No. No. Don't even think about it. Don't you dare get hyped for Persona news. You've been here before. We've all been here before — and we all know how it ends.
That's right, Atlus is once again teasing "exciting news" regarding its role-playing series. This time, it's telling fans to stay tuned for an upcoming livestream, which is happening on the 9th April. Said livestream will feature information on the retail release of the Persona Super Live P-Sound concert, which took place back in October of last year. The whole show's going to be sold on Blu-ray and CD.
"There might be some exciting news," writes the publisher, no doubt with a horribly evil smirk on its face. We have absolutely zero doubt that this will end up being some sort of merchandising push, rather than an actual announcement in relation to the games.
But look, if you want to go and post eye emojis on Twitter, go right ahead. We did warn you, though.
[source twitter.com, via personacentral.com]
Comments 26
The best (or worst) I think we'll get is a global release of that mobile gacha game
Persona 5 Arena
I'm going with a re-re(re?) release of P5. Super Dooper Phantom version which adds 5 new Personas and 3 additional lines of dialogue for all the main characters. And a new cut scene.
All for only £84.99.
And if it's not that and it is actually P6 well I will be mighty upset.
They’ll probably announce something like a Goro Akechi body pillow near the end of the stream.
"oh boy...here we go"
Atlus and their "exciting news" can go to hell 😹
@anoyonmus This would be my dream.
Although I would prefer Arcsys to use 2D sprites like in Persona 4 UA, instead of their current 2.5 D visuals, because I think it would cost less time, thus allowing for quicker release of characters.
At some point they're going to shadow drop the new Persona game and nobody will even know because we've all stopped tuning in to these things after so many disappointments.
After getting into the Trails-Franchise I don't think Atlus CAN even excite me anymore -.-'
Very excited for the release of the new hat dlc for P5R
Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.
I can't not pay attention though. I mean it's Persona related! It literally doesn't get any more important to me than new Persona stuff. Except maybe a new Metal Gear announcement.
It's Persona 6 being Xbox exclusive.
Calculator game incoming.
For once, I just want something related to the older games. I want them to just lay down with the p5 popularity.
Fan expectations: new main game, new spin-offs, P1/2 remakes, yadda yadda.
Reality: Phantom Thieves-themed ramen or some crap.
Exciting Persona news
Nice try Atlus, not falling for that one again
@Dudditz09 You really think they'd double Haru's voice lines like that? Everyone else will get 3 new lines, she'll get 1 new line that will be cut off by Morgana's new monologue.
@Snake_V5 Although it won't be exclusive obviously, it wouldn't surprise me if they did some sort of reveal with Xbox in June, given they had the Persona announcements last year, along with Sega-Microsoft's strategic deal.
Its a mobile game isnt it
Guys calm down, it’s probably just gonna be merchandises
@Danloaded you think it’ll be a P5X Japan release announcement?
I wouldn't expect any big gaming news to come out of this, just gonna be merchandise pushing.
@McBurn A man of Culture I see.
But seriously, Trails gameplay is great.
It's has great depth, but it isn't to complicated that you would get lost. It's fun, and it takes far longer for me to get burned out from a single gaming session with Trails, then I do when compared to other turn-based jrpg's.
I also think the story is much more interesting than most persona games, given that each Trails game is like part of an arch, that all comes together for an overarching plot.
The only thing that Persona has over Trails, especially Persona 5,is better visuals and overall polish of the game, imo.
Yeah P5 truly has a nice visual style and artwork too. It also ditches the "randomized dungeons" from its predecessors. It only bothered me, that so many days are spent doing boring jobs and chores to build your personal stats.
As a story and gameplay focused guy Trails has everything I ever wanted and more. And it's all thanks to the connected overall story between games. It's incredibly rewarding to see events unfold set in motion a couple games ago and see the characters grow. I really wish more developers had enough faith in it's audience to risk having such continuous storytelling. But I'm starting to ramble now so let's stop here...
Oh great. Just what we needed: more "exciting" Persona news! ::sarcasm::
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