Rockstar has announced its GTA+ subscription service will be further bolstered later this year with the inclusion of L.A. Noire and Bully. The £4.99 / $5.99 per month membership is primarily for GTA Online players, handing them more cash and bonus items. However, with the PS4 version of the original Red Dead Redemption recently being put on the service, Rockstar is looking to expand its offerings even further.
The PS4 remaster of L.A. Noire and the PS2 version of Bully will both become available to active members later in 2024 alongside the pre-existing benefits. In fact, the in-game monetary benefit for GTA Online is about to get considerably better through until August. Alongside the usual monthly deposit of $500,000 GTA bucks, there'll be an extra $1,000,000 on top every month. A big summer update for the online portion of GTA 5 is also teased, with GTA+ members getting a new bonus super car when it drops.
GTA Trilogy: Definitive Edition is also included in GTA+. Do these extra games included in GTA+ move the needle for you at all? Will you subscribe for a month when they drop so you can play them? Let us know in the comments below.
[source rockstargames.com]
Comments 20
GTA+ subscription service? Is that an actual thing or is it an one day delayed Aprils Fools Day joke?
Really telling that it's called GTA+ instead of Rockstar+
Damn. Forgot about LA Noire. One of my favourites.
Seriously needs a sequel... Why do we always have to rely only on Rockstar for these types of games. Old Rockstar at that.
I heard it a couple of days ago for the first time. No april fools joke unfortunately
Yu can guarantee it’s just an excuse for them to increase the price!
I'm getting seriously allergic to all these subscription services. With games so cheap if you go via CEX, eBay or Vinted, or hell even shop the sales in the PlayStation or Xbox Store, you really won't end up paying any more to just own them.
If we seriously think about the time we have available to play these games I think 90% of people will realise all these subscription services do is cause us to spread our attention so thin between titles rather than playing what we really want to play. And with the added bonus of games you may be looking forward to being removed at 30 days notice, it's kind of a no-brainer to switch back to the old ways. I've caught myself many a time playing a game because it's leaving within the month rather than carrying on with the game I bought because I genuinely wanted to play it. It's pure madness.
Games Pass is not 'the greatest deal in gaming' any more, these day it just feels like a novelty.
@ATaco it's "GTA, plus some other games"
@AK4tywill yup — I'd much rather spend time on games that I've decided to play rather than being funnelled into a curated selection for a limited rotational period.
Why don't they remake bully? I own it on PC, but never finished it.
There are people on this site younger than these games, you can find these for dirt cheap. Instead of playing Bully on GTA+, I'm gonna Bully the Take-Two/Rockstar CEO! Hypothetically.
Except Bully and LA Noire are both on PS4.
Wise words from PT Barnum, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”
This makes me nervous for gta 6
man i remember when rockstar was dropping games on the regular , now its one gta game every 15 years
It's a great deal now. EA play has quietly been massive value, as it gets nearly every EA release 1 year later. I was already going to sub for the GTA trilogy, and now RD1 & Bully just make it more enticing. I could have a very Rockstar summer...
Bruuuuuh why can’t they port over the Scholarship or Anniversary Edition.
Wow, GTA V Online has become so massive, it even spawned its own subscription service.
I'm still patiently waiting for Rockstar to patch RDR 2 to run at 60 FPS on the PS5.
I would prefer to buy and own the own the games.
Rockstar games go on offer for the exact same price's every couple of weeks on the PS Store.
Red Dead Redemption £39.99 drops to £31.99
Red Dead Redemption 2 £54.99 drops to £18.14
L. A. Noire £34.99 drops to £17.49
@Specky The studio that developed it went bankrupt. Rockstar stepped in to publish it but I don't believe they outright own the title as it was developed in Australia.
I heard it was a bit of a mess and Rockstar stepped in to finish development, so I think big shots like Rockstar could pull of a sequel.
I think they do own the rights as a big tv show was being made with the same name. They had to change it because of Rockstar, so hopefully that means there's more to come, tho that was years ago
It will be interesting to see how GTA+ may be used with GTA 6 off and online. At worst it would be required for online play.
Bully, and or, LA Noire would be nice Plus games, especially with the price increase last year. Also the PS4 versions that can be downloaded.
GTA + may be good for new gamers, but for R☆ veterans like me we most likely already own the games we want, and are past needing any freebies in GTA online.
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