XDefiant Player Count

It's incredibly easy to be cynical when it comes to new live service titles. So many of them seem to appear and then disappear in the blink of an eye, but contrary to many a pre-launch prediction, Ubisoft's recently released XDefiant is actually posting decent player numbers.

According to Insider Gaming — who consistently get the scoop on Ubisoft's inner workings — the free-to-play shooter has already racked up 8 million unique users. And while that isn't a perfect metric for gauging a game's overall popularity — trying the game just once would still count towards the total — it does suggest that XDefiant has a fairly wide reach.

The report goes on to say that Ubisoft's internal target was to hit 5 million unique users in the title's first month — but it's obviously managed to smash that goal. What's more, XDefiant apparently peaked at around 700,000 players just this week.

So, plenty of people are giving XDefiant a shot, but as always, we'll have to wait and see how things hold up. Releasing a live service game is one thing — but keeping it healthy is another task entirely.

Have you given XDefiant a try? Are you surprised that it seems to be doing quite well for itself? Make sure you reload in the comments section below.

[source insider-gaming.com]