Spirit Hunter: Death Mark II is an upcoming suspense-horror visual novel announced for a Western release, coming to PS4 on 15th February. We got a glimpse at gameplay, which now involves some sidescrolling exploration in addition to first-person investigative elements.

Set in the prestigious Konoehara Academy in Tokyo's H City, rumours of supernatural occurrences require the attention of a "Spirit Doctor", and the head of the Kujou family is ready to take the case. Mysterious fliers are appearing, proclaiming student's deaths, and an evil entity known as "The Departed" seems to be at the centre of everything. Players can take a partner along for the ride, the choice of which can change the success rate of actions during "Suspensive Acts".

What do you think of Spirit Hunter: Death Mark II? Are you familiar with the first game (which enjoys Very Positive reviews on Steam)? Properly cleanse your body and soul before descending into the comments section below.

[source youtu.be]