Tales of Symphonia is being remastered...again! The classic action RPG, which originally released all the way back in 2003 for the GameCube, and 2004 for the PS2 (but only in Japan), was remastered for PS3 a whole decade later, in 2013, as part of Tales of Symphonia Chronicles. Now, another decade later, in 2023, it's being brought to PS4. That's quite a history lesson.
Tales of Symphonia introduced an entirely new generation to Bandai Namco's long running series when it first released, and it's still held in high regard amongst fans. It follows the story of Lloyd Irving, who ends up joining his all-important friend Colette on a quest to bring peace to the world.
It'll be interesting to see how well Symphonia holds up all these years later. It utilises a combo-based combat system, and you're given a bunch of different party members to play around with. Alas, we don't have a nailed-on release date yet — just "early 2023" for the simply titled Tales of Symphonia Remastered.
Are you a Symphonia fan? Get a whiff of that nostalgia in the comments section below.
Comments 14
Noooooo, i still have to plat the first on ps3....noooooo;_;
Bought it twice. Never played it. Third times the charm... right?
I guess I know the answer but... will there be a digital upgrade path?
That said I did sell the Gamecube version for more than I paid for it and the PS3 digital version together so perhaps that was an omen to buy it properly this time.
So freaking happy to see this. Always happy for more Tales, even if older, and Symphonia is incredible.
Also as a heads up for those interested: Physical Chosen Edition can be pre-ordered from Bandai's website.
Fantastic game but the trophy list requires a guide and 5 playthroughs. Please fix that to something a bit less repetitive and it would be perfect!
I will be buying this day one if its physical.
I've already played it to death but Ill probably buy it again just to have it in my physical collection. Fantastic tales of game
Maybe they'll eventually get to the other games to. I'd love to see Rebirth get one
@rawzeku I love you.
For giving me this information.
Is it just the first game or do we have the sequel as well?
@Shadcai Just the first.
Took a while but finally. Hope the sequel gets ported as well and hoping for Graces and Xillia
Bought it one last time on PC for my collection (never played it)... can load it on my SteamDeck so already handheld as well.
Good enough.
Give me another new game like Tales of Arise on PS5 and they got my cash on Day 1.
My only experiencie with the franchise is Tales of Vesperia DE, and I LOVED IT!! Much much underrated game, good in all aspects!!
The only game I'd triple dip for. And complete thrice.
This was exciting news until I realized it was just the first game.
Hard pass, will wait until the sequel has also been ported.
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