Just a few weeks away from release at the time of writing, Rise of the Ronin has graced us with eight new PS5 gameplay videos, each of them showcasing a different weapon-based fighting style. Nioh fans will definitely recognise some of them, but there's an impressive degree of variety on offer here.
The eight weapon types are as follows (as translated by Gematsu): bayonet, dual swords, long-range, long sword, naginata, odachi, spear, and sword. Going by the actual footage, there's going to be a good amount of depth to each style; combos, counters, throws, interrupts, and more are on display.
Dual Swords

Long Sword
We've got high hopes for Rise of the Ronin's combat system, especially given Team Ninja's track record. But which weapon type do you want to use? Choose odachi like everyone else in the comments section below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 31
Looks like a less good version of ghost of tsushima to me. Very rigid looking animations and just very stiff looking overall. The engine it's running on looks like a typical soulslike engine. Hoping it's great though as i love this style of game
Wow this game is looking great for the combat. I'm loving how many options there are for combat all that remains is that the loot should be reduced compared to Nioh 2 which was too overwhelming.
I’ll take the sword, I’m a simple man. Team Ninja knows a good combat system. This is looking great.
Tempted to go sword and pretend I'm playing Ghost of Tsushima 2, because god knows when we're actually getting it.
@ShogunRok All this game does is make me want to play Ghost if I'm being honest. It's coming out the same day as Dragons Dogma 2 as well ugh.
@atthegates as someone who platinumed GoT and both Niohs, GoT should be the game with less depth than this. Would need to play RotR first to see everything. Team Ninja have never made a Soulslike and probably never will. Their NG roots are too strong.
I think this game looks pretty damn good! Only problem is it comes out the same day as Dragon's Dogma 2. Which to chose!?
I get for us Westerners, this looks a lot like Ghost of Tsushima, but keep in mind there's ~600 years between the time periods of the two games. Should make for very different vibes and experiences!
This looks pretty floaty hack and slash to me, which was fine a decade ago but now there are way better recent representations of samurai combat in games.
Idk I’m probably too spoiled by GoT so I’ll spend my money on DD2 instead🤷🏾♂️
Is it wrong I'm disappointed with the lack of environment interactions. The waves look PS4 while the guy thrown into the water doesn't even make a splash, and the sand is solid? Guess thats why games cost too much to make these days!
I still haven't played GoT and I have it in my library. Why didn't I just download that instead of buying RE4, RE:Village and Little Nightmares 2 in the sale #smh
I can’t understand why this game gets a lot of hate here it looks great to me for a team ninja.
Looks as good as a 10 years old PS4 title. We probably need a PS5 Pro to fix that, correct?
@JohntheRaptor Couldn't even imagine platinuming the nioh games with their difficulty so clearly you've a lot more experience with them than me. Out of interest are their games usually pretty buggy/glitchy at release?
Looking good for me at the moment
I shall wait for reviews just in case it has the Soul Games disease 🦠
I’m here for whatever Team Ninja does. I think this looks great.
I will be playing this on easy mode to focus on the story. I am sure the combat will be decent enough though.
Bayonet I'm most down for, perfect blend of gun and blade 👌
Will all depend on reviews on whether I get this day one ...if it gets stellar reviews will defo get it
Never played the first dragon dogma but obviously got a lot of love and there is lots of hype for the second...so depending on how these both score will decide which I bet....if both end up 90+ which I doubt lol...it will be rise of ronin for me
This game made the unfortunate move of competing with Dragon’s Dogma 2. I know which game I trust in between the two, but I’ll be reading reviews… same as I will be for the Princess Peach game that also releases the same day!
I would have thought the popular choice would be dual swords or a sword and revolver.
If I'm getting this game (waiting for some reviews at least, or an intro demo would be nice) I'm definitely thinking it will be worth using the Sword/Gun combo, as that's something that will make it feel a little different gameplay wise to anything else I've been playing
Horse + bow looks fairly satisfying too.
I'm a big fan of the Nioh games, and Wo Long as well. Team Ninja has my trust, getting it on day one, and I rarely do that nowadays, so it's a big praise from me.
@atthegates the more I see the less I’m interested. KT has been running off possibly the ugliest and jankiest engine I’ve ever seen, and has been for over a decade. It’s the one thing holding their games back, and it’s showing. As we see more it becomes apparent they’re reluctant to show too much, so I’ll wait for reviews for this one. Same with a sale, to be honest, DD2 is looking better. Tired of the floaty combat, it was a big issue with Nioh 2 for me and if it’s no better here it’s a pass.
@atthegates Not really at most some balancing issues (bosses too strong) in the beginning but The Nioh games were very polished and had the best Souls combat. Wo Long was quite messy though but I think that didn't have SIE involvment and was made by the B team.
@atthegates the mistake people make with the Nioh games is thinking they're soulslikes instead of approaching them like a diabolike... They get easier the more loot you acquire for a build and I do mean easy, but most don't push passed the initial struggle because they think the game will always be that gruelling
@DeathlySW Yep you summed up the look of it better than me. Ugly and janky. Looks like a ps4 game ffs. Dragons dogma looks great but if it's running at an unlocked framerate (which capcom love to do) we're in trouble!
Day one.
Been a fan of Team Ninja since the Ninja Gaiden days.
@atthegates The fact that there's 4 player co-op in Ronin probably limited how far they can push the graphics while still trying to get a stable frame rate.
I'm not sure where everyone gets this idea that Dogma looks great from. I watched the 18 minutes gameplay on IGN and the graphics are nothing special.
Ghost of Tsushima from Temu
Definitely looks interesting.
I just keep comparing it to the amazing Ghost of Tsushima and this game doesn't do anything for me.
I felt let down with GoT after everyone hyped it as the best game on PS4. Combat didn't come close to nioh2. If this is somewhere in the middle then great, should be a lot of fun
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