Vanillaware, the talented Japanese studio behind games like 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim and Dragon's Crown, is apparently just about finished with its next project. The title hasn't been announced yet, but it was teased back in 2019 with an extremely brief trailer.
All we know about the game is that it's fantasy-based, with said trailer showing a group of knights gathered outside of a castle. It also boasts the developer's trademark art style.
Here's the video, if you haven't seen it before:
In a new interview, Vanillaware co-founder and artist George Kamitani told Nintenderos: "[The fantasy project is] finally finished. While I’m not the director of that title, it’s one of Vanillaware’s biggest productions, so please look forward to it." Consider us very interested.
Kamitani also mentions a second yet-to-be-announced project, but he says it won't be ready for at least a few years.
Are you up for a new Vanillaware game? What do you want to see from this fantasy project? Hope for an announcement in the comments section below.
[source nintenderos.com, via gematsu.com]
Comments 17
It's been so long since we heard about this. I was worried it had faded away.
Show me mooaaaaaaarrr!!!
13 Sentinels is a legitimate masterpiece so consider me very interested!
New vanillaware? I know you're not supposed to pre order but I'll probably pre order this
Can we have a port of muramasa the demon blade.that game was amazing on the psvita. Vanillaware games are excellent.a fantasy based game by vanillaware is cool.word up son
Well that’s me officially excited!
@playstation1995 Oh man, you hit the nail on the head there. I’d love a port of Muramasa Rebirth on PS5 and Switch. It’s so good, I’d buy it again twice over!
My favourite developer. Can't wait to see more of this one.
@The_Pixel_King. Im surprised they haven't ported that game.the rise of samurai and ninja games are in full gear.a ps4 and a ps5 port is welcome.word up son
Do we know what platforms?
I found Dark easier to follow than 13 Sentinels, but really enjoyed it all the same!
@Loamy. Muramasa rebirth is a excellent game.more people need to play it.yes it does looks amazing.the graphics is excellent.word up son
@sanderson72 Not yet, but given the fact that Kamitani commented on the size of the production, I think we can assume it won't be a mobile game or anything.
kind of nuts that the development is almost finished but we know next to nothing about the game? not even an official announcement? something here does not add up... maybe something is lost in translation. i doubt they would do a stealth release.
I will blindly purchase anything from Vanillaware. I'm looking forward to this and the PS5 version of GrimGrimoire.
@LightningLeader;@sanderson72, My fear is that this will be a Switch exclusive, which it might, considering that Vanillaware don't benefit from a big budget and they don't have a history of multi platform releases.
And, let's not kid ourselves, the Switch is the main platform for Indie, Visual Novel or smaller JRPGs now.
Dragon’s Crown is that game I tell everyone they need to play, I will absolutely pay attention anytime this studio has something to show. Bring it on!!
I am the same. I usually always only pre-order Vanillaware games, and this will be no exception. In fact, I have the Grimgrimmoire remake that will be released April already pre-ordered.
Great developers!
I’m glad it’s not sci-fi this time around. People would just expect another 13 Sentinels masterpiece. The expectations would be so lofty to outdo 13 Sentinels that it may get in the way of the creative process. Anyways, I’ve only played 1 game from Vanillaware but I’m debating starting Odinsphere ASAP.
I bet the next game from them will be phenomenal. Cannot wait to hear more!! The art style is always stunningly gorgeous
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