Dragon's Dogma 2 Showcase 2023

Capcom will host a showcase for Dragon's Dogma 2 on the 28th November at 1pm PST / 4pm EST / 9pm GMT / 10pm CET. The publisher's promising around 15 minutes of fresh gameplay footage and new information. Director Hideaki Itsuno and producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi will present the show, and we've already got our fingers crossed for an all-important release date.

Indeed, things appear to be moving quickly behind the scenes when it comes to Dragon's Dogma 2. Earlier this week, an age rating appeared for the action RPG, sparking speculation over an imminent announcement. It's highly likely that said rating was hinting at this showcase reveal, and the potential of big news.

What do you want from the Dragon's Dogma 2 Showcase 2023? Gather your pawns and await adventure in the comments section below.

[source dragonsdogma.com]