Friday the 13th: The Game's slaughtering days are numbered, with the news coming down that the licence for the game is set to expire on 31st December (a Sunday, sadly). The game will no longer be available for sale from that date onwards, either physically or digitally.
The upside is that players that own the game or purchase it before the appointed date are able to play for another year, with game servers continuing to function through at least 31st December 2024 (a Tuesday).
Launched back in 2017 (on a Friday, but not the 13th) for PS4, the game has had a pretty good run, and we have to imagine the hardcore have likely had their fill at this point. If not, another year sounds like a fair amount of time in which to tie up any lingering loose ends.
Are you still playing Friday the 13th: The Game? Does this news make you want to jump back in? Stalk your way into the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 13
wonder if it opens up the IP to be in DBD
@AdamNovice maybe
I loved Friday 13th game. Shame the lawsuit ruined the support they had planned and some ready to go for it, all because of a costume used in the game they weren't supposed to use. They've kept they're servers going which is good but I know they had much more planned for it at one point.
They should get the rights to sell a perpetual license or clearly advertise the term at the time of purchase. Very *****
We did it guys! We've stopped murder!
Yea here's why I didn't buy it. Offline game who cares about a license you buy the game it's yours for life. Any game I have I can play as it was no change due to licensing. Online games are a cash grab they don't care about putting out a good game.
I wish they would make a single player Friday the 13th along with a Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street game for modern consoles.
Crazy glitches, connection issues, disappearing Boat propeller (we have a boat, the propeller is glitched was one of the most common statements in a boost session I did) deranged drivers killing survivors, simply put the most fun I have ever had in multiplayer gaming!! Used to play with friends every Friday night for 3 hours at a time for well over 2 years and I wouldn’t trade that time for anything. I will personally really miss this game. So good!
Such is the price you pay when creating Always-Online Multiplayer Games, there's no guarantee you'll even be able to play it 10 years from now.
Another license where greed ruins it for everyone.
Licensing in video games is terrible and it’s getting worse. Look at the Forza games. Forza H3 already delisted. Great games gone forever.
So many recent big licensed games have been multiplayer only meaning they’ll die off quick.
Such a shame.
does this game have a offline mode? did i hear that right? what does it entail?
@Ssimsim Wait there was a lawsuit? What was it over/about?
@Stocksy @Don Sadly multiplayer horror games are much more profitable for the companies, all they care about is their pockets.
@KidRyan yeah it was something to do with Victor Miller (co creator) I remember one of the Devs on discord or twitter saying it was something to do with altered costume designs and I think some other minor things like cosmetics that they were not allowed to use. I may be mistaken but it was in courts for almost 3 years and that's why dedicated servers shut down in 2020 and it went to P2P hosting. Most that info is available on Google but I always remember a Dev being abit annoyed that it was going to courts rather than just take whatever it was out the game.
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