It's been such a long time since the announcement of The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, we were beginning to think it was pure vaporware. Fortunately, this notion has just been dashed by developer Crows Crows Crows — the game finally has a release date, and what's more, it's coming to both PlayStation 5 and PS4.

So, when's the big day? Well, rather aptly, Ultra Deluxe is due for release on 27th April — 4/27, some might write, which is Stanley's employee number. Pretty perfect.

For those who don't know, The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is a remaster of the cult hit adventure game that features lots of additional content over the original. A highly acclaimed title on PC, this will mark its debut on consoles, and it should in theory be the best version of the game. You play as the titular Stanley and explore his workplace while the narrator makes commentary on your every move. To say much more would veer into spoiler territory — it's one of those where the less you know, the better.

Anyway, we're excited to play this on PlayStation at last, and the addition of a PS5 version is a pleasant surprise. Will you be checking out The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe? Tell us a tale in the comments section below.
