FromSoftware, the studio behind hit RPGs like Elden Ring and Dark Souls, has today announced it will be selling new shares to both Sony and Tencent.
Kadokawa Corporation, the current owner of FromSoft, will retain the majority of shares, owning 69.66 per cent of the studio. Sony will purchase a 14.09 per cent stake, and Tencent subsidiary Sixjoy Hong Kong will acquire 16.25 per cent.
As reported by VGC, Kadokawa states it "recognises the enhancement of capabilities for the creation, development and deployment of game IP as one of the Group’s highest priorities". To that end, FromSoftware will establish a "third-party allotment", essentially allowing for further funding from Sony and Sixjoy.
This funding will primarily be leveraged to allow FromSoft to publish its own games globally. It already self-publishes in Japan, but has relied on larger publishers for other regions, such as Bandai Namco and Activision. Additionally, the studio will "aim to proactively invest in development of more powerful game IP for itself to strengthen FromSoftware’s development capabilities".
Sony has also acquired a minority of shares in other companies lately, such as Epic Games and Devolver Digital. Most recently, the platform holder has added Savage Game Studios to its first-party group. The company's really been splashing the cash this year.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 56
Bloodbourne 2 is right around the corner.
"The company's really been splashing the cash this year."
Making the most of that paid upgrades, £70 releases, and increased console price, cash.
That's it? Why not going for the whole cake? Are they trying a slow process to overtake it?
Cant remember the last time i was disappointed with fromsoftware , hope this helps them keep doing their thing
Oh boy, let's hope we don't see in the near future: next games starting at $100 due to the 'inflation' and obviously completely exclusive versions of everything
Wow, so is this 14.09% stake in addition to the 1.93% stake that Sony had purchased previously in Feb 2021? That would put the total at 16.02%? Or is it 14.09% total.
Either way, very interesting news. Bloodborne II is probably a lock at this point.
So long as Tencent is kept at bay as a minority shareholder we are good. You keep your hands off our precious Fromsoft Tencent! Stay independent Fromsoft!
@Richnj we're funding it all 😝
A stronger relationship between From and Sony? I'm all for it.
And if in the future it comes down to buying the studio, I hope Sony pulls it's head out of it's .... and buys FS before another company does. One that will most likely not respect the studio's legacy, and will force them to walk on different paths just to make a quick buck.
Tencent always beat sony man.
I am still surprised sony hasb't bought deviation games.
The callisto protocol devs look like a nice grab too.
@UltimateOtaku91 I can't wait!
@CapGod - I agree, The Calisto Protocol studio would be a great get for Sony / PlayStation, and I'm sure they'll acquire Deviation Games sometime soon, maybe both Deviation & Sony want to see how both fair collaborating together before deciding whether to commit long-term.
@JAMes-BroWWWn - If Sony could outright acquire FromSoftware / Kadokowa, I'm sure they would have done so already, maybe FromSoftware / Kadokawa doesn't want to be acquired, so acquiring stake in the company is the closest thing Sony & Tencent can get to an acquisition.
We need a bloodborne remastered sony and a bloodborne sequel.a minority stakes in from software is cool.word up son
Oh gosh Now in typical Sony fashion - “Moonveil now exclusive to PS6 in Elden Ring 2”
I'm disappointed in you Push Square community. Where's all the hate like when Tencent was taking a similar stake in Ubisoft? I thought you guys couldn't stand it when a Chinese company invests in the betterment of a game dev. Guess the rules are different when it's your favorite dev, huh, then it's all ok.
They should have acquired them outright after Demon's Souls on PS3 or, if not then, after Bloodborne. They probably could have been bought for the price of this minority investment. Sony needs more Japan development.
Sony and Tencent, hand in hand. How lovely.
@deepspace5d 14% overall lookingat figures mentioned.
maybe FS didnt want to sell, or too expensive. but having a stake could mean its more difficult for others to buy.
Tencent is not good
Last week they were saying how skint they are and now this as well as a company purchase ? It's the equivalent of claiming benefits while in a million pound a year job
@Mylo Nearly spat my coffee all over my monitor. You do realise Sony pay to keep 3rd party games off other platforms ??
Eugh Tencent.
@Royalblues Yes, I'd expect Sony to get the marketing rights though.
@Royalblues You clearly do though.
@Mylo Microsoft’s acquisition spree was a direct response to Sony’s practices, as it was reported that Sony was reaching out to pretty much everyone to buy exclusivity rights. So Microsoft countered used one of their biggest competitive advantages - their pockets.
all I want to hear from From atm is for Elden Ring to receive an update that demolishes texture pop in/smooth frame rate..
Good headline because it makes clear that it's a minority stake.
Can we get a share too, we’re paying Sony that extra tax? 😛
I personally don't think this means a whole lot, since From Soft's owners still own an overwhelmingly majority of the company. They still have the power, and say, on what happens to their titles.
Unless I'm wrong? Which is possible.
I honestly don't think From Software knows how to do that.
I don't like their games at all so no skin in it but those guys are pretty bad technically or lazy or why not both.
Maybe whoever did the remake of Demon Souls (?) on the PS5 can remake Elden Ring for the PS6 and fix all the technical problems.
@Royalblues You're pushing, but it cool. Enjoy your day.
@Casco Really I thought it was because Microsoft couldn't develop high quality games themselves so they purchased companies who could.
Oh, it's been splashing its cash, alright ...and pushing all the losses onto its gullible fans and consumers, forcing them to prop up their stocks and spending with a useless remake, price increases and sneaking in new money making schemes across the board, wherever they can get away with it. Genius, Sony. Genius.
@Doublecell Sony’s strategy around this is well documented. Even the Bethesda deal for Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo might have compelled Microsoft to look at things differently.
Whatever gets us closer to a Bloodborne 2. Too bad tencent owns a bigger share even if it is a really small difference
Sonys "cash splashes" compared to what MS have spent seem like childs play and laughable in comparison.
Sounds like the folks worried about that stuff should go PC and get the best of all the games.
Want to play the new Doom, get a PC. Want to play GOW whatever, get a PC (you'll just have to wait some months to play).
Pretty simple and I think it's a great thing. Wish N would start publishing their stuff over on PC.
@Casco I'm pretty sure xbox made these deals also tomb raider,bioshock,the last remnant and mass effect come to mind there are plenty more. For all intent and purposes xbox got their butts handed to them last gen and sony mostly did it with their exclusives, actually I can only really count like two 3rd parties deals that I know sony made last gen being ff7 remake and persona, if there are more that I'm missing feel free to inform me.
To prove a little bit of my point just think about this for a minute, before the Bethesda acquisition xbox aquired at least 5 studios ninja theory, undead labs,Compulsion Games and play ground games let's throw in double fine also. Do you know how many triple A games were released between the 5 of them? 2 just 2 games being forza and Psychonauts2 that's it. Notice how their showcase was mostly Bethesda and we barely heard a peep from the other studios. If they didn't aquire Bethesda what would that showcase consisted of ? The answer is not much they didn't buy these companies to stop sony from third-party deals they did it because they were having trouble developing their own games and needed help, point blank period. And I have no problem with it but let's not try to pretend like they're some good guys trying to give sony a taste of their own medicine good guys don't cut other platforms off from whole publishers but competitors do.
@JustPlainLoco Everything is for sale you just have to pay enough
@JustPlainLoco I'm not sure if I want Sony buying Kadokowa. They already own Aniplex, Crunchyroll, etc.
The figures seem strange, but I think Sony had a tiny stake already, so taken as whole Id suggest that they and tencent will have equal voting...
Great, more of our money going to Tencent
@racinggamefanatic @toypop was referencing the Chinese goverment. They didn't say anything about the Chinese citizenry.
And there's definitely a need for politics because companies like Tencent with close CCP ties and the Saudi Public Fund are invading the games industry bit by bit and I don't want my money going to support concentration/re-education camps in China or a Saudi government that sees fit to murder people who don't agree with them.
We should be happy that they aren't actively looking to be acquired because if Sony and Tencent got into a bidding war I don't think Sony would come out on top.
@theMEGAniggle Good thing capitalism works for all of us, right? We give 'em money, they keep us entertained. Fair trade.
@Art_Vandelay capitalism is really feasible up to a certain point. However, it facilitates greed after a while and is what we’re seeing with almost every major company these days.
We give ‘em money for entertainment (fair) but these days it’s getting to be too much money with not much to justify it.
@theMEGAniggle Again: good thing we (still) live in a free society where one can choose which forms of entertainment or which companies they support based on their assessment of whether that trade is fair or not. If it's not justifiable and you are still consuming their products, then I guess it's not the company's fault. Right?
Tea leaves here just seem like Sony know they messed up with Demon's Souls, and certainly trying to help From out in anyway shape or form from here on out. I do hope they collaborate together more because FROM's gameplay is second to none, but they could use some engine help and push PS5 graphically a LOT more. Wouldn't mind a Bloodborne 2
@Omnistalgic Help From? They are helping themselves by raking in the $$$ from FromSoftware's success
Meanwhile fans are still waiting for Bloodborne Remastered on PS5 & PC...give them a bone please.
@Art_Vandelay that’s facts. However, people can still voice their opinion on the subject. You don’t have to stay silent when you don’t agree with something
From my POV, this is a waste of time for me because FromSoftware haven't made a good game since Tenchu.
@NeThZOR They could have likely had the studio be a part of WWS if they pursued them further after Demon's souls. Big difference.
@theMEGAniggle That is definitely why we're here. But what almost always happens is that people love to whine and pretend to hate the evil greedy corporation but when push comes to shove, they don't put their money where their mouth is. And hence that negativity for negativity's sake unnecessarily gets in the way of our enjoyment of this great form of entertainment.
@Art_Vandelay real talk
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