SEGA wants to bring “remakes and reboots” of older Sonic the Hedgehog games to contemporary consoles, like PS5 and PS4. President Yukio Sugino confirmed the tidbit in an interview with Famitsu, as spotted by DualShockers – but insisted its strategy wouldn’t prevent it from exploring new original ideas as well.
“Of course, we have to do new things,” he admitted. “We will develop while selecting which is appropriate at this time for each IP, such as ‘This is the best way to do this IP.’ Sonic is also SEGA's signature IP, and in parallel with the new games [like Sonic Superstars], we are considering reboots and remakes.”
To be fair, SEGA’s already brought back a number of the classic entries in the sidescroller series, courtesy of the recently revamped Sonic Origins compilation, which now also includes a bunch of Game Gear titles. Personally, we have fond memories of the Dreamcast era, so we’d like to see Sonic Adventure revisited – even if it’s just HD ports.
Is there any particular Sonic the Hedgehog game you’d like to see get revamped for modern consoles? And what of SEGA’s wider catalogue: would you like to see the likes of Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi resurrected? Samba De Amigo will make its long-awaited comeback on Nintendo Switch this year, so it seems anything is possible from the publisher right now.
[source famitsu.com, via dualshockers.com, thegamer.com]
Comments 37
The two Adventure games could do with another lick of paint, the two versions of them have their own advantages and drawbacks. Adventure 2 is a game I’d probably say is the best platformer I’ve played that doesn’t star Mario, it’s such an overblown mess but hugely endearing.
Bring back Adventure 2 you cowards!
Also they better keep in couch co-op.
I'd love to see Crazy Taxi but only if they licensed the original music. As for Sonic Adventure I'd live to see a remake or HD remaster based off the Dreamcast version and not the buggy DX ports we've had ever since.
Oh and let's not forget games like Skies of Arcadia and Panzer Dragoon Saga, even today my Dreamcast still sits under my TV proudly alongside my PS5, Xbox Series X and Switch
Would love a remake of the adventure games
Virtua Tennis
Sega Rally
Scud Race
Yeah Sammy I Would Like remakes for Shining Force And Phantasy Star heck throw in Panzer dragoon saga Astal And Clockwork Knight As well.
This really this generation of remakes, RE4 remake, Dead Space remake, TLOU Remake, Sonic remake, SH2 Remake, like holy crap what else is being remade? Lol
Adventure games would be nice and Sonic Heroes since that's my favourite (yes really) and revive Sonic Riders!!!
@carlos82 Been playing the Dreamcast recently too, although more the old 2K games and Crazy Taxi than anything more long term!
Remake of Sonic Battle would be nice.
Adventure 1 and 2 would be welcome remakes in my eyes.
Just don't touch Heroes, it's a mess of a game that I don't think a Remake could fix.
Skies of Arcadia needs to be ported to modern systems before any of this sonic silliness is allowed to start.
Sonic 06 and Shadow the hedgehog because i love to see chaos
@Rob_230 Honestly unsalvageable story aside from a gameplay perspective Project 06 has proven that there was a decent game there deep down a Remake could be interesting
Bring back or do a remaster/remake of Binary Domain you cowards
Would be nice if SEGA worked with Nintendo to bring back F-Zero. Start off with a F-Zero GX remaster or remake (SEGA developed that game) and then follow up with a new game.
Sadly don't see it happening though as Mario Kart's success seems to be the reason the franchise went on hiatus.
@Grumblevolcano Now you're talking, would love to see f zero gx.
For me ports/remakes of the sonic gaps before 360 era:
Spinball added to origins as dlc
Advance collection (including battle)
Rush collection
Adventure 1,2 and Heroes. Maybe throw in riders for good luck.
Then I'd love to continue with the Panzer Dragoon love, especially Saga.
Skies of Arcadia
Jet Set Radio
Shining force rereleases/remakes. Port the GBA one maybe, do something with 2 and 3 and then Shining the Holy Ark while they are at it
Remake 06', that's the one that needs love
Remakes of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 - I would be down for those.
I’ve never played a sonic game, but it looks fun. I’d definitely try a remaster
Thanks to the Series X, I can play Adventure 1 and 2 at all times.
But a new collection including Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog would be nice.
Or even a Remaster of Adventure 1.
But I guess that won't happen.
Like Nintendo does with Zelda, I bet Sega is looking for something like Sonic Frontiers now in the future... Lame....
Shinobi, E.S.W.A.T, sonic spin ball, kid chameleon. All with updated graphics like the new sonic and still 2d, I'd buy every one
Two weeks ago I would have said that they should just port Sonic Adventure 2, but then I tried playing it. Remove the nostalgia goggles and that game is ROUGH. A remake collection of the Sonic Adventure games would be much appreciated.
Not big on remakes/remasters but for some IPs I think it's somewhat necessary if they don't get a new game even a small scale one.
Sonic has too much presence anyway give the other IPs some presence. Sure Yakuza, Sure Alex Kid got Miracle World. Streets of Rage 4. But I mean so many others can be reworked or still be relevant. Even with small games or remasters.
Chu Chu Rocket for that puzzle goodness.
Valkyria Chronicles 2 on PS+ Deluxe/Premium. I may have bought it on Vita but doesn't mean I don't think it shouldn't get some more appeal as 1 Remastered & 4 are on PS4.
I'm already happy they have Cosmic Smash on PSVR2, and of course Space Channel 5 is great.
Some Phantasy Zone would be interesting to see what they can do with.
I know will never happen but yeah Sega GT/Rally are so good. I mean I want a car builder Sega GT style but expanded upon so badly yet racing games are so disappointing these days. Make a no licenses racing game like Wreckfest. Sonic Racing is fine but it's not the same. Sim or arcade.
Outrun without a license would be nice. Just the first game isn't good enough. Whether the other Outrun games or Outrun 2 style but without the Ferrari advertising would be great.
Got to love the Binary Domain support for sure from the other commenter. I too enjoyed it. I mean Sega had BD and Vanquish and they are great western theming/audience appealing Japanese shooters they are so much fun yet only Vanquish got put to modern platforms and BD left behind. I liked the companion/headset feature and the story/gunplay was great. The dialogue was uniquely Japanese in a great way too.
I mean even Square could put Front Mission Evolved on modern platforms. Even if the old ones remade is nice.
I’m tired of Sonic. Been tired of him for 15 years. Sega became a great company through its games with an arcade-y feel: Hang On, Afterburner, Space Harrier, G-Loc, Shinobi, Fantasy Zone, Kid Chameleon, Golden Axe, Alex Kidd, and Zaxxon. All of these games should see reboots. Heck, even Seaman should be rebuilt from the ground up. Segagaga should get done again, too. Go back to the roots, Sega. A whole new generation of gamers are waiting.
Not sure what they mean with reboots or even remakes. Sonic origins was a remaster.
Are they remaking/rebooting Sonic adventure or something? I'd be up for that. But the current continuity includes it, so i'm not sure what they mean here.
I don't really want that more than a SA3. It's not really worth to retred it.
What i hope they continue is Sonic mania.
Other games of theirs that need remakes are panzer dragoon saga and shining force 3 with all scenarios.
Bring Phantasy Star back to its roots!
Outrun 2006. Just edit the cars enough to get around the Ferrari issue.
@Mauzuri Ah that's understandable
Considering 90 percent of Sonic games have in one way or another aged like milk (sorry not sorry) I prefer they didn't.
I want a remake of Sonic Heroes or a sequel (with the rejected characters) and a remaster of Sonic Shuffle. Finally, release some arcade titles like Segasonic the Hedgehog,
As for non-Sonic tiles, like Phantasy Star, Beyond Oasis I and II (Story of Thor), Skyes of Arcaia, and Shining Force.
The reboot trend has overstayed its welcome. In both movies and games. Sega's timing and business sense is impeccable as always.
A remake of Sonic Heroes would be totally awesome. Totally underrated.
@Areus So much yes to Astal and Clockwork Knight!
Oooh awesome news. Hoping for Sonic Adventure 1&2, Sonic heroes, Knuckles Chaotix, Shadow the hedgehog, Sonic battle, sonic advance trilogy and Sonic shuffle
@Mauzuri So, you wrote a post just to mock me and my opinion? Seems a bit juvenile, but ok.
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