Alan Wake 2 PS5 PlayStation Remedy Entertainment 1

On the evidence of its various Gamescom showings, Alan Wake 2 looks absolutely incredible. It’s even more impressive, then, that Remedy has seemingly achieved the impossible on a tiny team. You may be aware that most AAA productions require hundreds upon hundreds of developers these days – in fact, that number can sometimes touch the thousands once you add in outsourcing et al.

But according to communications director Thomas Puha, writing on Twitter (or X, we guess), the Finnish developer averaged around 130 people across the title’s four or so years of development time. That may sound like a lot of employees, but again, it’s absolutely dwarfed by most tentpole projects these days. “We are very, very far from first parties or other big studios resources,” Puha noted.

Obviously, we’re expecting a largely streamlined experience here: there’s not going to be a giant open world or never-ending post-game. But as we know, Remedy knows how to deliver a tightly paced cinematic action game – and we’re anticipating more of its trademark quality here. The fact that it’s delivering with such a comparatively small team is testament to its culture and the dedication of its staff.
