It's fair to say that we're very proud of the community here on Push Square, and fantastic examples of its passion for gaming (and other topics!) can be found over in the forums. From screenshot competitions to Game of the Generation debates, Push Square readers have long been coming up with cool community-based ideas.
The latest of these ideas comes in the form of Another Definitive Best Game of All Time Megapoll, in which forum-goers are listing their six favourite games. As regular poster and organiser Kidfried writes, it's been five years since the forums hosted a similar poll (you'll never guess the winner), so it'll be interesting to see how times have changed.
Get over there and post your own list!
[source pushsquare.com]
Comments 79
Half Life 2.......no wait, Mass Effect 2.......errrrr..no wait World Of Warcraft .....aaarrrgghhhh too many to mention. Gotta be Metroid Prime ....or GTA 5 .....no - Zelda The Wind Waker....gotta be Metal Gear Solid 2 !! this is impossible!
@colonelkilgore....there's always one !! 🤣🤣
First Party - Shadow of the Colossus, Little Big Planet, Twisted Metal Black, TLOU, Wipeout XL, GT3, others I’m forgetting…
Third Party - Vagrant Story, FF7, FF10, RE4, Elden Ring, Persona 5, Dark Cloud 2, Mass Effect 2, Fallout 3, MGS2, others I’m forgetting…
And that’s just PlayStation! There’s more but that’s just off the top of my head without considering my favourite Nintendo and Xbox titles.
It’s Death Stranding
GTA San Andreas
rdr2 best sstory, music
Yeah I don't know I can't really say that there is a "Best game ever" for me. There is way too many to choose from. Closest one for me though would be either Bloodborne or Persona 5.
Horizon Zero Dawn won the last one...must have been an incredible time to be alive
I'm guessing First Party, PS exclusives, Resistance Fall of Man, Uncharted.
Still kinda find it mad that Horizon won the last one. It literally came out the same time as Breath of the Wild, about as close to an objectively better game as you get with no disrespect to Horizon, which is obviously a competent game.
Ghost of tsushima , skyrim and elden ring
@nathanSF It’s multi platform. Just pick your 6 favourite games & pop it in the forum thread if you like.
@Ultrasmiles Ghost of Tsushima Good call.
It's tough deciding when there are some great games from the early days that, even not having the graphics of today, still were fantastic experiences, with great characters, story, gameplay and a ton of fun.
Making definitive lists like this are so tough for me. There are so many games I love to bits and it's hard for me to say which is better then the other lol.
@Fight_Teza_Fight Ah, okay, thanks. But being a PS guy so far (thinking of getting an Xbox) my range is limited.
Rez. Hands down.
There's no other game made with such care that is a singular game EXPERIENCE. (Nearly) Everything else could be told in a different medium. Rez is unique to games.
It literally needs to exist as a game. And is fantastic, to boot.
@TurkishBoy hell yeah !
The Last of Us. Not contest.
@TeapotBuddha Honestly, the forums is a wonderful place with a dedicated and welcoming community. There’s a lot of video game chatter over there but also discussions about movies, books, exercise, philosophy, etc. and actually tends to be where more in depth discussions take place separate from the article comments sections. You should join in!
This was pretty hard to just pick 6 😅, I had to leave out some great games like TLOU, Dragon Quest 11 and Resident Evil 7.
1. Persona 5 Royal - PS4
2. The legend of Zelda BoTW - Switch
3. Xenoblade Chronicles - Wii
4. Horizon Zero Dawn - PS4
5. Final Fantasy 10 - PS2
6. Golden Sun Dark Dawn - DS
Has to be Knack
Many of my 6 would nearly be all on PS1 but only two are allowed per console
1. The Last of Us PS3 (2013)
2. RE1 PS1 (1996)
3. MGS1 PS1 (1998)
4. RE2 PS1 (1998)
5. Silent Hill PS1 (1999)
6. RE3 Nemesis PS1 (1999)
Yes RE1 is my fav RE, not better than RE2 or 3, just a tiny bit more nostalgia for it over the other two sequels. RE1 was fav game of all time until TLoU came along 10 years ago
Some honourable mentions Gran Turismo 4, MGS3, MGS4, RE1 remake, Crash Bandicoot 90s trilogy, Silent Hill 2..............
Still waiting for a proper 90s RE trilogy classics collection. Looks like I'll be waiting forever, as it looks highly unlikely at this point. Not that I don't appreciate the remakes, I really do but you can't beat the originals and it's nostalgia. Hate it when originals get ignored. RE4 would never exist without those 90s RE1, 2 and 3 successful releases. Never forget your roots
The witcher 3. I love gaming and played plenty of brilliant games but nothing comes close for me
God of war and god of war ragnarok for the win.word up son
That's an impossible poll. I don't think there's any one game that's an objectively definitive "better than everything else ever" game. There's so many that are co-equals for different reasons at different times.
If you had to pick one, it would have to be something foundational, something that had so much impact as to affect everything after it forever. Super Mario Bros. Donkey Kong, Pong. Space Invaders. Tetris. Wolfenstein or Doom. Wizardry. Zork. Shin Megami Tensei (less famously the inspiration for Pokemon), or Pokemon itself. If you can only pick one game from EVER to be the best, or even 10, it would just have to be something foundational from that list that defined the rest of the industry forever. Everything today can be connected back to one of those.
It’s kind of like voting for the best food in the world, depends what you’re in the mood for. Having said that Link To the Past or OG Doom, they had the most impact on me. The most technically impressive game changes every couple of months!
Some argue that it’s Super Mario Galaxy, but for me always Super Metroid.
I just can’t pick one because it doesn’t seem fair to compare games that were important for different reasons:
So all of them are the best one ever.
@nathanSF Resistance Fall of Man needs a remaster, obviously with trophies this time too or even a remake/reboot. All 3 needs a PS5 remastered collection. I have this weird feeling Insomniac have a small team working on it at the same time while helping out with Spidey2 and Wolverine. I doubt it though unfortunately as they're super busy which is understandable at the mo, who knows though only they do. If its not being worked on I highly doubt the idea is completely off the table. Resistance trilogy remastered collection followed by Resistance 4 in the future?
Dungeon master!
The Last of Us. I need say nothing else.
Silent Hill 2. Still being discussed 20+ years after its release.
@Grimwood Don't forget to vote!
Ultima 7 The Black Gate
I'm not sure if it's just PlayStation games or not so if it is just PS then my top 6 would be (with only two games per consoles as it stated)
Mass Effect 2,
Fallout New Vegas,
Shadow of the Colossus,
Metal gear Solid 3: Snake Eater,
Persona 4 Golden,
Gravity Rush.
@Futureshark, now you’re making me wish Grimrock was on PS5. God, I loved Dungeon Master!
Best game of ALL TIME? Yikes.
Descent is number 1 for me - bought so many flight joysticks for that game, I kept going through them, and rarely has 3d navigation been replicated anywhere nearly as well as Descent and Descent 2, even all these years later.
World of Warcraft and Ultima Online were never my thing, but ought to be on the list.
GTA also is one I never got into, but the most recent one seems like it ought to make any list, given its longevity and popularity is largely unrivaled - even over Fortnite, I'd say.
But personally?
Betrayal at Krondor
Burnout Paradise
Horizon Zero Dawn
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
King's Quest IV - The Perils of Rosella (it's the one I finished)
@MasterEMFG What a great pick. One of the greatest of all-time, so way ahead of its time in so many ways. So many categories of game development were ushered in by that game. As a young kid, I could not get enough of that one. With all the remakes nowadays, that is one that should be done. Of course, I think it is owned by EA, so that may not be a good idea. haha
@MasterEMFG fair, Ultima Online was one of my picks!
Broken Sword-Shadow Of The Templars has no equal, well maybe BS2 lol
@Beerheadgamer82 mate I’d love that. Big Resistance fan. I remember being utterly blown away by the scale of Resistance 2 and that multiplayer co-op was sooooo goooood
My top 5 games list is
1. Final fantasy 7 (OG)
2. Mass effect 2
3. Persona 5 Royale
4. Bloodborne
5. Last of us 1
I'm going with instinctual answers, I didn't want to overthink it:
Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion - Xbox 360
Fallout New Vegas - PC
Grand Theft Auto V - PS4
Zelda Breath of the Wild - Switch
Witcher 3 - PS4
Elden Ring - PS5
I had to think about it a lot, because there are few games that stand out a lot, so I write 5 games that affected me the most and I return to them for my whole life, just to finish them again.
1. Diablo 2
2. UFO: Enemy Unknown (X-COM)
3. Final Fight
4. Painkiller
5. Golden Axe
@nessisonett Wow I just took a look and those are some.. odd results. Even setting aside recency bias, Horizon as #1 of all time? And not a single Zelda title in the top 10
Oh man, these "of all time" ones are so hard for me. My taste has changed over the years too, and I don't even know my own yardstick. Everybody seems to have a clear idea, I envy you all.
@Mikey856 same here. All we can do is hope that one day its revived to make one hell of a return. I reckon it has the potential these days to be even bigger and better than it ever was. Imagine being in a brand new Resistance game with all the bells and whistles of a PS5 and some top notch multiplayer on top
Life of Black Tiger.
Slay The Spire. Hands down. It will never age, and every single run is unique.
Americas Army 2.8
SM64 or Goldeneye for me
My answer is still same.
Dance Dance Revolution
@colonelkilgore you misspelled Red Dead Redemption 2!!
There’s Shadow of the Colossus and then there’s everything else.
1. Horizon Zero Dawn
2. Red Dead Redemption 2
3. The Last of Us Part I
4. Bloodborne
5. God of War Ragnarök
When it comes to PlayStation, the only game I would even consider is Shadow of the Colossus. But even then, despite all its majesty, I wouldn't say it's that fun. If I'm being intrinsic, Gravity Rush 2 also gets some love — and A Crack in Time. But I wouldn't seriously consider either. The Last of Us is pretty good — but not "best game of all time" good.
Still better than Microsoft. I love the hell outta Halo: Combat Evolved. But it wouldn't even top the best FPSes of all time, let alone the best game. And that's the only game from them I would even think about. Maybe Gears of War, but that's more for its influence than how I personally feel about it (they aight).
Really, my list would end up being dominated by Nintendo, immortal games, and oldies that the whole industry owes itself to. Stuff like Tetris, Pong, Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda (NES), Pac-Man, Adventure, Super Mario World, GTAIII, Doom,etc. Stuff like that. Really, they only recent game I would even think about is Breath of the Wild — and maybe Tears of the Kingdom now.
Come on! The list starts with Impossible Mission, then continues with Sensible World of Soccer and IK+, followed by Uncharted and TLOU...
Oh, and maybe Winter Games, Summer Games II...
@nessisonett Nintendo Life is that 👉 way, Nintenbot
@Ralizah 🤣🤣🤣🤣
There is no such thing as a best game only a person’s favourite game one person’s opinion is as valid as the next
Not an easy task. My top 6:
1. Uncharted Collection (PS4)
2. Mass Effect Legendary Edition (PS4)
3. Resident Evil Remake (GC)
4. Ninja Turtles Cowabunga Collection (PS5)
5. Jurassic Park (Genesis)
6. Tomb Raider [2013] (PS3)
If no compilations are allowed then use the following:
Uncharted 2 (PS3)
Mass Effect 2 (PS3)
Ninja Turtles 3 (NES)
Tomb Raider DE (PS4)
Runners up:
Oh my, this vote is a mess…
Journey, red dead redemption, mgs 1....
@BeerIsAwesome @TeapotBuddha The regulars post and have conversations in many threads every day, but some people just drop in and out in one or two subjects that they have interest in, so there’s no wrong way. You could start with posting an intro on the Welcome thread if you want, but it’s not necessary. Most users start by just lurking through the threads until they see something they feel impressed to comment on.
Legend Of Dragoon !
Sekiro. Anything else I'm forced to type because apparently just saying Sekiro isn't allowed.
Ghost Of Tsushima
Last Of Us
Days Gone
@Beerheadgamer82 Couldn't agree more. I spent way too many hours on Resistance FOM split-screen PVP and Resistance 2 co-op. Resistance 3 wasn't one of my favourites.
Elite (c64)
Dungeon Master (Amiga)
Rainbow Islands (Amiga)
GTA Vice City (ps2)
God of War (ps2)
Uncharted 2 (ps3)
Red Dead Redemption (ps3)
Mass Effect 2 (ps3)
Monster Hunter World (ps4)
Journey (ps4)
Ghost of Tsushima (ps4)
Snow Runner (ps4)
... and many more
Make sure you post your list on the forum, not sure your vote matters in the comment section!!
My own internal bias says Persona 5 Royal, it's scored up there with the best of them for a reason.
Objectively it's probably Read Dead Redemption 2:
> Defined the gaming era of game engine optimisation and tech advancements to date
> Sold tens of millions
> Strong story
> Rockstar are proven to be the best game developer of all time, and continually lead the way for the whole industry (As they have done over the last 25 years.) They got RDR2 running like that on a PS4. I can even imagine what it would be like if they made this just for PS5.
The Last Ninja C64, groundbreaking. Wouldn't have games like we do now without it.
@Jettstyles EA came out with some Ultima mobile game that was an insulting cash grab
The only way they could make it up to me is a full AAA VR remake haha
@DrVenture69 I remember using graph paper to map out the dungeons on Dungeon Master. Was such a great game.
@MasterEMFG, me too! We’re showing our age😂. Grimrock’s awesome if you like that kind of game and have a PC. It’s not too demanding for specifications too.
@DrVenture69 I tried Grimrock for the Dungeon Master nostalgia. But felt some things are better left for memory ya know?
Was it me or were some of those opening levels exactly Dungeon Master levels?
@MasterEMFG, fair enough guv😄. Not everything is for everyone. And I do know there was a user created Dungeon Master pack for Grimrock, maybe you’d installed that. I got the same vibe from Vapourium, just preferred the dungeon master setting to steampunk
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