We’ll learn a lot more about Street Fighter 6 next week, as part of a livestream scheduled to take place from 3PM PDT on 20th April, 2023. Unexpectedly, rapper Lil Wayne will be anchoring the event, and you can hear from the man directly in the trailer embedded above. He promises “new ways to fight, crazy new game modes, and some big announcements”. We’re going to assume he’s going to be included as a commentator at least.

If you’re not sure what time to tune into the event, then we’ve included a handy guide below:

  • North America: 3pm PDT / 4pm MDT / 5pm CDT / 6pm EDT
  • UK/Ire: 11pm BST
  • Europe: 12am (Thu) CEST / 1am (Thu) EEST
  • Asia/Oceania: 7am (Thu) JST / 6am (Thu) AWST / 8am (Thu) AEST

Will you be watching this one? The stream will be hosted on Street Fighter and PlayStation’s official YouTube channels, so it should be a fun watch. Obviously, much like the upcoming Final Fantasy 16 State of Play, it’s probably only going to be relevant to you if you have an interest in the game – but heck, the new Street Fighter looks fire, so we’re down!

[source youtube.com]