Dreams, the highly ambitious PS4 exclusive from Media Molecule, was famously one of Shuhei Yoshida's favourite projects while he was at the helm of PlayStation Studios.

He touches on it briefly in a lengthy interview with MinnMax, looking back fondly on visits to the Guildford-based development team.

"Meeting with people at Media Molecule was always inspiring," Yoshida recalls. "They are such creative people, and it was always fun to visit Media Molecule. They felt like a rock band!"

Asked about his thoughts on Dreams, he only has kind words for it, though regrets that it never made it onto other platforms.

"Dreams was [an] amazing project, and we had a huge ambition... It's a great game-making tool, so I was hoping we [would be able] to release it, after PlayStation, on PC, and after PC, on mobile, and [allow] anyone to use the tools to create games. Somehow, we couldn't get that to realise."

While many fans assume that this boils down to the game simply not selling enough, Yoshida says "it was a mix of technical and business reasons" why the ports to other platforms never happened.

A while back, PC and PS5 versions of the game were supposedly created, but obviously, the studio has now moved on.

While Dreams remains online and fully functional, live support from Media Molecule came to an end as it puts all its focus on something new.

It's a shame Yoshida's PC and mobile vision couldn't be realised, as putting it on those platforms would only have helped its chances. Dreams itself is fantastic, but if the sales weren't there and technical issues were causing headaches, we can understand the decision to call it a day, though it pains us to say it.

Would you have played and created on Dreams on PC and mobile? Discuss in the comments section below.

[source youtu.be]