing though minor bugs and glitches are a minus i dont see that on the triple A games though especially the Ubisoft ones.
Still a pity it looked like fun.
Hate to say it but this is pretty much what I expected from the trailers. Cool concept, so-so execution.
Reminds me of Fable both in ambition and how polarizing it is. Only this game actually attempts to deliver on its grand ambitions instead of outright cutting most of them. I know a lot of people hate the Fable games but I loved all three. If any game gets me to buy an Xbox, it'll be the new one. So I'll still try this game.
And I'm not saying that I'm going to love the game for sure and agree with PSU or AOTF before even playing it. It reads like a 6 or 7/10 to me but I'd also rate plenty of games I've had fun with the same, like most PS3 Ratchet games, Jak 2 and 3, Uncharted 1, The Order 1886, Dragon Age 2, Fable 3, Just Cause games, etc.
@BadPlayerOne Agree completely - for me the review process is something that helps me to decide on a game or not. That doesn't mean I don't play games that aren't very highly rated but it sets my expectations correctly and how much I think I can afford to play the game. It just seems that people decide beforehand they like a game then get angry if the consensus isn't the same.
@ORO_ERICIUS I’m having a blast with it too so far. It’s not going to win awards but I also am agreeing with the PSU review more on this one.
@MattyHammo It got very mixed reviews. Several 5s, 6s and 7s when it is, IMO, a 9/10 game
I had a hunch this was going to be a bit meh despite having my pre-order for the Collector's Edition locked-in months ago. 4 days before release I decided to cancel as I had a feeling this wasn't what it initially looked to be. It looks like I made the correct decision and saved myself £100!
@stefan771 Makes you wonder how reviews can differ so wildly? Sometimes I think it's what you expect of a game before you play it. Or is it because the game suffers somewhat on the PS5?
My 2 very small cents, it's a new ip made by 20 people. You can shut the narrator off if he digs at you. Combat is what you make of it. Your either a exploring rpg person or not. That said I don't really use reviews for my purchases anymore as I have my tastes same as you have yours.
However I do like to support a new ip if I think it can entertain me or give me more value back than a movie at a theater. Personally I chose to support the title and I'm very happy I did. Not everyone can spend 60 for a maybe title, heck most of you sound like you barely are eating...just giving my opinion and how my thoughts align..
I played for a few hours last night. I’m really trying to like it. Sadly if I do play through to the end I think that’ll be the only time. Such a a shame, I was really looking forward to it.
4/10 that's way to harsh on it .7/10 is more like it in my opinion.4 lol Oh Dear if it was that bad I wouldn't have gone past the intro screen .
I'm enjoying the game!
Didn't realise it reviewed this badly on original release date. Was expecting to see loads of 6 scores and the occasional 7. I wonder if any patches have made it better since then for the PS5 version or the game is just no good regardless of patches and updates?
Great it's going to PS+. I don't understand the 'outdated world design'. I think the using animals as classes than just base stats before upgrading would have been nice. Getting an ability as a bat over a glider another could use, a water animal over a jetski so it's 'you get to do those first while the others have options still' would have been cool. Maybe for a sequel?
No Mans Sky is the only other game with toxic environments to open up, sure you have towers in games to open up the map visibility (which I hate), sure the outposts, sure ok missions, a fine gear system. So to me while I haven't played many open worlds how is it outdated I don't understand? Even Sunset Overdrive was behind Spiderman in garbage and I preferred it as Spiderman was less fun with boring generic missions and barely besides 1 skill in the tree tree required for a mission. The weapons/icons and tower defence/movement based missions were great then being 10% of Spiderman.
Sure it's AA but it's a fair game for a small studio and fair more interesting in world/dialogue approach with a narrator than most AAA snorefests copy and pasting and not enough mechanical ideas and just flare that reviewers give a pass to because it's shiny and big voice actors who cares.
Breath of the Wild has weather that you can't do anything in and the Zora suit is useless, weapon damage is fine but compared to survival games Indies are further ahead of balancing durability systems. The Biomutant puzzles aren't Zelda puzzles but fine enough I think.
Biomutant isn't the Darksiders 2 successor I thought it could be of a Hack n Slash RPG (no I don't count souls games) but still. Tell me a game that has hack n slash combos and varied weapon types/RPG elements combined with fast paced movement, I can't think of any as devs make souls clones right? In my opinion nothing else plays like Darksiders 2. Even God of War is just generic not what an evolution compared to the directions DMC or Bayonetta have gone in but no it's a generic action adventure skill tree experience with flare. Boring.
A fair review/reason to bring it up again because of the PS+ announcement I assume but still was a game I haven't played much of but didn't hate at all I'm just not into open worlds usually anyway.
@Beerheadgamer82 this was one of the worst scores. There were also 7s, 8s and even a couple of 9s. Metacriric / Opencritic had it at a fairer 64 / 67 with a matching user score of 6.7.
There have been a few patches and the PS5 version sorted a lot of the performance issues.
Some people enjoyed it, others didn’t, hence it’s a pretty good fit for PS+ and worth checking to see which camp you fall into. I’ll be doing the same in due course.
@themightyant the ideal plus game then cause its no big deal if end up liking it or not and Mass Effect is a big win for Plus Essential regardless of already owning it
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