Sony has confirmed a new PS5 firmware update will be made available for its current-gen system today, updating the console to version number 25.01-10.60.00. Just like the previous one, this patch will be deployed in a phased release, so it may not be available for download immediately depending on your region.
Before the PS5 firmware update arrives, Sony has provided the patch notes:
- We’ve improved system software performance and stability.
- We've improved the messages and usability on some screens.
We'll update this article should any further additions or changes come to light, such as the possibility of the removal of the temporary 30th Anniversary themes. What sort of features do you want for the PS5 system software? Suggest more than folders and themes in the comments below.
[source x.com]
Comments 40
If Sony get rid of the 30th anniversary themes, I'll be very disappointed in them.
Folders and psx boot sound should be high on the list for future firmware 😃
Stability intensifies!!!
While I agree with you on folders (I dont disagree on boot noise, its just not on my 'list') , for some reason Sony just dont seem like they want to do this - maybe due to RAM useage of the UI as a whole - just guessing.
I do wish they would add in patch notes again!
Edit : removed unintentional emoji (again)
@wiiware Hi mate, what do you mean by boot sound? You can already adjust this sound or do you mean something else!? Completely agree with folders
"Suggest more than folders and themes in the comments below." - brilliant, @LiamCroft!
Probably removing themes. I keep hoping for folders and themes but Fony are really disappointing me this gen. Sigh, I'll just go and boot my PS4 Pro and enjoy the PS2 retro theme...
A search function for trophies would be good
30th themes are still working after new patch
Folders or we riot
and pls dont take away the anniversary startups
Ohh noooo... another slow down update... After last few firmware updates I have to double press game icon with at least 2 seconds delay to run any game.
I don't want to lose my boot up screen...
@Dr_Rock Yes, I would like a real overhaul of the trophy organization and display. Search function would be a good start. I’d like to go further and ask for a way to customize the display of trophies. Even something as rudimentary as what PlayStation Stars does with their little cabinet display. If we could choose some of our platinums to display in a default cabinet that would be fun.
But I’d like to be able to organize them by genre, or franchise, or by percentage complete or just to be able to search would be nice.
Many of us who’ve been in the PS community since the launch of trophies have hundreds of games in the trophy list and thousands of trophies. It seems a missed opportunity to be able to celebrate our trinkets better and also easily reference them. Especially with so many remakes where we may have the same game played in 2010 and again in 2024, with two trophy lists. Could we display them together? Could we have all the Final Fantasy games together (or at least all the FF7’s 😅), or all the Mass Effects or all the Uncharteds, or Metal Gears, etc.
I do like the ability to just scroll through in a chronological history of my gaming, but sometimes I want to see or display something specific.
Cool down, it‘s just a minor update from 10.4 to 10.6, so don’t expect any major feature.
Stability improvements!!
Hopefully I can finally remove that folded beermat from the from corner of my TV stand.
I miss being able to thumbs up my friends after tthey've gotten a difficult trophy/plat. PS4 was truly a gem.
I'd like to be able to change the LED colour while my PS5 is on, I'd rather it was blue then white.
i would love it if my disc drive didn't spin up every 20 mins
@Th3solution I’m with you mate! I’d love a proper dedicated page for trophies I can show off etc. Demons souls and Bloodborne platinums would certainly be there for anyone to see lol
@Mostik I heard it's not permanent and maybe sony will delete it and back to normal ps5 boot sound only, I hope it's not true though.
@Rich33 I think ps5 has more and better ram management than ps4, but maybe sony just not interested in folders.
Set phases to "Stable"
They're taking away the 30th anniversary themes i bet. I'm not updating.
I hope they give an option to keep the 30th anniversary stuff. At least the sounds.
@wiiware Thanks buddy, I hadn't heard that was the case, that would be shame! Fingers crossed it stays and so does the classic themes
Came here to say this. I have a new sub that was seemingly built for this retro theme. That I wouldn't have known originally
@sanderson72 so you buy consoles for themes? 😂 I like themes but 99% of people don’t and it makes no difference to the console
Before PS5 on PS4 every update they seemed to do something with chat/Messages all the dam time
I hope they keep the original PS1 start up but just take away the 30th anniversary words and leave the diamond and PS symbol etc
They also need to let me add folders or 20 games on the screen but in a large box, why the PS4 XMB and PS3s were the best
@Rafie they even got rid of that after multiplayer. Goto returnal, help another scout, and then after try to do that it tells you it's not supported anymore. (But returnal continues to offer it)
I want to see real stability updates like the pulse elite headset not disconnecting. Damn shame folks spend the amount of money for the headset just for it to constantly disconnect, because your router may be too close, know how many people have their PS5 hardwired?
Better upload speeds for the PS5.
Improve the chats and messaging overall it's mess and constantly creates fragmention of already creates chats. Additionally other users can take forever to load one anothers end.
I honestly could care less for the static 30th anniversary themes for the simple fact that they are STATIC and they suck. Nostalgic nonetheless but definitely a cheap thrill. I'd prefer overall dynamic themes and not just at the welcome tab.
What I can say is I'm happy Sony is pushing firmware updates to allow the PS5 to age gracefully. I have a Pro, but the base PS5 is still buttery smooth. This has a lot to do with its hardware yes, but optimization from software has absolutely allowed this to be sustainable.
still no share screen for discord...
It's so stable horses can live there 😉
All I want is FOLDERS. They had it on PS4, why on earth not on PS5? I have an 8TB HDD plugged in and a 4TB SSD expansion, too many games to scroll through just want them organised my own way
there's 3 things I want them to do with future updates (aside from themes):
1- Add PS Vita to the classic console themes, it's the only console missing!
2- controlling the console led light color would be great.
3- MOAR Stability, enough stability to place my console on a tightrope and it stay on there without support.
I don't really understand, there was already an option to turn off the 30th anniversary startup from the options, turned it off from day one, why would I want to wait 3 times as long to get to my home screen?
@PushDiagonal I think 99% is somewhat over the top. I suspect anyone who's grown up with a PS3 or PS4 would welcome themes back (just see the response to the Welcome screen) along with folders and various other PS4 concepts.
I think all it proves is that the PS3 and PS4 UIs still kick the PS5's miserable dashboard into touch but New Sony aren't listening.
@sanderson72 I’d welcome them back, but I don’t care if they ever did! I buy consoles to play games. Not for my screen to look pretty before I play those games. The fact that we have made and account on here and even would comment makes us the 1%. There was a survey, 73% of people that buy PlayStation consoles is just for call of duty alone. Non hardcore gamers are the the majority, and the majority doesn’t care for themes
I'd love a Pro icon!
Absolutely no point to patch notes like that. A lot of Android apps do the same. I guess in many cases it's true (stability and anti hacking) but give us at least something nice alongside it
Will be flopping my dong out forthwith!!!
@trev666 Go 100% digital and don't use disc's. Storage is cheap.
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