Rejoice, for ultra-promising action RPG Granblue Fantasy: Relink finally has a confirmed release date. The freshly revealed 1st February 2024 launch date does technically mean that the game will fulfil its promise of arriving in the previously announced 'winter 2023' window — but we're sure that many of you reading this will have been anticipating a date with '2023' on the end of it.

Still, it's nice to actually know when Relink is coming. If you haven't been keeping up, the project was delayed several times over the last few years, and at one point went through a change in primary developer. The title was originally in production at Platinum Games, but it was uprooted and brought in-house by Cygames, the company that created the Granblue Fantasy franchise.

Hopefully, this will mean that gaming in 2024 gets off to a great start — but can you hold out until February for Granblue Fantasy: Relink? Feel free to mark your calendars in the comments section below.