Konami and Bloober Team’s long-awaited Silent Hill 2 remake will finally emerge from the fog on 8th October, and here’s a brand-new trailer as well as an extended look at gameplay. Pre-orders are open now, with two exclusive James Sunderland masks available for those who register their interest: Mira the Dog and Robbie the Rabbit. The game will retail for $69.99.

Those looking for a little extra can also plump up for the $79.99 Digital Deluxe Edition. This will come with all of the above, in addition to a Pyramid Head mask, digital art book, and digital soundtrack. You’ll also be able to play 48-hours earlier, from 6th October. Check out all of the new footage embedded within, and let us know your thoughts.
[source youtube.com, via youtube.com]
Comments 48
I think the remake looks good. I’ll be waiting for reviews but when people say it’s bad, I have to wonder if we’re looking at the same game. At worst it will be fine. The discourse surrounding this game is absolutely rancid and at times it feels like people are rooting for it to fail, which is disappointing. I get that Konami and Bloober have both blotted their copy books in the past but the comments on the YouTube stream were insufferable.
It looks promising so far but God damn they messed up Angela's face so hard.
> Faithfully remade in the original vison
> Showed over the shoulder view combat and dodge feature that doesn't exist in the original game
I still think Konami hired the wrong devs to remake SH 2. But, we'll see how the review and sales when the game is out...
@DiggleDog I was watching the stream and I have seen so much people saying "bad" or "woke". Like it was annoying. The game itself looked fine. People were commenting on the framerate issues as well but it was an early build so ofc it will have fps issues. Comment section was insufferable alright...
@Nepp67 Yeah, I thought the same. Looked like the original character design was having an allergic reaction.
I think the game is looking a lot better, especially during the extended gameplay sequence, my only issues are Angela’s face looked really off, the framerate was a bit spotty and combat seemed like a really janky reiteration of RE2 Remake’s combat.
But it’s Bloober Team so I expected some jank, if reviews aren’t an absolute car crash I’ll happily pick this up around launch.
It’s looking better but I’m still skeptical. Hopeful for the best.
@glennthefrog Exactly, they just need to slim her jawline down some more. I don't know why they thought THAT was the look to go for.
still looking like AA game made on Unreal 4
Okay, this gameplay footage looks much better than what was shown during the State of Play. The environments look good but not entirely sold on the combat and character models.
This transmission seemed like they were really working to justify the remake to the fans. There’s some good updates like a dedicated melee button and item usage outside of going into the main menu. The atmosphere and environments are pretty great as well.
Borked up some faces there...
Is it me or did they make James younger again?
I love the scenery but the characters look a bit odd and their animations don't look very fluid. I'll probably grab it at a discount because I really don't trust Blooper Team with a horror game.
Hate to be that guy but, why is this not on ps4 again? It looks like a ps3 game, lol!!
Looked real rough in the first trailer but definitely on my radar as well. Probably will pick up if PS gives an 8+ so we’ll see!
@hugoadan I think you've forgotten what a PS3 game actually looks like.
The game definitely looks better, but I wish a different developer was in charge with this remake. It seems to really be mimicking Resident Evil 2 and 4, but I don’t think it can reach tbat potential. That said, this doesn’t seem to be as bad as people make it out to be. I’ll keep my eye on this one and will probably play it regardless of reviews.
@Bentleyma apparently yeah😅😅
@Athrum It was actually confirmed in a datamine that they did make him look younger or I guess smoothened his face out because it got criticized for looking too emotional during the mirror scene. I certainly think it looks better imo.
Pre-ordered the Deluxe version! Can't wait that two extra days! looks amazing!
Definitely looking forward to this and what was shown today looks pretty good. Glad we got a release date too.
By the sounds of it, all some people want is a port of the original. Then again they would complain about that
@LordServbot Then why they put this "Faithfully remade in the original vison" line at the beginning of the trailer only to showed they're not faithful to the original game?
Also it doesn't look like 1:1 story progression either. In the og game, James doesn't get the radio inside a house but inside a tunnel. Some dialogues aren't the same either. Just compare how James talked with Laura with the og game.
I'm all for nicer graphics and better QoL like update UI or smoother controls. But it's clear Bloober doesn't faithfully followed the og game. Heck, the combat never been the focus on the og game but here Bloober changed it and showed as if James has combat training and that doesn't fit with the lore.
You doesn't see that as a problem but it's a different case for SH 2 fans.
This game looks exactly how I imagined phrase "Silent Hill 2 remake from Bloober Team"
Pretty bad animations and combat, but pretty decent environmental art.
Already went ahead and pre-ordered it. I love Silent Hill and been waiting for this remake forever. Can't wait to play it.
The state of play trailer didn't do much for me, but a release date was very welcome. Stayed up for Transmission and the extended gameplay looked a lot better. The detailed environments, excellent sound and improved combat have made me optimistic this will be a very good remake.
@NeonPizza Couldn't care less about them. I just don't want Angela to have such an ugly face for such a tragic character.
The environments look excellent - really atmospheric. The characters? A disappointment.
James still looks weird and has unnatural/rigid animation. Maria's redesign looks like a generic daytime TV character, albeit with a head too large for her body. Major misstep in terms of characterization IMO. Angela is... unfortunate. The execution of the enemies seems pretty underwhelming as well. Muddy, indistinct and blandly animated. The head shake on the nurse is the only addition I actually like.
I'll wait for actual gameplay footage come release. Certainly not a day 1 buy.
@PuppetMaster your just nit picking for the sake of things
Angela got "modern audienced" so hard lol, yeah I have no hope for this remaster 😂
for someone like me who never played the original, this one looks amazing! Environment, atmosphere, enemies, all looks fantastic. I'm so glad I can play it freshly, not like a lot of people who will constantly compare every single detail to the original one, which is just killing the joy of playing. Can't wait to play this.
@Artois2 Did you not read my line that i'm okay with some QoL? I'm not against changes at all. Example i'm okay when some scenes and dialogues in RE 2 remake are different compare to og game. Like they gave better dialogues and more scenes for Marvin compare to the og where he just gave Leon a card and then asked him to leave. Capcom never promise that the remake will be faithfully followed the original game either.
But i have problem when a developer try to sell their remake as if they faithfully followed the original game but it's actually not. Some of the changes foe this game also looks unnecessary.
@wiiware what does that mean?
Never got a chance to play the original. But not gonna lie,this remakes look good to me. Can’t wait to play
Does it LOOK better than the original, sure. But as far as full remakes go it really feels like it falls short. I'm probably just too spoiled on Capcom RE remakes though.
I’m not expecting Capcom quality but I do expect it to be better than the horrid PS3 HD Collection.
I’ve actually never played the original. It came out during a period in my life where partying, living abroad and student life in general led to a pause in my gaming (yes, I’m old).
So my first impression of this game was the PS3 “remaster”, far from ideal. Looking forward to experiencing this version, jank be damned…
@Nepp67 I agre, I like it better as well
@PuppetMaster sounds like you should just play the original if you want absolutely nothing changed 🤷♂️
I think they modified just enough so that it doesn’t feel like I’m playing the exact same game. Things will be more or less fresh this way.
@LordServbot Semantics and it's your opinion it's a non issue, NOT me.
@ChromaticDracula I already own the og game but that's not my point here if you read my comment carefully 🤷♂️
@NeonTiger It means the character designed for modern audience, the one that tweets hourly on twitter but not buying games.
@wiiware in what way though?
Woah, there's a lot of stress about this. I'll admit, the character designs look quite different from the original (and, in my opinion, James looks too young to have been though what he's been through and Mariah's design is not as provocative as the original design, but that's just, like, my opinion, man), but games should be played. This is just a trailer. I'm waiting for the reviews.
@PuppetMaster log out bye your done also there was a dodge feature figure it out child
@Nepp67 there's nothing wrong with her yall quit sexualizing an abuse victim
@Athrum nice joke
@Undeadcop Get your head out of the gutter kiddo, not everyone has sex on the mind like you do.
At least they’re getting it out for Halloween though the lull of post-Christmas into the dead of the new year would be Silent Hill season in my mind. Get a load of me -_- such a closet goth. Actually, I have history but some genuine freaks have siezed it of late…
@Nepp67 LIAR!!
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