As we alluded to in our other article on the subject, the industry has been put on pause for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of Kingdom. And not even Final Fantasy 14 director Naoki Yoshida could put down his Nintendo Switch for a recent test stream, featuring the game’s v6.4 update. Any guesses for what he’s playing? Clearly he’s just hammering away at ARMS.
Perhaps most amusingly of all, Yoshida was even playing on one of those fancy new The Legend of Zelda-themed Nintendo Switch OLED consoles – presumably, he decided to treat himself now that Final Fantasy 16’s gone gold. Who could blame him, huh? The guy’s been working flat out for years, and has basically been jetting around the world promoting the title for the past two months.
For those Final Fantasy fans tuning in, Yoshida did eventually pause his gaming session to dig into the latest update for fans. And you can watch the full presentation through here.
[source youtube.com, via twitter.com, thegamer.com]
Comments 32
I feel ya, Yoshi: I feel like the game is consuming every free minute of the day I have.
You can play the game for twenty minutes or four hours, and you barely notice a difference.
Nintendo knocked it out of the park with this game.
NintenDON'T has become NintenDO again, life's a circle. Mhhhhhmm check please!
Hype! Playing one of my favorite series (albeit far from my favorite entry) and then my other favorite series almost back to back. 2023 is a fantastic year
Would be cool to see aonuma play XVI at launch but it'll probably be sakurai instead lol
@Ralizah Yeah... I moved three times today after first sitting down to carry on... once for food, once for a drink refill and once for a loo break... then my 10pm* alarm had the audacity to go off just as I'd worked my back up onto The Great Plateau!
*it goes off to remind me to get any noisy night time stuff done - teeth brushing, laundry sorting and during the week it's my signal to start winding down for bed
Sorry but no. Zelda is my favorite Nintendo IP, but this is unprofessional. Put down the game you're playing for fun, do your job, and then get back to the game you're playing for fun.
I don't blame him if he's playing Zelda, that game is hard to put down once you get hooked.
He got one of the special editions too, the bum. 😁
@Uncharted2007 It says it was a test stream and he doesn't do them alone. Not to worry.
Soz unlike a lot of people I do not have unlimited cash & am not gonna buy a Switch for just one game. I live in the UK, we are all skint thanx to brexit & and the incompetent government we've had for the last 13 years so obvs not got cash to spare! Fking jealous tho cos it sounds good! 😐
@Jok-Havok Theres plently of other great games too, I highly recommend the Xenoblade series if you're into Zelda you might like them.
@HeeHo ta if I have a windfall will have a look, can't see it happening anytime soon tho! Thanx tho 🙂
@Uncharted2007 Dude calm down, don't be a buzzkill. He's literally the person that makes great expansions for FF14 and is getting FF16 out without any delays.
I must be the only person not that highly impressed yet with tears of the kingdom. I love Zelda and it's a great game, but I can't follow the hype and say it's the greatest game ever.
I believe it's a good game. I just don't like open world games and the gameplay footage I've seen so far looks like my ultimate nightmare. I won't be able to rest until I've seen every inch of the map and can't cope with the thought that would take half a year.
I won't be playing Zelda for 4+ years, waiting for the inevitable $40-$50 USD sale.
@Total_Weirdo yeah sure. But then imagine Zelda in the Decima engine on something as powerful as a ps5 of better.
Game is so dam good and I only just got to Hyrule. Spent ages in the tutorial island just exploring and having fun.
Games as good as this don't come around too often, and the interactivity with the world makes most other AAA games like feel like window dressing.
Really wish I had the time to finish Ragnarok before Zelda, as its going to be hard going back to limited, non interactive game worlds for a while. Zelda is just awesome
@KidRyan £50 in four years might only buy one sandwich and a bottled water though 😱
A proof that the graphics aren't everything. Nintendo surely knows how to create lovely characters and fun games. Mario games never have character depth, but everyone loves them. I watched Mario movies a few weeks ago and loved it. I have never played Zelda games and won't play this one either. But I have seen a lot of people spend hundreds of hours in BOTW.
I don’t get the new Zelda’s, last one I enjoyed was ocorina of time. I wanted to love BotW but after 20+ hours I set it down board to tears. The Horizon series just the opposite, over 200+ in FW and still going strong!!!
@Loamy I too was really disappointed with BOTW. I don’t know why but I went back to it every year for four years to try and see what I was missing. I just did it again this week so I could see if TOTK would be worth purchasing. I really want to get it and have it click the way it does for so many other people.
I’m not sure what it is, but last night when I tried I couldn’t set it down. I still think it’s too barren for my tastes, but if you chase what little narrative there is, for me, I finally got something out of it.
There is a fine line between genius and insanity, and Yoshi-P is certainly there. If anything, this is beneficial for Square Enix because he drew attention to an entire stream that would’ve otherwise been overlooked by media outlets. I’d be in the executive suite laughing my butt off because even in doing nothing related to my game company’s game he still managed to get the company publicity despite actively using a competitor’s product.
It’s easy to sit back and arm chair judge, but it’s not our industry or company, which everyone watching the stream knows full well they’re probably doing the same exact thing while watching the stream because it’s a damn good game. This stream isn’t for casual consumers. It’s for people heavily ingrained in the FFXIV culture and are intimately attuned to the inner workings of the game. I’d judge more harshly if this were a state of play, but this is a niche, casual stream.
Man is working hard making FFXIV one of the best games ever and FFXVI looks just as good, he deserves the time to game.
@mac_da_man Yeah sure but imagine if the PS5 actually had some games with great gameplay experiences like Zelda and not just cinematic simulators? Once again, Nintendo shows what makes games great. It's the gameplay. Shiny graphics only go so far. Look at Red Dead Redemption 2 as the ultimate proof. Good looking game, very dull and boring gameplay wise though.
@Jok-Havok Sounds like you're in a minority if you're skint living in the UK.
@meistergeister Breath of the Wild is so much more entertaining than Horizon.
@Phornix there is actually a video on RDR2 by a guy named Jake and linear games by Yahtzee on the topic of “ghost house train” in major AAA games.
In essence we have “kids” games like Zelda treating you like adults with pretty open and unguided crafting and exploration, while “grown up” games like RDR2, GoW, Naughty Dog games, Gears of War on Xbox, etc treat players like three year olds with heavily scripted events/QTEs that you keep retrying if you fail until you do it the correct way.
I do think BotW hit that niche: an open world where you could do basically whatever you want within the easily understandable rules governing gameplay. By contrast RDR2 would, prior to a patch a few weeks later on, sometimes delete guns you owned and replaced them with a basic double barrel shotgun be cause they expected you not to have the advanced weapons found yet and wanted you to use that particular gun with no regard to the fact they deleted a better one. Jake showed off egregious examples where the game wanted you to “escape” or “hide out” and you failed 100% of the time you did either of those things without going to the arbitrary waypoint the developers set.
"Oooohhhh, so THIS is what sequels are supposed to be like..."
I can't blame him, TotK has been very addictive for me as well. I admire them for the way they put together a string of seemingly ordinary gameplay elements to form a distinct and coherent whole. The devs must have experimented a lot.
@Phornix graphics isnt everything but you are throwing in opinions about which games are better or not based on your preference like a little fanboy. Just stop that. That wasnt what my comment was about at all. It was about how much more you probably would enjoy Zelda on a much more powerful console given how much more the developers could add to the experience.
Arrived a day early and I've played for 4 days. No other game quite captures that sense of adventure and fun. Start the day with a goal in mind and by the end of the day and 20 diversions later I briefly remember the goal. before getting sidetracked again... but who cares when you are having this much fun! They really nailed the open world formula that Elden Ring aped so well.
It's not for everyone though. Here's a few potential cons.
Anyone wanting a sense of purpose and direction will suffer a little. While you could just mainline the story quests, you will be very weak and it will be super-hard. Someone on my Discord seemed to be doing this and was getting one-shotted by many enemies.
The crafting is going to be a bit marmite. I'm not usually a fan but absolutely love it in this.
So much of the QoL is hidden in the open world. Upgrading your inventory I completely missed Hestu until I had over 70 korok seeds, upgrading your equipment, getting autobuild which automates and speeds up crafting. Plus the more obvious like Shrines to upgrade your health and stamina.
For me I feel like a kid again. Nothing feels like a new Zelda. Have to return to the real world today.
@Ravix Fair enough, I didn't think about inflation.
Also I meant $50 in US Dollars earlier, I'm from California.
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