Lords of the Fallen PS5 PlayStation

Lords of the Fallen is looking like a good bet for players seeking their grimdark fix on PS5. With there still no sign of a solid release date for Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree expansion, the dark fantasy epic is shaping up to be a real treat for masochists seeking a mechanical challenge. It's been confirmed to feature the performance and quality modes we've come to expect on PS5, which is another good sign.

Speaking to WCCFTech, executive producer Saul Gascon discussed what the game's running under the hood and what players can expect from the game when it launches on 13th October:

"The performance mode goes at 60 frames per second, and 1080p resolution upscaled, which is kind of the standard in the industry. The quality mode is 2K (1440P) upscaled, running at 30 FPS. But even if you play at 60, Lords of the Fallen looks really good."

Combat in Lords of the Fallen looks suitably weighty and should keep players looking for a meaty action RPG occupied during the last months of 2023. What do you think, is this one on your hit list? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source wccftech.com]