Bandai Namco has revealed the suitably named 'Nostalgic Anime Song & Item Pack' for Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections. The DLC contains five different tracks that were used as opening songs for the long, long running Naruto and Naruto Shippuden animes. And if you happened to watch the anime back in the day, then you're probably going to experience dangerous levels of nostalgia hearing this music again.

Here are the five included songs:

  • “GO!!!” by FLOW
  • “Haruka Kanata” by ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION
  • “Blue Bird” by Ikimonogakari
  • “Silhouette” by KANA-BOON
  • “Kaze” by Yamazaru

GO!!! will likely be the most impactful of the bunch — it's the one that bangs on about being "fighting dreamers" — but Haruka Kanata was a memorable opening song as well. If you're an old school Naruto fan, battling it out with these bangers playing in the background is a difficult deal to resist.

Connections releases roughly one month from now, but will you be ninja running straight into this reconstructed and remastered brawler? Give us your best "fighting dreamers!" in the comments section below.