As if there was any doubt, the Trophy list for One Piece Odyssey might take you a while to complete. The full rundown of digital trinkets has been revealed via PSNProfiles, and it looks as though the JRPG may require a little grinding if you want that shiny Platinum.
A lot of the Trophies are tied to story progression, but you'll need to engage with the game's various systems in order to collect the rest. Among others, you must complete all the side stories, make every recipe, and open every locked treasure chest. Where things will get a little grindy is the need to win 300 battles, defeat challenge enemies twice each, and get all characters up to level 70.
It looks like there's a lot to do in Odyssey, and we imagine fans are excited to delve into it all on 13th January. Will you be shooting for the Platinum Trophy in this one? Extend those limbs in the comments section below.
[source psnprofiles.com]
Comments 25
I’ll never grind for any trophy. Just ain’t my thing…
As JRPG trophy lists go this doesn't sound too bad. I've played so many that are expecting multiple playthroughs of a 50-100+ hour game. But it looks like you still have to collect every one of several probably blink-and-you-miss-it item sets. Honestly those sort of lists should be banned.
TLDR: If you have to follow a guide to do it, then something went wrong in the planning.
If I engage with this content it won’t be for the achievements/trophies, it’ll be because it’s One Piece content I want to consume.
Hoping it’s a good time.
I've played through Persona 5 three times for the platinum, I absolutely will do the same for One Piece
Trophies were always a - admittedly shallow - excuse for me to play a game I love again and maybe encourage me to do so in a different way. Obsessing over them and letting them take away from the fun was never really my thing..
In short, if I end up loving the game it's probably an automatic platinum for me someday^^
Never tried one of these, is it typical jrpg turn based fare or?
@themightyant Yes. Almost every Falcom JRPG has this types of trophies. Also missable trophies are the worst; I just finished The Messenger, and because I loved the game, I collected all the Seals of Power, only to find out I missed out on the platinum chance because of some stupid trophy about listening to the shopkeeper's story.
Well 300 battles should happen automatically before you complete the game. Level 70 sounds like it might not even be max level, though it could be. Anyway, only a few hours until the demo. 🥳
Not a Platinum hunter so I will not go into Gear 4th to achieve it. Looking forward to the demo tomorrow and the release on Thursday!
Mate, it's a JRPG. If you don't get into 300 battles naturally over the course of completing the game, something's probably wrong.
That doesn't sound grindy at all, actually.
Doesant sound to bad but I'm just excited to play the game,not too bothered about the trophies.
This is a standard jrpg trophy list. As long as it doesn't have a trophy that's practically impossible like FF9's jump rope trophy then it'll probably be an easy but lengthy road to platinum
When is the demo gonna be available?
Exactly this. My favourite ever trophy list is Yakuza 5. A completionist’s dream, but you can forget about trophies until the stories are done (well, apart from one easy trophy you could technically miss). I’ve literally not played JRPGs because of the trophy campaign requiring a guide.
I wish OnePiece was my thing because I love grinding for trophies.
Man, I'm really hoping it will be good 🤞
My favorite manga, but I’m waiting on a review on this one.
@themightyant uh no lmao. if your a trophy hunter the first thing you do is look at the list then either A/ play thru once blind or B/ look up a guide and then earn trophies. or find some friends to boost trophies. nothing went wrong in the planning lol thats trophy hunters thats what we do
@Lup Now, at least in the UK.
Fan of one piece and I've recently become a fan of jrpg so it's going to be fun!
Those eyes are uncanny...
Finished the demo. Loved it, it's very stoppy-starty, though, with all the stuff it's introducing. You start to get a sense of how fun it'll be when you explore these cave ruins towards the end of the demo. Loads of banter between the party and lots of characterful little things that show the effort they put into little details - like, open a treasure chest with Robin.
Just a heads up, you can't save in the demo apart from at the very end when you've completed it. It's a couple of hours long, maybe more of you properly explore the cave after you get your powers back. If you import this save into the full game, you get a mystery bonus item.
@SerJosh97 I am a (semi-reformed) trophy hunter. But making you play through a 50-100+ hour game again because you missed one blink and you miss it item from a set that was only available that one time is just bad game design. The point is we shouldn't have to play a game constantly referring back and forth to a guide, that isn't good game design taking us out of the game, even if we trophy hunters still do it. Developers should do better.
Game looks like fun, but I'm sadly super behind on the story/plot of the series.
I'll be avoiding this game until I'm caught up with the anime, however long that ends up taking.
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