The Call of Duty machine will keep chugging along, whether the games are well received or not. This year's entry may not go down as a favourite, but perhaps a future one will regain your interest. Not only have we had reports about 2024's Call of Duty, we're now also seeing word about where the series is heading in 2025.
In a new report from Insider Gaming, it's said that the Call of Duty game planned for release in 2025 will be a direct sequel to Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, and set in the year 2030. It'll be a return to the near-future setting after a long stretch of games set in the past and present. The report also says the game will feature a combination of brand new multiplayer maps and remastered Black Ops 2 favourites.
As mentioned, it's been previously reported that 2024's Call of Duty will take place during the Gulf War. So, if everything is to be believed, we're heading back in time next year, then forward in time the year after. We hope you're keeping track of all this.
Obviously it's far too early to know if any of this information is real, but what would you say to a Black Ops 2 sequel in 2025? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source insider-gaming.com]
Comments 30
I thought the Gulf War entry was also Black Ops? Surely, Treyarch isn't making both, so is the 2024 game an Infinity Ward entry? If so, my hype levels just skyrocketed!
Never been super hot on the Treyarch games, but I must also confess that this adds to the confusion on how these three mainline studios are treated (Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and Sledgehammer). If BO is a 2025 game, that provides Treyarch with 5 years of dev time between Cold War and this, while Sledge continues to get pummeled by the community as being the "worst" team, except they were only allowed a year and change to make MW3. Something definitely seems off...
@wildcat_kickz Treyarch isn't technically making either. Raven took over the campaign in Cold War. They are most likely handling 2024 with Treyarch handling the multiplayer component. 2025 if you follow the CoD model for MW2 (based on what I've heard), will be a direct sequel to 2024. A different studio handled MW3, not IW, that was Sledge.
You'll need to let go of this idea of a "mainline studio". At present as far as I know, there are no solid plans for 2025. However 2023's MW3 has pushed for more development time for 2025 to make sure the campaign is longer and gets more time in the oven. Whether or not Sledge gets another crack at a full release has yet to be seen.
I'd say don't count your chickens just yet here. For one it doesn't make sense under the current model to launch what would basically be a completely new entry of CoD in 2025. You have to understand that part of the reason MW3 even exists as it is, was to provide Raven/Treyarch more time to work on 2024. So why would they walk that back for CoD 2026 which will most likely be MW4?
Don't get me wrong I think 2025 is currently trying to get all of its ducks in a row after 2023, but we're talking about creating a whole new game if we're going back to a future setting. That means all new assets. What made 2023 "work" as a plan was the recycling of assets from MW2. Given an extra year more set pieces could have been introduced, but a lot of time was spent trying to figure out what 2023 would be and really left Sledge Spinning to try to hit a target that kept changing.
No I think its far more likely that we'll see something in the early 2000's. There isn't much interest in returning to BloPs 2. Far more likely we'll see advanced or infinite warfare come back, but not in 2025 for a game set after 2025.
If you think about it dropping the player in 2030, 5 years after blops 2 and 35 years before blops 3 really makes no sense. Especially if you have all this time between 1994 and 2025 with untapped potential. It's been more than 20 years since 9-11, I think its time to revisit the second gulf war and the events surrounding and leading up to it.
I haven’t played through a COD campaign in over a decade so couldn’t care less about timelines and continuity but some of that Black ops multiplayer goodness is music to my ears. I can’t put my finger on why but I have always preferred Black Ops entries to the others. I even loved the ones which were generally considered mediocre like Cold War and Blops 3 which I think is still my most played PS game ever.
Played the MW3 trial this past weekend and I came away thinking the same as I did with the last two games which is that I wouldn't pay more than $30 for it. Hopefully there will be a great COD again, but it sure doesn't seem headed in that direction at all 🙁
No real gamer gives a flying F
@NotSoCryptic I understand there's a ton of cross pollination for each entry, but each one definitely still has a "main" dev team behind it, with others providing robust support. Even with Cold War, though Raven made the campaign, Treyarch was lead on MP and Zombies, especially since that entry used Treyarch's own engine.
Ultimately, CoD games live and die by their MP maps, gun customization and gunplay. Campaigns are good marketing beats, but don't really play a huge role (at least, outside of the media). I've personally preferred IW and SH maps and gunplay to Treyarch's, but I also recognize that's just my own tastes.
Either way, I'm excited to see a shift either into the future or past. I'm a little burnt out on the modern settings.
@KundaliniRising333 Please provide your real gaming credentials
@wildcat_kickz As i stated with the above comment, I already did by not giving an F. When an individual engages in prolonged interest and play of a COD game, the gaming police show up and revoke your gaming credentials, and hand you a sticky note with the word "Tool," on it. Not sure what it implies but yah.
Gaming po pos don't mess around with those predatory sports and online shooters schemes masquerading as games.
How has this serious not gotten stale for people yet?
@wildcat_kickz being a real gamer is all about gatekeeping fun, belittling other people’s opinions and generally turning your nose up at anything even remotely popular. Basically imagine a hipster who doesn’t leave their parent’s basement.
@KundaliniRising333 @GeeEssEff Haters gonna hate.
@pharos_haven Same reason people still play chess, basketball, Destiny, etc.: it's fun.
Yawn of duty. Yes it sells well, kids will keep buying thinking it's amazing. Non will ever surpass mw2 og. Would be nice if they took some out to make it actually good again. But I guess those that spent £70 on this years game are partially to blame for the constant milking.
I'm cautiously optimistic about this news. Black Ops 2, in my opinion, is one of the greatest campaigns in the franchise. It was the first game to feature loadouts (for the campaign), had branching storylines, was fairly solid in length with a decent amount of replayability, and the plot wasn't convoluted unlike Black Ops III. Hopefully Treyarch (if they're the ones making it) take their time with it and deliver a solid follow-up campaign to one of the best, and an overly brief one like B.O. Cold War
I've come to realise over the years a good top quality call of duty product/game comes out when another game comes out like GTA/RDR or even a Bethesda game.
I'll make sure to set aside 30 minutes on my 2025 calendar to play this campaign
Meanwhile at Dice…..
“Hey, I got a great idea…..let’s go back to world war 1!”
Maybe if a call of duty game releases in the future that runs on a new engine that actually utilises the power that new consoles and pc's provide and they stop regurgitating old teeny tiny maps I'll dip in again but until then I'm done with the call of duty franchise.
@wildcat_kickz but it wasn't treyarch's own engine it was a modified source engine...the same source engine that's been modified for every cod game.
@wildcat_kickz sledgehammers entire track record has been garbage COD games
they were involved with the original MW3 which was very mediocre and worse than MW2
Advanced Warfare multiplayer had bad maps and was forgotten into obscurity when black ops 3 came out .
WW2 was boring, it had that one fun mode in multiplayer but still was your usual sledgehammer trash . bad maps for umpteenth time , boring killstreaks, & the world war setting really doesn’t help
they failed their next project and treyarch had to pick up the pieces and make cold war
what’s even worse is that they’re still around and not kicked out of the development cycle yet . all of their games are 💩
@Northern_munkey MW2019 was exactly what you wanted
@nomither6 I think we just have different tastes. I'll admit that I didn't play AW multiplayer, but thought the innovation in mobility was a welcome change (something that Infinity Ward improved further with Infinite Warfare). At that time, I was just playing CoD for the campaigns and thought that one was pretty good. WW2 I also thought was pretty good. Good Band of Brother's inspired campaign, decent MP maps, and a genuinely scary aesthetic take on Zombies. Vanguard's campaign was decent, though I think the MP wasn't what I wanted. I actually like the WW2 period setting, but Vanguard wanted to have it both ways with the period and modern attachments. Ultimately, I agree that it didn't live up to it's potential and the Fortnite bleed hit pretty hard in that installment. Definitely don't appreciate the metaverse style skins seeping into military shooters.
However - I think Treyarch "picking up the pieces" isn't quite accurate, especially since dev cycles are several years. BO4 campaign was so off track, they outright cancelled it. Cold War's campaign they gave to Raven. Treyarch was missing milestones and should have been the studio to release next, but Sledgehammer was forced to release something that was intended to be DLC for MW2 as a completely standalone game (something that wasn't Sledgehammer's choice, I might add).
No matter how you slice it, I think IW makes the best CoD games, but I digress.
I'd also agree with the general audience sentiment that they should stop annualizing these games and just give all the teams more time to innovate.
@wildcat_kickz can’t argue with that about their campaigns , though the last campaign i gave a ***** about enough to play was advanced warfare which was really good & fun. but i just haven’t cared since . the mw trilogy ended with the classics and the treyarch trilogy world at war - blacks ops 2 is what i consider cannon and real COD. still tried ghosts and advanced warfare because of “next gen” but yeah , just find it impossible to care about COD campaigns .
and we just have to agree to disagree because of our tastes , infinity ward imo hasn’t made a good COD since 2009 , mw3 as i explained earlier was underwhelming , ghosts…do i need to ? , infinite warfare had excellent gameplay and perfected the future style gameplay but , it just wasn’t fun and the maps were abysmal.
i can see why someone prefers infinity ward CODs and they’ve always were the most polished since day 1, but treyarch CODs are just simply more fun . their maps are usually good and memorable, i like the color palette they use in their games though it can be cartoony at times but i admit they somehow work, best zombies , fun guns and killstreaks and they usually have the best customization in their games
i respect your sentiments though you made good points and what i say is entirely subjective. & with all that said , COD is stale to me and has been for years. the finals is a breath of fresh air , apex , fortnite , valorant etc COD has competition now . but i wouldn’t mind playing another blacks ops again , i only like modern and future games
The people who buy call of duty are the same people who buy sports games, get all excited for a new entry only for it to be the same scripted and/or sbmm rigged schlock designed to siphon as much money from the gullible people as possible, they'll then complain while continuing playing rinse repeat.
I like complaining, games would be far worse without complainers but people who complain yet continue to buy the same garbage you're complaining about year after year, what are you doing?
@Deityjester “ games would be far worse without complainers”
thank you for saying this . people that think like this are a minority ! things can only get better if you complain i.e criticism! every action starts with a thought
@nomither6 yeah too many people unfortunately just try to silence critics i have experienced this with fallout 76, no man's sky and surprisingly battlefield 2042 which seems to be infested with the staunchest fanboys i have seen, woe to anyone who dares complain about the maps or anything in that game.
I’m not trying to troll but I sure hope Sony brings back SOCOM.. I have been thinking about that today, it would be another contender in the shooter genre. There is so much they can do with it. I’m kind of getting tired of Call of Duty.. love the friends I made while playing. But I think Sony can do a good extraction type of game similar to DMZ with missions and other players being potential enemies.. I know Sony has a lot of multiplayer games in development which look fun.. I’ve only heard good about Concord and HellDivers 2 but I would really enjoy some classic Socom with some modern updates or have a classic mode and battle royale type of mode; or my favorite some type of DMZ extraction type of game with maybe a fps option.
I just hope that they continue finding ways to carry forward weapons and skins. That’s really cool and while a lot of work to maintain is highly appreciated.
Really nothing new again c'mon 😕 at this point its ridiculous
@nomither6 I'll go with that..the best of the crop post world at war on the ps3.
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