Pitched to lead VA Troy Baker as "Moon meets Dead Space", the upcoming sci-fi narrative thriller Fort Solis now has a release date: it's coming to PS5 on 22nd August. Baker himself revealed the release date, courtesy of IGN.

Red Dead Redemption 2 star Roger Clark will star opposite Baker and TV's Julia Brown (World on Fire, Shetland) in the talky thriller. In fact, Baker cites getting to work with Clark as a real draw, and it will be awesome to see these two titans of VA share a claustrophobic, psychological stage.

Set on an isolated mining outpost on the Solis Planum of Mars, Fort Solis is played from a third-person perspective, delivering its story in a single continuous shot ala God of War 2018. Ambitious!

What do you think of Fort Solis? Are you up for something a little more cerebral than your usual scare fare? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source youtube.com]