Press and content creators can expect review codes for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 to be sent out "in the next few days" — with the medieval RPG's release date still one whole month away.
This confirmation comes from Sir Tobi, who's the international PR manager at developer Warhorse Studios. On social media, he writes: "We are sending out #KCD2 review codes in the next few days (yes.... 4 weeks ahead of release)!!!"
"From now on, everything will be in the lap of the Review-Gods (pls be kind). Not gonna lie... I am nervous but also excited AF. 6years of work are leaving the nest."
For context, review codes for upcoming games rarely arrive this early. At least in our experience, most review codes drop maybe one or two weeks from the launch date, with a review embargo date set two or three days before that.
Notably early review code suggests that the publisher, and developer, are especially confident in the project. Again, based on our own experience, early review code is a very positive sign.
And of course, we should mention that getting a code well ahead of release helps us write better quality reviews and additional coverage. It's much easier to provide in-depth, well-constructed opinions if reviewers are given a lengthy amount of time with the game in question — and they're not being forced to rush.
Excitement for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is building, then. Here's hoping that this anticipated sequel lives up to expectations!
Are you looking forward to this one? Raise your sword to the sky in the comments section below.
[source x.com]
Comments 33
The game seems to be a far better and less janky version of the first game so my excitement is high as the first game is really good if flawed.
Ohhh...this is a very good sign! I'm almost tempted to pre-order off the back of their confidence.
@DennisReynolds Yeah KCD is a really interesting RPG with some great ideas — it's just a bit awkward in places. You could argue that it's the perfect foundation for a bigger (and better) sequel.
As someone who has just completed the first game over the Xmas break, I can safely say I'm beyond pumped for this game. Maybe bold to say but it could be one of the early runners for GOTY.
Jesus Christ Be Praised
If the game is just as good as the first and isn't buggy like the first at launch, then I'm happy but I'm confident in the team that this is going to be better. Excited for it!
@Frmknst Its combat system wouldn't work in 3rd person.
6 out of 10 incoming ...mid 70s on meta I predict
Cant wait for the big publications to start their negative review cycles just like the 1st one for reasons unrelated to the actual game
I want it. But with wilds coming so close after it, I fear I will be waiting to play it for a while.
Got my 4th playthrough of the first game under my belt in 2024. I am ready for this!
One of the best games i have ever played. Also one of the few games i bought all the DLC for. Warhorse knows they have gold in their hands.
Cant wait for next month!
For a game of it's size, I am glad they are giving reviewers the proper time to play and enjoy every aspect of the game.
It is incredible to think of how close the release is.
I'll be excited to see what you say about it, but I'm locked in already 🤝🖋️
@ShogunRok Exactly what I was going to say. There’s such a good foundation to build on, there’s reason to be exited. I’ll be happy if the story at least has a decent ending this time, but hope for more. It’s not a given that a sequel will fulfil its potential, we only have to look at Dragon’s Dogma…
Preordered months ago! I'm really looking forward to this game.
Came to the comments to ask what y’all thought of the first one since I never tried it myself. Happy to see that some of you already praised it here!
That’s making a statement
@ShogunRok have yall decided which one u is gonna be doing the review or is it to early to tell
@Drago201 We have! The next couple of months are crazy for new releases so we had to work out who's doing what before the end of last year.
@ShogunRok dang that sounds like a lot of time management 😅 I wish u guys luck 😁
KCD was one of the best games I ever played. Also, as someone interested in Medieval history, weapons and armor, I found it incredibly educational.
I had always wanted my own suit of plate armor. I wanted to put it together piece by piece. Playing KCD taught me what to buy.
Yes, it was a slightly janky game, but only a little. It was remarkably polished for what it was. I am very, very excited for the sequel.
First game was really good. Definitely not for everyone - slow paced and most certainly not 'AAA' levels of polish. But really enjoyable if it sunk its claws into you.
Looking forward to seeing what the next one can be with, I presume, a much bigger budget.
@symmetrian my thoughts exactly
I really liked the first one so I'm looking forward to this.
Warhorse are absolutely killing it with how they've been presenting KCD2 ever since the announcement. Luke Dale (voice actor for Hans Capon in KCD) has been doing a marvelous job on all social medias to be part of the community. I'd love to watch him stream his playthrough of KCD2 when it releases, BUT I'm afraid I'll be too busy with the game myself! 🫡😊
Loved 1. Will be getting 2 but definitely not at launch as I predict the game to be buggy like the first one.
Hopefully they will make lock picking easier this time round!
I hope the game turns out good!
And please notice that the game has expansions that are planned and advertised in advance.
Plans can change (see Cyberpunk), but what actually made Kingdom Come truly great was the many additions that came with its expansions.
I feel like 2025 is going to be a huge year for excellent games.
It's strange that I read non-fiction almost exclusively, but the idea of a historically accurate game with no robots or ninjas etc sounds like homework.
@Ravix Henry's come to see us!
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