Uncharted 4

Naughty Dog co-studio head Neil Druckmann has weighed in on the debate surrounding the use of AI in game creation, suggesting the tech allows creators "to take on more adventurous projects and push the boundaries of storytelling". His comments come in a fresh interview published alongside Sony's recent Corporate Strategy Meeting, where Druckmann speaks of the "exciting marriage" between "traditional storytelling" and "cutting-edge technology".

He explains that new tools are allowing even "non-technical people" to realise their ambitions and turn imagination into reality. "Moreover, AI is really going to revolutionize how content is being created, although it does bring up some ethical issues we need to address. With technologies like AI and the ability to do motion capture right from home, we're reducing both costs and technical hurdles, opening the door for us to take on more adventurous projects and push the boundaries of storytelling in games. This evolution is truly empowering creators to bring their visions to life without the traditional obstacles."

Speaking more to brand new technology in general rather than just AI, Druckmann cites how he's now able to oversee the production of the second season of HBO's The Last of Us TV adaptation from his home in LA while recording will take place in Canada.

"You may be able to lift an environment from a game to put into other media directly or allow actors to see and interact with the environments through headsets. Technological advancements also support global collaboration and real-time feedback. Remote work tools, crucial during the pandemic, have reduced travel and streamlined production processes."

Daniel Ahmad, director of research and insights at Niko Partners, shared some further colour to the story surrounding the use of AI. "One thing people need to realize is that more than half of games developers (Especially in Asia / China) are using generative AI for professional game development at this point," he tweeted. This is supposedly mostly for "pre-production" and "concept" purposes right now, "but will expand, of course".

Elsewhere in the interview with Neil Druckmann, he suggests the next Naughty Dog game is "perhaps its most thrilling yet" as it could "redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming". What do you make of his latest comments? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

[source sony.com]