Originally released for the PSP all the way back in 2008 and 2009 respectively, Class of Heroes and Class of Heroes 2 are returning to PlayStation over a decade later. These fairly hardcore, grind-heavy dungeon crawlers were met with hit and miss reviews back in the day, but they did manage to establish a following amongst players who enjoyed their party-building and character progression systems.

Anyway, they're being digitally re-released as the remastered Class of Heroes: Anniversary Edition and Class of Heroes 2G: Remaster Edition on PS5. And in the West, a physical version titled Class of Heroes 1 & 2: Complete Edition will also be made available. They're all dropping later this month, on the 26th April.

Dare we ask if you remember the original Class of Heroes games? Might you be interested in these re-releases? Head to the depths in the comments section below.