Crisis Core Watermark Art

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion may be a stellar remaster in terms of significant graphical upgrades, but players have already spotted an admittedly funny mistake. In its gathering of new assets for the re-release, Square Enix has seemingly plucked a watermarked picture for use in several of the game's locations.

Said picture is a painting of London by John Crowther, and it's available via Getty Images — complete with a big old watermark slap bang in the middle of it. In the game, you probably won't even notice the problem — but it obviously shouldn't be there to begin with.

Now that this error is making the rounds online, we imagine that Square Enix will have to fix it via an update. You really can't hide anything from the internet, can you?

Has this completely ruined your Crisis Core Reunion experience? Demand an immediate patch in the comments section below.

[source, via,]