SEGA Dreamcast fans, rejoice! As you may recall, the publisher has licensed out Cosmic Smash for a PSVR2 revival named C-Smash VRS. Announced last month, the game looks to take the minimalist, neo-future stylings of the original and apply it to virtual reality — arguably where it's always belonged. Fortunately, it's not too far away, either; as the above trailer reveals, the game is heading our way on 23rd June 2023.
If you're curious to see how it plays, you're in luck, as the demo is now available on PS Store. What's included? After playing a tutorial to find your footing, you'll be able to play Practice mode to hone your squash skills in single player. Additionally, you'll be able to sample the Versus online mode. The final game will include solo play as well as co-op and versus modes in online multiplayer.

Will you be checking out the C-Smash VRS demo on PSVR2? Move furniture out of the way in the comments section below.
Comments 13
Sorry, I’ll be stabbing zombies through the face tonight. This type of thing has limited appeal to me. Although I have played a few good ping pong games in VR so maybe squash could be OK. Ill see what others say to see if it’s worth the time.
Wow, @Quintumply, I was expecting this to be a cheap indie VR tennis game with bad graphics, but this is a full blown Soulsborne with amazing 4k AAA graphics!
@NEStalgia Not sure what you're talking about.
Cosmic Smash is amazing!
@Quintumply I must have just seen a virtual reality before...clearly it's a tennis game after all, upon closer inspection....
Best make sure those wrist straps are on........
Sweet going to download the demo now, looks like fun
Edit. Just played a bit looks fun, but tracking is a bit off at the moment hopefully gets sorted before full release.
Tried for about half an hour earlier. Bloody sweated like hell, quite depressing realising how unfit I am lol.
As for the game, I'm surprised at the lack of feedback in the controllers.
This looks interesting. I think I'll give the demo a go.
Tried this at a press event a few weeks ago and wrote a preview up for it. It was really good, but I definitely got a sweat on!
The futuristic Squash mixed with Breakout style game with a PSVR2 revival then Dreamcast or arcades gets a release date now for June and a demo, thanks Sega for going to the trouble of reviving it like other IPs in VR. Can't wait. For something I only found out about a day or two before the VR trailer originally dropped yeah I'm kind of interested in this game.
I'm fine with arcade like experiences in VR. I enjoyed Tank Tank Tank on Wii U for an arcade like experience even if most people overlooked it (it's not perfect by any means but still).
Cosmic Smash is very niche (I'm not even into sports games but it's arcadey/got a good angle to it that I don't mind that's why I'm giving it a pass as I don't mind the idea of arcadey/creative spins on sports games with more mechanics/different rules it's why Mario Sports games while I have no interest in them I can agree with fans that yeah why bother making it a sport when they came for the personality and the mechanical differences not the sport itself and lacking content).
But it's cool it getting support, however it's structured in a Superhot way with more particularly designed for VR levels or the whole game in VR, who knows but I'm still interested.
The stick controls seemed off to me at times in the original, they weren't terrible but it does take getting used to when watching videos of the game to get an idea of what it's like before predicting the VR execution.
So I think VR will lend to the game well if done correctly then other motion controls disappointments I've had with VR. I mean if Borderlands 2/Skyrim (regardless of being core gaming IP examples but the point being ports) and others can be ported to have VR elements benefit (love the Borderlands 2 scope it's better than others that want to be realistic but it's sci-fi side allows for that creativity besides it just making more sense then struggling to line the scope up or other obstacles that weren't in the original games).
While Wii games like Red Steel 2, Metroid Prime 3/Trilogy and other 'smart design with time and effort of being a good mix of buttons and motion balanced with out better use cases where devs actually sat and thought about how it should work' make me happy.
Many VR games still have Red Steel 1 issues of not understanding good uses for motion in games comparisons so close it's embarrassing. Did a decade go by and people just didn't look back. Reinventing the wheel or going back to the mistakes people had for some reason.
I swear VR in some cases is just becoming the issues with early motion but a decade later and it's hilariously sad to see them not learn what past teams/companies learned as if it's a new concept when it's not. Or companies push for it again because they can.
The Sense controllers have the same issue Wiimotes or Joycons would of controller gyro together. You can put them together like action figures banging them together and the tracking just isn't going to work for reloading or other things it just doesn't always work.
The working out 'oh did I grip it properly, oh I dropped it' is just so bad. Can't we pick objects up by walking over them who cares about the immersion it's already broken with frustration trying to pick it up and not have even the rope around the character's wrist so it's used or not used but no make it drop out of your hands or just not allow swapping out of your inventory and awkward inventory issues. I can press the weapon swap button in Red Steel 2 why can't I just do that in VR and have a flip animation play is that so hard?
If this game does the same with dropping the Squash racket or ball I'm going to be disappointed. Just keep it in the players hands and make ball serving easy they don't need to pick up other things, they don't need the realism just make it clear, use the racket, get points, hit bricks, angle to hit the ball, if powerups no idea but if so make them pick up when hitting the player in line of sight or with the racket, headset, ball or something.
I mean if I can walk over like a smart designed game would motion or not and the third person issue of prompts being camera direction specific is always annoying in third person games, so it's better than reaching for it, or otherwise make it clear to point at it with a cursor not constantly reach for an object to pick it up.
I swear some Indies don't learn what the games of the Wii/PS3 Move or Sixaxis did while many PS4 games with motion use it so much better by niche teams that used the tech and Sony themselves barely did. I mean besides Killzone Shadowfall, Gravity Rush, Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima most of their other games never use the touchpad or gyro in any way at all. Horizon without gyro annoyed me while Gal Gun or others I couldn't wait to use it.
I expect Sega will know better and have done enough VR games to know what they are doing but still I have to question it as Star Wars, No Man's Sky and Horizon are just sad while others aren't of not only controller support that isn't Sense controllers only but just better design.
I really enjoyed the demo, although I sucked. I tried to create something similar in dreams but I did not manage to tweak it in such a way that it was actually fun and not just frustrating. I would be interested if it is not overpriced.
Not sure whether it is due to the choice of colours or my bad eye sight, but I had a hard time to judge the distance of the ball once the ball was close.
It really is a smashing demo. Great fun
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